Christopher Dunn-政策和标准在支持英国绿色能源与建筑发展中的作用
第26届联合国气候变化大会(COP26) The Gap 差距 1. GtCO₂e= Gigatonesof equivalent Carbon Dioxide. The net total GHG emisions (includes negative emisions levers) 2. Asumes implementation of current Paris pledges including conditional NDCs implemented. 3. GDP in 2010 USD Sources: UN Global Emisions Gap 2018; World Bank 0 30 20 20252015 2020 2030 10 60 40 50 70 GtCO₂e 1 1.5°C 2°C NDCs 2 Curent Policies 35 GtCO₂e Curent policies Gap to 2°C by 2030 达到2030年 全球平均气 温上升幅度 在2摄氏度内 的缺口 29 GtCO₂e with ful NDCs The UK has performed strongly to date in cutting emisions while growing the econoy 迄今为止,英国在减排和经济增长方面均表现强劲 •Decarbonisedour economyfastest in the G20 since 200. 自2000年以来,在20国集团中英国 的经济脱碳速度最快。 •Emissions have falen 43% since 1990 自1990年以来,英国的碳排放量下降了 43%。 •… and emissions per capitahave halved(from 14tCO2e to 7tCO2e respectively) 人均排放量减半(从14tCO2e 减至 7tCO2e ) UK vs Rest of G7 GDP and Emissions 英国和其他七国集团国家GDP与排放量的对比 40 200 19901995 2020 160 20052000 20152010 80 120 Index (190=10) Rest of G7 GDP +65% UK GDP +73% Rest of G7 emissions -2% UK emissions -42% UK RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY -Renewables Obligation (RO) -Contracts for Diference (CfD) -Feed-in Tariff (FiT) UK RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY UK RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY UK RENEWABLE ENERGY POLICY UK ENERGY EFICIENCY POLICY -Energy Company Obligation (ECO) •2.8 milion measures instaled in around 2.2 milion properties through the Energy Company Obligation (2013-2020) •65% of measures have ben insulation, including cavity wal insulation (33%), loft insulation (2%), solid wal insulation (7%) •The remainder are mostly heating measures, with 23% boiler replacement •Provisional estimated lifetime carbon savings of measures instaled by the end of March 2020 was 51.3 MtCO2 with estimated lifetime energy savings up to 198,20 GWh. - UK ENERGY EFICIENCY POLICY -Future Homes Standard - COP26 Product Eficiency Initiative —Objectives Double the eficiency of key products sold globaly by 2030 – motors, air conditioners, refrigerators, lighting Suport the delivery of crucial national climate change targets Provide consumers and busineses with more eficient products that are affordable andcost-effectiveto own and operate Stimulate innovationand provide businesses with export opportunities Promote a dual course of action making products both energy efficient and climate friendly byreducing the use of refrigerants in coling apliances Improving product efficiency can have a positive impact on a number of sectors, but buildings the most prominent •Buildings and construction are responsible for almost 40% of global energy- related CO 2 emisions •The sector acounts for more than a third of global final energy consumption •Domestic apliances are the bigest drivers of growth in residential electricity demand in the Stated Policies Scenario from the IEA to 2040 •In Africa, space coolers are expected to increase in quantity six-fold by 2040 –ensuring effective product efficiency policy can mitigate emisions Source: Adapted from IEA (2019), World Energy Statistics and Balances (database)/ETP (buildings model) Industrial Motors Room air conditioners Lighting Heavy Industry Buildings Refrigerators •There are four levels of eficiency in motors –ranging from IE1 as the least efficient models to IE4 as the highest clasification. Motors already have a valuable internationaly-harmonisedsystem of classification in place. •41 countries representing 76% of energy consumed through motor systems have workedto transform their national markets to eficiency standard IE2 or abovefor motors *. However, more work is neded. Partners: