欧洲高温燃料电池(SOC)及其氢储能研究进展26.04.2019 I DR. QINGPING FANG (方庆平), ROLAND PETERS, PROF. LUDGER BLUM q.fang@fz-juelich.deInstitute for Electrochemical Process Engineering (德国于利希研究中心IEK-3所)9th China International Energy Storage ConferenceHangzhou, P.R. China CONTENTS 2 • Motivation and current SOC R u f = 97% 5.33 kWDC hDC,net = 62%SOE with H2O:-0.89 A/cm²@ 1260 mV; uH2O = 85% 14,9 kWDC 4,75 Nm³/h H2 h DC,net = 70%(steam + heating electrically) R. Peters, R. Deja, L. Blum, V.N. Nguyen, Q. Fang, D. Stolten, Influence of operating parameters on overall system efficiencies using solid oxide electrolysis technology, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40 (2015) 7103-7113. Electrolysis system with cathode recirculationEffect of heat supply on efficiency 外部供热对系统效率的影响 goal for LT(incl. gas compressionto 70 bar)h2 h3 h4 SUMMARY- A decarbonized energy system in the EU needs H2 energy- Electrolysis with renewable energy has long-term potential for H2 production and energy storage- Germany is leading the fuel cell and H2 activity in the EU- The EU’s current focus on fuel cell and H2 technology is to increase the TRL- SOC technology can be demonstrated in the laboratory from the cell to system level- Stable performance of SOCs demonstrated at the stack level (up to kW) SOLID OXIDE CELL (SOC) FOR STATIONARY APPLICATIONS 22 As a power generator (SOFC mode):- Highest conversion efficiency- No precious metals necessary- High waste heat temperature level (300~400°C)- High tolerance against pollutions from fuel gas- H2, CO, CH4 and other hydrocarbons as fuel are possibleAs a gas generator (SOEC mode):- Lower electrical energy demand higher electrical efficiency (with external heat supply)- CO 2 electrolysis or co-electrolysis possibleReversible mode (rSOC)- 2-in-1 system- Increased application flexibility 高温为固体氧化物电池(SOC)提供了优势,但同时也决定了其固定式的主要应用场景 23 RECHARGEABLE OXIDE BATTERY (ROB) 可充电式氧化物电池 Demonstrated:- 9~30 Ah per 80cm²- 84~95% round trip efficiency- 300 cycles without stack degradation C. M. Berger, O. Tokariev, P. Orzessek, A. Hospach, Q. Fang, M. Bram, et.al. Journal of Energy Storage 1 (2015) 54-64Q. Fang, C. M. Berger, N. H. Menzler, M. Bram, L. Blum, Journal of Power Sources 336 (2016) 91-98无需气体供应! THANKS!