Blockchain solutions for the energy transition Experimental evidence and policy recommendations Fulli G., Nai Fovino I. Andreadou N., Geneiatakis D., Giuliani R., Joanny G., Kotsakis V., Kounelis I., Lucas A., Martin T., O Neill G., Sachy M., Soupionis Y., Steri G. 2022 EUR 31008 EN ABOUT JRC This publication is a Science for Policy report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use that might be made of this publication. For information on the methodology and quality underlying the data used in this publication for which the source is neither Eurostat nor other Commission services, users should contact the referenced source. The designations employed and the presentation of material on the maps do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the European Union concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Contact information: jrc-e3-secretariat@ec.europa.eu EU Science Hub: https://joint-research-centre.ec.europa.eu/ JRC128651 EUR 31008 EN PDF ISBN 978-92-76-49089-0 ISSN 1831-9424 doi:10.2760/62246 Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022 © European Union, 2022 The reuse policy of the European Commission is implemented by the Commission Decision 2011/833/EU of 12 December 2011 on the reuse of Commission documents (OJ L 330, 14.12.2011, p. 39). Except otherwise noted, the reuse of this document is authorised under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This means that reuse is allowed provided appropriate credit is given and any changes are indicated. For any use or reproduction of photos or other material that is not owned by the EU, permission must be sought directly from the copyright holders. All content © European Union, 2022 How to cite this report: Fulli G., Nai Fovino I. Andreadou N., Geneiatakis D., Giuliani R., Joanny G., Kotsakis V., Kounelis I., Lucas A., Martin T., O Neill G., Sachy M., Soupionis Y., Steri G., Blockchain solutions for the energy transition: experimental evidence and policy recommendations, EUR 31008 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2022, ISBN 978-92-76-49089-0, doi:10.2760/62246, JRC128651.TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1 ABSTRACT 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 1. INTRODUCTION 6 2. WHAT IS ENERGY DIGITALISATION AND WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? 7 2.1 Impact of digitalisation on energy demand 8 2.2 Impact of digitalisation on power supply 9 2.3 Impact of full digital interconnection of energy systems 9 3. BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGIES, DIGITAL DECADE AND GREEN DEAL 10 4. HOW BLOCKCHAIN CAN SUPPORT ENERGY DIGITALISATION 14 5. ENERGY INDUSTRY BLOCKCHAIN PILOTING LANDSCAPE 15 6. MOST PROMISING USE-CASES AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS 19 6.1 Smart metering, billing and security 20 6.2 Fostering of energy communities 20 6.3 Certification of origin of energy production 22 6.4 Support the implementation of flexibility services 23 6.5 Electro mobility scenarios 24 6.6 Use-Case deployment and results 25 7. CONCLUSIONS 28 7.1 Trends, issues and lessons learned 28 7.2 Policy and regulatory recommendations 30 7.3 Final remarks 33 REFERENCES 34 List of abbreviations 36 List of figures 37 I1 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank our DG ENER colleagues, Manuel Sanchez Jimenez and Constantina Filiou, for inviting us to undertake this interesting and challenging project. We also wish to thank our EC colleagues Charles Cleret de Langavant (ENER), Lukas Repa (CNECT), Enrique Aresti Gutierrez and Luis Miguel Vega Fidalgo (GROW), Helena Hernnas (ECFIN), Alexandru Ciungu (ECFIN) and Asa Linden Ohannesson (ECFIN) for their comments and feedback provided at different stages of drafting of this document. Our gratitude goes also to Marcelo Masera and Jean-Pierre Nordvik (JRC) for their continuous support throughout the whole project execution. Finally, thanks to other JRC colleagues Carine Nieuweling, Dimitrios Thomas and Anna Mengolini for their assistance, comments and insights, and Massimiliano Gusmini for his graphic design support. Authors Editing team: Igor Nai Fovino, Gianluca Fulli, Gillian O Neill Project team: Nikoleta Andreadou, Dimitrios Geneiatakis, Raimondo Giuliani, Geraldine Joanny, Vangelis Kotsakis, Ioannis Kounelis, Alexandre Lucas, Tania Martin, Marco Sachy, Yannis Soupionis, Gary Steri,2 2 ABSTRACT This report summarises the main outcomes of several experimental studies carried out by the Joint Research Centre on blockchain solutions for energy systems. It presents considerations and recommendations for European policymakers regarding blockchain deployment across the energy value chain. The outcomes of this report come from a multi-year project funded through an explicit request of the European Parliament to the European Commission, with experiments conducted in the