Low-Carbon Energy Transition in Shanxi: Experience and Lessons from Regional Coal Transitions in Germany ¤Tº[ ÀÄ é ÷¯ @ø¦ V Ф @øú ï\ # www.energypartnership.cn 51 Þ Þ ]ç7-$À 8 $ J R U D7-$ÀE »Aê 版本说明 《德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示》 在中德能源转型研究项目框架内发布。中德能源转型研 究项目是在中国国家能源局与德国联邦经济和气候保护 部(BMWK)的指导和支持下,由德国国际合作机构 (GIZ)作为德方牵头机构,与Agora 能源转型论坛和德 国能源署(dena)联合中方相关合作伙伴共同实施。该 报告结合山西的能源转型现状,为读者介绍了四个德国煤 炭产区能源转型的案例,通过分析两国煤炭产区转型的特 点与转型中的经验教训,为关注山西及中国其他煤炭产区 的能源转型工作者们提供参考借鉴。 ■ 项目负责人 Christoph Both,德国国际合作机构 ■ 研究负责人 杨舟,Agora能源转型论坛 ■ 作者 涂建军、杨舟、Nga Ngo Thuy Agora能源转型论坛 ■ 致谢 Agora能源转型论坛是中德能源转型二期项目的 德方执行机构之一。在德国国际合作机构的支持 下,Agora能源转型论坛在2021年与2022年分别举办 了两届中欧清洁能源转型国际研讨会。两届中欧研讨 会作为太原能源低碳发展论坛的唯一国际分论坛,在 国内外取得了不错的反响。与会嘉宾的慷慨分享与积 极讨论对本报告的研究有十分重要的贡献。报告作者 对此表示诚挚感谢。 此外,本报告的研究得到了Agora能源转型论坛同仁 们的大力支持,他们是:Markus Steigenberger, Marianna Morra-Skryabina、林丽雪、张润、尹 明、王立和魏斯琴。 同时,报告作者也非常感谢孟伟、钱俊成和刘芳菲对 两届中欧清洁能源转型国际研讨会的全力支持,以及 在报告研究过程中提供的协助和贡献。 ■ 图片来源 BMWK/封面 Unsplash/ Cajeo Zhang (p.6) Unsplash/ Diego PH (p.15) Unsplash/ Etienne Girardet (p.18) Unsplash/ Dan Freeman (p.32) 2 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 英文执行摘要 Executive Summary With abundant coal resources, China’s Shanxi province has produced nearly one quar- ter of China’s cumulative coal output since the proclamation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, making it one of the most important coal bases in the country. As China’s largest coal producing province, Shanxi’s annual coal production has exceeded one bil- lion tons for the second year in a row since 2020. In the international context, Shanxi’s annual coal production is 47% higher than that of India, the world’s second-largest coal-producing country. Not surprisingly, Shanxi’s coal transition not only serves as an exemplar of China’s energy transformation, but is also where the bottleneck lies. The successful transition of Shanxi’s coal industry is of great significance to climate agen- das not only in China but also other parts of the world. The State Council of China designated Shanxi province to drastically transform itself from a “giant coal miner” to a “pioneer in the energy revolution.” Energy transition in Shanxi is a process combining the economic, social, and ecological transformation of a resource-reliant economy. This daunting task extends far beyond the energy sector, involving a wide range of fields such as economy and society, such as the livelihoods of people and communities in coal producing regions. Given the enormous difficulty and complexity of this transformation, structural changes in Shanxi would not be achiev- able without efficient governance, effective cooperation between central and local gov- ernments, and win-win international cooperation in place. Germany, similarly to Shanxi, used to largely depend on coal. The post-war econom- ic boom in Germany (Wirtschaftswunder) was mainly fueled by hard coal mined in the states of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Saarland. Coal once accounted for more than 60% of German primary energy consumption, and 600,000 people were employed in the hard coal mining industry. Historically, the German coal industry and its employees were held in high regard by society as a whole, and public perception towards the coal value chain was rather positive, especially in coal producing regions. Even when its out- put and related employment started to decline, coal was still commonly recognized as a key pillar that contributed to regional economic growth. From the golden era of coal to the legislation of coal phasing-out (1950-2020), Germa- ny’s long goodbye to coal has lasted for more than half a century. The ongoing energy crisis exacerbated by the Russo-Ukrainian war led to a tightening demand-supply bal- ance of natural gas, which was once regarded as a key “bridging fuel” in support of Ger- man energy transition (Energiewende). Inevitably, in the short term the Energiewende has been bound to a certain extent with ensuring national energy security, which took center stage and became a top priority in many countries including both Germany and China. Therefore, Sino-German energy and climate cooperation, especially at the re- gional level, has crucial importance to advance the global energy transition agenda in the era of rising geopolitical rivalry. With three case studies at the local level and one policy instrument at the national lev- el, this report strives to share selective experience and lessons learned from the Ener- giewende (see figure below), aiming to shed light on how similar transition in Shanxi and beyond may unfold in the years to come. 3 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 Figure: Four case studies in the report Baden- Württemb erg Niedersachsen Bremen Berlin Schleswig-Holstein Mecklenburg - Vorpommern Saarland Rheinland- Pfalz Hessen Thuringia Saxony-Anhalt Brandenburg Sachsen Hamburg Bavaria Nordrhein- Westfalen Schönau Lusatia Ruhr area National Case | Community energy cooperative What to learn | Involve citizens into Energiewende Case | Lusatian Lake District What to learn | Turning old mines into tourist hotspots Case | Strengthen local education and research capacity What to learn | Change regional identity recognition through education Case | Coal-exit auction What to learn | Efficient market-based policy tools ● Schönau: In Schönau, there is a community energy cooperative, EWS (Elektrizitäts- werke Schönau). Founded by 650 citizens in 1990s, EWS was the first power pro- ducer to supply 100% renewables in Germany. EWS is currently owned by more than 6,500 members and serves about 185,000 residential and corporate clients. EWS is a successful story of citizen engagement in the Energiewende. Citizen energy coop- eratives such as EWS not only favor the development of micro to small sustainable energy projects in remote and rural areas, but also allow locals to directly benefit from the energy transition process, thus ensuring positive recognition and a better understanding of low-carbon development at the grassroots level. Implications