2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report June 2018 Independent Statistics & Analysis www.eia.gov U.S. Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 每日免费获取报告 1、每日微信群内分享 5+最新重磅报告; 2、每日分享当日 华尔街日报 、金融时报; 3、每周分享 经济学人 4、每月汇总 500+份当月重磅报告 (增值服务) 扫一扫二维码 关注公号 回复 : 研究报告 加入“起点财经”微信群。 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report ii This report was prepared by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. By law, EIA’s data, analyses, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States Government. The views in this report therefore should not be construed as representing those of the U.S. Department of Energy or other federal agencies. June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 1 Table 1. U.S. photovoltaic industry status, 2018 NOT PUBLISHED AT MONTHLY LEVEL June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 2 Table 2. Value and average value of photovoltaic module shipments, 2018 SEE TABLE 3 June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 3 Table 3. Annual photovoltaic module shipments, 2006-2018 (peak kilowatts) Year/Month Total Shipments Value Average Value peak kilowatts thousand dollars dollars per peak watt 2006 320,208 $1,120,728 $3.50 2007 494,148 $1,665,279 $3.37 2008 920,693 $3,213,219 $3.49 2009 1,188,879 $3,316,972 $2.79 2010 2,644,498 $5,192,670 $1.96 2011 3,772,075 $5,990,348 $1.59 2012 4,655,005 $5,341,383 $1.15 2013 4,984,881 $3,754,813 $0.75 2014 6,237,524 $5,425,418 $0.87 2015 9,942,978 $7,014,257 $0.71 2016 13,451,187 $9,701,365 $0.72 2017* January 346,090 $184,038 $0.53 February 398,494 $158,925 $0.40 March 847,859 $558,244 $0.66 April 636,679 $269,648 $0.42 May 573,400 $259,115 $0.45 June 874,889 $411,763 $0.47 July 838,412 $343,328 $0.41 August 1,065,969 $554,272 $0.52 September 1,110,193 $513,452 $0.46 October 1,243,893 $515,002 $0.41 November 1,228,391 $582,586 $0.47 December 991,623 $489,164 $0.49 2018* January 579,754 $266,129 $0.46 February 461,531 $193,790 $0.42 March 523,470 $227,179 $0.43 April 265,907 $137,712 $0.52 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63B, Monthly Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report. Note: Includes both U.S. Shipments and Exports. . *2017 and 2018 monthly data are based on a subset of the largest manufacturers representing approximately 90 percent of the previous year s total shipments. June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 4 Table 4. Average value of photovoltaic modules (dollars per peak watt), 2018 SEE TABLE 3 June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 5 Table 5. Source and disposition of photovoltaic cell shipments, 2018 NO LONGER PUBLISHED AS OF 2016 June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 6 Table 6. Source and disposition of photovoltaic module shipments, 2018 (peak kilowatts) Month Source Disposition Imported During Reporting Month U.S. Shipments and Sales to U.S. OEM* for Resale Export Shipments Total Shipments January 544,633 571,372 8,382 579,754 February 407,308 W W 461,531 March 301,878 W W 523,470 April 269,771 251,529 14,378 265,907 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63B, Monthly Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report. *OEM is Original Equipment Manufacturer *2018 monthly data are based on a subset of the largest manufacturers representing approximately 90 percent of the previous year s total shipments. W = Withheld to protect sensitive data. June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 7 Table 7. Photovoltaic module import shipments by country, 2018 IMPORTS AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL ARE PUBLISHED IN TABLE 6. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN CANNOT BE PUBLISHED IN ORDER TO PROTECT INDIVIDUAL COMPANY DATA. June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 8 Table 8. Destination of photovoltaic module export shipments, 2018 EXPORTS AT NATIONAL LEVEL ARE PUBLISHED IN TABLE 6. DESTINATION COUNTRY CANNOT BE PUBLISHED IN ORDER TO PROTECT INDIVIDUAL COMPANY DATA. June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 9 Table 9. U.S. photovoltaic module shipments by state/territory, 2018 (peak kilowatts) January February March April State Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Alabama W W W W W W W W Alaska W W W W W W W W Arkansas W W W W W W W W Arizona 35,888 6% 66,045 W 13,640 W 4,003 2% California 170,449 30% 175,797 W 145,259 W 68,694 27% Colorado 3,810 1% 11,269 W 4,720 W 702 0% Connecticut 4,844 1% 10,260 W 5,818 W 1,904 1% District of Columbia W W W W W W W W Delaware W W W W W W W W Florida 5,094 1% 5,031 W 69,981 W 26,957 11% Georgia 8,586 2% W W W W W W Guam W W W W W W W W Hawaii 4,137 1% 1,678 W W W W W Iowa W W W W W W W W Idaho W W W W W W W W Illinois W W W W 836 W 308 0% Indiana W W W W W W 606 0% Kansas W W W W W W W W Kentucky W W W W W W W W Louisiana W W W W W W W W Massachusetts 17,949 3% 20,782 W 37,316 W 15,775 6% Maryland 4,936 1% 17,774 W 13,587 W 555 0% Maine W W W W W W W W Michigan W W W W W W W W Minnesota W W W W W W 13,591 5% Missouri W W W W W W W W Mississippi W W W W W W W W Montana W W W W W W W W Nebraska W W W W W W W W New Hampshire W W W W W W W W New Jersey 23,790 4% 27,367 W 37,654 W 14,807 6% New Mexico 940 0% 2,346 W W W W W New York 11,129 2% 11,699 W 12,162 W 9,618 4% Nevada 1,778 0% 4,877 W 4,851 W 700 0% North Carolina 75,514 13% 15,000 W 9,845 W W W North Dakota W W W W W W W W Ohio W W W W W W W W Oklahoma W W W W W W W W Oregon 2,026 0% 1,882 W 1,642 W 1,027 0% Pennsylvania W W W W 6,889 W W W Puerto Rico W W W W W W W W Rhode Island W W W W W W W W South Carolina 8,842 2% W W W W W W South Dakota W W W W W W W W Tennessee W W W W W W W W Texas 27,436 5% 4,670 W 8,886 W 2,406 1% Utah W W W W 2,403 W W W Vermont W W W W W W W W Virginia W W W W W W W W Washington 666 0% 1,411 W 382 W W W June 2018 U.S. Energy Information Administration | 2018 Monthly Solar Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report 10 Table 9. U.S. photovoltaic module shipments by state/territory, 2018 (peak kilowatts) January February March April State Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Total % of U.S. total Wisconsin W W W W 587 W W W West Virginia W W W W W W W W Wyoming W W W W W W W W Total** 571,372 100% W W W W 251,529 100% Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63B, Annual Photovoltaic Module Shipments Report. *2018 monthly data are based on a subset of the largest manufacturers representing approximately 90 percent of the previous year s total shipments. ** Totals include both Shipments to U.S. by State and Sales to O.E.M. for Resale W = Withheld to protect sensitive data.