Joint Research Centre smart grids and cybersecurity laboratories.3 3 Europe’s future will be strongly influenced by the successful achievement of the twin digital and green transitions. The Covid-19 pandemic crisis has clearly magnified the role that digital and energy technologies have on people, businesses and the economy. We saw how heavily we rely on digital and energy solutions to enable us to telework, heat our homes, manage our hospitals, and run our businesses. Monitoring the evolution of digital technologies to identify the most promising and disruptive ones is of primary importance in the effort to support and speed up the race of the European Union towards a greener and more sustainable future. An emerging technology to support the twin digital and green transitions Among the many digital technologies in use and in development, blockchain technologies ¹ are proving that they have a lot to offer in supporting and streamlining evidence-based decision-making in the fields of climate and sustainable energy. Blockchain can be imagined as an electronic register distributed over a myriad of computers and nodes, where each node can update and store a copy of the register. Some reasons why blockchain is appealing for applications in the climate and energy sectors are: • Disintermediation: Currently most of the worlds’ financial, energy and other operations are enabled by intermediaries such as banks and market operators. Blockchain removes the need for such trusted third parties to oversee and validate information/value exchanges. • Transparency and verifiability: transactions re- corded on a blockchain are able to be checked independently. Illicit transactions are detected and excluded from the blockchain, rendering it impossible for the parties involved to perform malicious operations. • Immutability and security: it is almost impos- sible to modify or tamper with information recorded on a blockchain (even when many nodes are attacked at the same time). State-of-play of blockchain in the energy sector In 2018, the European Parliament requested the Commission to investigate the impact of blockchain on the energy sector. The Joint Research Centre (the European Commission’s science and knowledge service) consequently conducted a desktop and experimental project analysis of how blockchain can enable, and potentially revolutionise, the energy market and system operations. The study found that: • there is a clear interest among energy and digital industries to exploit the po- tential of blockchain. Pilots and use-cas- es are already flourishing all around Europe. In-house tests on technological performanc- es and scalability confirmed the potential for these industries to use blockchain. However, consumers are not yet fully engaged in digital energy projects and independent aggregators still face entry barriers to participate in electricity markets. • The sustainability and the energy foot- print of blockchain is a heavily debated, but not always well-analysed, issue. • Blockchain applications for higher-level energy system functionalities (i.e. appli- cations running on layers not dealing with physical power grid operations) are more numerous and mature. • Blockchain applications linked to energy sys- tem operations (i.e. directly impacting phys- ical power grids operations, such as power dispatching) are instead less developed. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ¹ Throughout this report, we use the sub-set term ‘blockchain’ instead of the more comprehensive term ‘Distributed Ledger Technology’, DLT. A blockchain is a chain of data blocks serially interconnected one after the other, whereas DLT includes other data architectures beyond the chain of blocks, such as graphs and other solutions. We use this simplification because most of the DLT applications, also in the energy sector, are based on blockchain. NOTES4 4 Security, privacy & identity • Requirements to ensure that blockchain appli- cations maintain adequate cybersecurity and electricity supply security levels should be de- fined. • Mechanisms to safeguard data security and integrity should be further developed. • Data should be protected ‘by design’ and shared only as needed to activate consented blockchain-enabled services. • Effective integration strategies between data protection and cybersecurity initiatives are needed. • The resilience and security of modern tele- communication networks and the Internet should be assessed, from a cybersecurity per- spective, for the impact of energy digitalisa- tion. • Cybersecurity certification schemes should increasingly cover both the domain of block- chain core infrastructure and the domain of end user applications and devices (e.g. Inter- net of Things). • Strong authentication schemes should be em- bedded in the design of blockchain solutions. This is mainly due to lack of adequate guar- antees