G robust construction formaximum precision of thefinished product: mandatoryrequirements of a fully automa-ted heavy-duty grindingmachine.G&N has made it possible withits patented plunge grindingmethod.GenauigkeitsMaschinenbauNü rnberg GmbHGrindingMachinesDimensions in mmSpecficationsThe Grinding CycleMinimum Damage Depth andMaximum Stock Removal.After a 180 ° rotation of thetable, the wafer is located inthe grinding position under thegrinding wheel. Now the G&Nplunge-grinding cycle, descri-bed earlier, begins.Shortly before the program-med wafer thickness isreached, the downfeed stops.While the table rotates slowly,the wafer is finish ground byan additional outer grindingring which projects downslightly beyond the face of themain grinding wheel.This operation provides thefinishing grind to produce thedesired thickness. Surfacefinish and damage depth canbe improved significantly, if theouter ring utilized is of a finerdiamond grit size.The High-Pressure Cleaning StationUltraclean Wafers – a Basic Requirement for Subsequent Processing Operations188014301940The grinding process can beoptimally matched to the wafermaterial and the specifiedsurface quality.Every wafer is checked uponleaving the grinding wheel forfinal thickness.The rotary table dwells brieflyfor the measuring cycle.Two inductive sensors arelowered pneumatically, oneonto the finished back of thewafer, the other onto a refe-rence surface on the rotarytable. The thickness of thewafer is measured as thedifference.The surface of the vacuumchucking station is cleanedafter every grinding cycle.Grinding residue is washedaway with water pressurethrough the porous ceramicchucking surface from below.Cleaning of the Workholding SurfaceMaximum CleanlinessPrevents Breakage and MicrocracksTYPICAL VALUES ASSUMING 100 MM DIAMETER WAFERGrinding capacity 60 wafers/hParallelism < 3 μmThickness spread <± 3 μmSurface finish CLA 0.06 – 0.6 μmDamage depth 4 – 11 μmStock removal rate 500 – 1000 μ m/minMACHINEWafer diameter 50.8 (2 inches) – 150 mmStorage capacity 75 wafers (3 cassettes)Grinding wheel 400 mm (16“) max. diameter(cup) 164 mm (6.5“) max. rim widthGrinding spindle electric grinding spindle TSEV 160 s x 400,A.C. motor 220/380 V, 4 kW (5.5 HP) 1450 rpmand life-time grease lubrication (maintenance-free)Fine feed feed rate 0.1 – 50 mm/min (.004-2 in)Rotary table: diameter 490 mm (19.5“)2 vacuum-operated clamping stations, table speed: 0.05 – 30 rpmELECTRICAL CONTROLFine feed and rotary table axis 3-axis CNCControl of wafer handling PC adaptive controland auxiliary functions (freely programmable)CONNECTION DATATotal connected load 8kWPower supply (alternative data on request) 220/380 V, 50 Hzwater supply ? inch connections for inlet and dischargeCompressed air 4 – 6 bar (60 – 90 psi)In addition, a rotary brush isutilized to thoroughly clean thechucking surface.As a result, the next wafer isplaced on a clean and dryceramic surface.Water is sprayed at highpressure through a fine nozzleonto the finished surface ofthe rotating wafer.Subsequently, the wafer isspun at a very high speed tothrow off any residual water. Inaddition, an air stream assistsrapid drying.The ElectronicControl SystemA Logical Concept withFeedback and Fault Display –Provides Additional Assuranceof the Highest Quality Leveland Facilitates Easy Operati-on.The precision and automatedoperating cycle of the complexMPS T500 would not bepossible without a sophistica-ted electronic control system:a 3 axes CNC system forcontrolling the movements ofthe grinding spindle and therotary indexing table as well asa freely programmable PCcontrol for all other machinefunctions. Consistent feedbackafter each event and thedisplay of any faults or inter-ruptions in the cycle, substan-tially reduce the element ofhuman error. Consequently,optimum production perfor-mance and consistency ofquality level is ensured, evenin a multiple shift workingenvironment.G&N GmbH, Wetterkreuz 35, 91058 ErlangenTelefon: +49 9131 7576-0, Telefax: +49 9131 771291, E-Mail: info@grinders.de, WWW: http://www.grinders.de