for Shanxi: To promote large-scale deployment of renewables, coal-re- liant regions should consider breaking the monopoly status enjoyed by large corpo- rations in the energy markets, and encourage market competition by engaging in- dividual citizens and private investors, thus allowing the benefits related to energy transition to be shared with a wide range of stakeholders. ● Lusatia Lake District: Lusatia is the second-largest lignite mining region in Germany. Lusatian Lake District is a project that has transformed retired coal mines into the largest artificial lakeland in Europe, the equivalent of shifting the region’s role from coal mining to dream vacation spot. The project not only rehabilitated the devastat- ed areas plagued by land degradation, but also created a new non-coal economic pil- lar for the region: tourism increased 10% annually in the lake district. Implications for Shanxi: The Lusatia Lake District project presents a useful example of division of responsibilities between the central and local governments in imple- menting energy transition projects in coal regions. In the case of Shanxi province, an effective coordination mechanism in support of energy transition and a dedicated package of medium- and long-term transformation strategies are required at the provincial level. Moreover, Shanxi is less competitive than Beijing in attracting in- vestments and a young and professional workforce. Therefore, eliminating barriers 4 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 for cross-regional development and enhancing shared prosperity across the Jing- Jin-Ji area (Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei) and its adjacent regions will be extremely beneficial in support of Shanxi’s transformation. ● Ruhr area: The energy transition of the Ruhr area was accompanied by a change in the local region’s identity and perception. The transition from a coal-reliant econ- omy to a knowledge-oriented one is more than an economic transformation. It also involves fundamental changes in cultural and social aspects. In retrospect, up- grading social and academic education is a key accelerator and enabler of the above changes. Implications for Shanxi: Shanxi should strengthen local innovation and the quality of its higher education by incorporating economic restructuring, energy transition, and climate change in the curricula. It is also essential to improve professional re- education and introduce climate change and energy transition to children. Empow- ering younger generations with knowledge and skills to tackle the looming climate crisis is expected to help prepare coal regions with their own visionary leaders in the future. ● Coal-exit auction: The coal-exit auction mechanism is one of the most important policy instruments adopted in Germany in 2020 to phase out coal. In general, the re- versed auction mechanism encourages coal power plants to exit as early as possible by compensating the winners in the bid. As an incentive for early decommissioning, the