in terms of safety, certification, and standardisation. • Blockchain shows high potential for use as the distributed driving brain of an ener- gy community. Blockchain appears suited to support the financial settlement of energy transactions, energy trading in local or wider markets, energy management and flexibility services provisioning, and several certification and billing processes. • Adequate and interoperable smart meter- ing infrastructure is indispensable for the activation of blockchain services for energy communities and peer-to-peer energy trading. Recommendations presented by cluster During the study, it became clear that several aspects and interfaces must still be clarified to successfully govern the introduction of blockchain-based electricity delivery options and services. To this end, drawing upon the desktop and experimental research conducted, the following clusters of recommendations to address emerging trends and issues were identified: Recommendations by cluster towards blockchain deployment for energy transition Source: EC5 5 technologies, including blockchain, in the energy sector. While the Digital Transformation is a key enabler to reach the Green Deal objectives, a consistent approach in the regulation of several cross-cutting sectors (energy, transport, finance etc.) is equally needed. It remains to be seen to what extent blockchain can support or subvert business models in the transitioning electricity systems and markets. Indeed, blockchain represents only one of the enabling technologies of power system innovation, to be combined with other digital technologies, such as including Artificial Intelligence, big data, and Internet of Things, to achieve the climate-neutrality and sustainability targets. The Joint Research Centre smart grids and cybersecurity laboratories stand ready to scale- up their research activities in support of policy decision making and identifying critical issues in the deployment of blockchain and other emerging digital and energy technologies. Data access, liability and markets • Robust energy data hubs/platforms, with agreed rules for data access and use, should be designed. • Market rules should be adapted to take into account the emergence of new ‘automated agent’ actors. • Decentralised responsibilities of electricity supply and delivery should be clearly defined and allocated. Fairness and acceptance • Fairness should be a guiding principle for de- signing more decentralised energy markets not discriminating any player, be they people or businesses. • Consumers should be further involved and in- centivised to invest in blockchain projects. • A balance should be found between consumer empowerment and protection. Scalability and sustainability • The EU and national legislators should keep developing a comprehensive pro-innovation legal framework for digital applications. • Regulatory experimentations should be fur- ther adopted. • Analyses on the energy footprint of the block- chain solutions under testing/deployment should always accompany the studies on the scalability and performance requirements. Interoperability and standards • The EU and Member States stakeholders should continue their involvement in the work of international standard organisations. • Proper standards and interoperability of blockchain-enabled devices (including meters, sensors, and appliances) should be promoted. Next steps for the EU to exploit blockchain for energy The EU and national legislators are encouraged to keep developing a comprehensive pro- innovation legal framework for digital applications, also better regulating blockchain- enabled digital assets and smart contracts. The EC Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan represents a powerful toolbox to implement actions for a wider deployment of digital Blockchain technology can enable, and potentially revolutionise, the energy market6 6 This report is a summary of the in-depth two year study. It does not present the details of the scientific experiments and results obtained, for which the related technical reports [1][2][3] [24] can be consulted. Instead, it offers a high- level view of the possible use of blockchain technologies in the energy sector, reflecting on potential advantages and policy needs. Europe’s future will be strongly influenced by the successful achievement of the twin digital and green transitions. Identifying and embracing potential new technologies can help every European citizen to benefit from digital opportunities. In addition, these transitions will increase the EU’s resilience by reducing dependency on third countries, influence the EU’s global positioning on the global stage, and help the EU to reach targeted sustainability goals. Blockchain (a subset of distributed ledger technologies, see also footnote 1 in the Executive Summary) has been identified as being potentially