respective maximum prices are degressive. Implications for Shanxi: An appropriate combination of market-oriented mechanisms and administrative instruments could be useful to achieve the policy goal. In par- ticular, the so-called carrot plus stick approach, or supplementing incentives with penalties, has been extremely effective to advance a coal exit agenda. Based on these four case studies of German coal transition and the coal phase-out pol- icy framework submitted by the German Coal Commission to the federal government, a similar framework is proposed in this report for the reference of energy transition in Shanxi and other Chinese coal producing regions. As more elaboration is required to further refine the above framework with more concrete details, the research team plans to carry out follow up research, aiming to explore additional politically feasible and en- vironmentally sound policy recommendations in support of regional coal transition in Shanxi and beyond. 5 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 目录 ◆ 一 山西能源发展与转型回顾 1 1 历史回顾:山西煤炭发展历程 3 1) 建国前的山西煤炭发展史 3 2) 1949-1978:计划经济年代 3 3) 1978-2000:从“有水快流”到“统计失真” 3 4) 2000-2021:从“煤炭黄金十年”到“能源安全的压舱石” 3 2 现状:“煤老大”的华丽转身说易行难 5 3 因煤而兴,因煤而困 8 ◆ 二 山西与德国进行比较研究的重要意义 10 ◆ 三 德国能源转型案例 13 1 提升主动转型的动力:激励本地利益相关方的参与 14 1) 薛诺案例:自下而上的力量——集体共建可再生能源合作社 14 2) 成功原因 14 3) 影响与启示 15 2 新旧动能转换:非煤经济多元化带来结构性变化 16 1) 路萨提亚案例:废旧矿区旅游景点改造 16 2) 成功原因 17 3) 影响与启示 19 3 知识经济是煤炭地区转型的持久推动力 20 1) 鲁尔区案例:通过教育转变煤炭依赖心态 20 2) 成功原因 21 3) 影响和启示 22 4 通过市场导向的政策工具有效激励企业参与转型 23 1) 退煤反向竞拍机制:“胡萝卜加大棒”推进转型 23 2) 运行效果和启示 25 ◆ 四 总结 27 1 政策层面 29 2 技术支持 29 3 经济发展 29 4 社会维度 30 5 文化领域 30 ◆ 参考文献 31 一 山西能源发展与转型 回顾 2 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 煤炭是中国经济腾飞最重要的动力来源,2021年煤炭在中国一次能源消费占比56%,远高于27%的全球 平均水平,“一煤独大”迄今还是中国能源结构的真实写照。山西煤炭资源丰富,自新中国成立以来,累计生产 了全国近1/4的煤炭,这让山西成为中国最重要的能源基地之一。作为最大的产煤省,山西自2020年起煤炭产 量连续超过10亿吨大关,2021年在全国煤炭总产量的占比高达29.3%。在全球层面来看,山西一个省的煤炭产 量比全球第二大煤炭生产国印度的全国产量水平还要高出接近一半。 空气污染治理与气候变化行动方案不断升级,倒逼中国以煤炭主导的能源系统持续向安全高效、清洁低碳的 现代能源体系转型。相应的,作为煤炭主产区的山西在中国能源系统中的角色需要与时俱进地进行调整。与此同时, 作为全球最大的煤炭生产、消费和进口国以及最大的清洁能源市场,中国在全球能源系统中的角色也正在发生深 刻的变化。有鉴于此,山西煤炭转型不但是中国能源转型的缩影,而且是瓶颈之所在。毫不夸张地说,山西煤炭 转型成功与否对中国乃至全球范围的清洁能源转型都意义重大。 2017年9月,国务院发布《关于支持山西省进一步深化改革促进资源型经济转型发展的意见》,提出山西 要力争实现从“煤老大”到“能源革命排头兵”的历史性跨越。山西能源革命是该省整体资源型经济的转型,不 但是能源行业一个部门的政策挑战,还涉及社会、经济和民生等各领域的结构性调整。该任务的艰巨性和复杂性 对各利益相关方提出极高的要求,除了国家层面的顶层设计与山西本省的具体落实之外,还需要全国其他地区的 协同合作以及国际社会的共同支持。 作为全球第四大经济体的德国,其煤炭产业也曾拥有一段可圈可点的历史。东西德统一后,尤其是2000年 之后,经过一系列能源转型与环境气候治理的行动,德国国内可再生能源比重的大幅提升,煤炭在德国能源系统 中的重要性开始迅速下降。德国在2018年关闭了全国最后一座硬煤煤矿。2021年11月,新一届德国联合政府 宣布“在理想情况下”,力争到2030年实现煤炭的全面退出,这比上届政府的退煤目标提前了8年。 更积极的目标也意味着更艰巨的任务。2022年上半年,煤炭(硬煤与褐煤)仍然占德国全国一次能源消费 的18.9% 1 ,煤电也仍是德国发电结构中的第一大电源品种,2021年在全国发电量的占比为28.2%,比风电高出 5个百分点 2 。随着2022年2月俄乌冲突的全面爆发,一度被定位为能源转型“桥梁能源”的天然气供给受限、 价格暴涨,让德国的退煤进程在短期内出现了一定的反复。由此可见,德国的转型之路依旧布满了荆棘。 展望未来,正在向净零目标推进的德国和山西,虽然都面临着诸多共同的挑战,但这也为双方在煤炭转型领 域的合作提供了广阔的空间。与山西类似,德国历史上的产煤地区也是全国转型的难点和痛点。本报告通过对比 中国与德国煤炭生产地区的转型案例,分析两国煤炭产区的转型特点与成功案例背后资源条件的异同,力图为山 西省的能源转型提供值得学习借鉴的经验教训。 1 德国能源平衡工作组协会(AG Energiebilanzen). “一次能源消费 (Primary energy consumption).” 2022年8月2日. https:// ag-energiebilanzen.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/PEVQ13Druck.xlsx. 2 德国联邦能源与水利协会 (BEDW). “2021能源供应年度报告 (Die Energieversorgung 2021 Jahresbericht).” 2022年6月14日. https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/Jahresbericht_2021_UPDATE_Juni_2022.pdf. 3 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 1) 建国前的山西煤炭发展史 山西是中国最早发现和利用煤炭的地区之一,先秦时期的地理名著《山海经》记载:“孟门之山,其上多昌玉、 多金,其下多黄玉、多涅石”,“孟门之山”位于今山西吉县西部河东煤田南段,而“涅石”据考证可能即明矾煤。 隋唐时期,随着社会生产力的发展,煤业得到了封建统治者的重视,开采及应用规模日益扩大。宋元时期,山西 煤业进一步发展,成为中国重点产煤区。到了明代,山西煤炭产业链取得进一步发展,《明一统志》记载了山西 境内多个矿区。到了清代,山西煤炭开采和管理得到进一步发展,该省煤炭产品除了供应本地,还远销河南、河北、 陕西、内蒙古及北京等地。清光绪年间,中国出现洋务运动,在外国资本的影响下,山西出现了投资煤窑的热潮。 据民国初年的统计资料记载,山西平定、太原等45个县即办有煤窑240余处。到了民国23年(1934),山西 省64个产煤县有大小煤窑1,425处,全省煤炭产量高达268.6万吨。 3 2) 1949-1978:计划经济年代 1949年新中国成立时,百废待兴,山西省煤矿总数虽然达到3,671处,但当年产量只有267万吨。这段时 期,国家开始直接管理和计划煤炭企业的生产和建设,包括山西在内的全国煤炭生产建设逐步恢复并走上正轨。 针对煤炭工业的管理,中央政府从中央集中管理到适度下放权利,尝试了不同的管理方式;同时也对全国煤炭生 产做了分区。在山西,20世纪50年代,大同、阳泉、西山、潞安、汾西、轩岗、晋城、霍州八大矿区初具规模、 八大矿务局全部组建。 4 60-70年代,各大煤矿实施新建,并试点推广综合机械化采煤。全省的煤炭产量整体呈 稳步上升趋势,山西煤炭产量占全国的比重也在稳定上升,1978年,山西省煤炭产量达到9,825万吨,在全国 总产量的占比也从建国初期的12%翻番为改革开放元年的24%,并为本省建设现代化煤炭产业打下了初步基础。 3) 1978-2000:从“有水快流”到“统计失真” 改革开放以后,经济发展提速,随之带来全社会对煤炭的需求猛增。1980年,山西省煤炭企业达到3,018家, 当年煤炭产量1.21亿吨,随着中央政府作出建设山西能源基地的决策,山西的煤炭工业迅速壮大。1990年,山 西省煤炭企业数达到6,065家,当年煤炭产量2.86亿吨。上世纪90年代,国家开始逐步放开煤炭价格,煤炭 行业开始市场化,进一步推进山西煤炭产业结构和管理制度调整。“大矿大开”、“有水快流”的号召让山西的 中小煤矿全面兴起,综合机械化采煤程度在全国居首位。但到上世纪末,全国各地煤炭开采的无序发展导致了供 大于求及安全事故频繁等乱象。为此,前国家计委要求各级地方政府大规模关停当时在全国遍地开花的小煤窑。 出于对保护地方税收的考量,叠加当年在焦煤领域屡禁不止的腐败现象,国内不少产煤区以“上有政策、下有对 策”的方式消极对待以上行政指令,导致了那段时期的煤炭统计出现数据失真。以2000年的全国煤炭产量为例, 国家统计局最初发布的数据是9.98亿吨,经过2006和2010年的两次修正后的数据为13.84亿吨,两者相差 高达39%。 5 由于山西省小煤矿多、安全生产矛盾突出、煤炭资源浪费严重,山西省政府开始优化煤炭生产布局、 调整煤炭工业结构,全省煤炭产量在达到了1996年3.48亿吨的高点后开始出现阶段性的连续下滑。 4) 2000-2021:从“煤炭黄金十年”到“能源安全的压舱石” 从全国第十个(2001-2005)到第十二个(2011-2015)五年规划期间,国家对煤炭工业提出了建设大型 现代化煤矿和大型煤炭基地的要求,全国煤炭产量迅速上升,并在2002-2011年迎来煤炭的“黄金十年”。山 西的煤炭工业的机械化水平、产业集中度和集约化水平不断提高,煤炭生产量也屡创新高。黄金十年期间,全国 3 《中国煤炭志》编撰委员会. 中国煤炭志.山西卷. 北京: 中国煤炭工业出版社, 1995 4 山西科城环保产业协同创新研究院 (Coshare Environment). 山西能源发展史. 太原, 2021 5 涂建军,减排需先过“能源统计关”,《能源》, 2012年第8期72-73 1 历史回顾:山西煤炭发展历程 4 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 煤炭生产迅速向晋、蒙、陕、新四地“四大金刚”集中,四省煤炭产量占全国的比重从37%跃升至63%,其中 山西煤炭产量对全国总量的贡献维持在接近1/4的水平(见图1)。 图 1 建国以来山西煤炭历年产量以及在全国总产量占比变化情况 0% 30% 60% 90% 0 4 8 12 1949 1959 1969 1979 1989 1999 2009 2019 ËB* D:X Ê R±D j - x» | /n j7-$À 8/n 4ÿP¼ ò63 | “AG0± ò7-$ÀE » x» | D:X Ê$ j 4ÿP¼ ò63 | 661./ jiFP@õ$h, 30% ê·0, 11% Ã8 f0, 9% ê2« k/ç0, 4% 8ª_È8ª_0, 2% 6â, 1% 来源:Regionalstatistik Ruhr b. 以科研创新与成果转化为抓手,大力推动本地转型。 以前文提到的格尔森基兴为例,该市曾经是重要的煤矿开采和钢铁生产重镇,在转型过程中,经历了资源型 城市普遍都会经历的“资源型诅咒”——空气污染、经济下滑、人口流失。从1960年至今,该市流失了30%的 人口。面对上述挑战,格尔森基兴开始积极谋求改变。上世纪90年代开始,当地将德国钢铁巨头蒂森(Thyssen) 的煤基路线钢铁厂改造成科学园区,并开启了以知识经济为导向的转型路线。1998年,格尔森基兴市政府发布了 一项“21世纪议程倡议”(aGEnda 21),确定了基于联合国“可持续教育发展”(Education for Sustain- able Development)准则的转型目标。在该倡议的指导下,当地启动了一系列教育项目,着力打造“学习之都” (Learning City)。 22 德国地方煤炭转型案例对山西低碳能源转型的启示 30 Innovation City Ruhr. 伯托普模范城市的评选结果 (Results of the model city of Bottrop). . https://www.innovationcity- bottrop.de/index.php?id