CEA-INES - Anis Jouini
SHJ –The road from recent records to the PV industry adoption Anis Jouini & CEA-INES Team Outline 2 1. CEA-INES and SHJ 2. From Thin Si wafers to LCOE 3. Towards 500W Bifacial Modules 2006 – 2019 SHJ by CEA-INES From 16% to 23% with 2400 wph : 0.6%/yr 2006 20182010 2012 2014 10 FTE ƞ = 20% on 5 inch Cluster tool = 5 inch wafers (9), 50w/day 1 The move to a pilot line 1200 w/hƞ = 16%, 25 cm² Proof of concept 25 FTE ƞ = 20% on M0 35 FTE 2 Strong partnership with MB/EGP-3SUN ƞ 23% on M2 2400 wph Ready for Mass-Prodcution SHJ : The Best in Class Cells, using the pilot-line December 2018 : 23.9% on 244.27 cm2 February 2019 : 24.4% on 222.1 cm2 SHJ : Modules using SWCT technology May 2018 : 412 W for 72 Cells Module using 23.4% Average BB less cells efficiency Use of SmartWire connection technology (SWCT) • Proven industrial process & Silver metallization cost reduction (3 to 5 times) • Reduced mechanical stress & Higher robustness in order to avoid cells cracks December 2018 : 348 W for 120 Half-Cells (Equivalent 60 cells module) SHJ : A global approach Outdoor PV systems 3KWp / systems Module Pilot Line Pre-industrial line for innovative modules Automatic SWCT interconnection HJT cells Pilot Line Pre-industrial line 1500m² ISO8 clean room 2400WpH CZ Ingot/ Wafering Industrial tools Thin wafers for SHJ : Where is the limit ? 1- Material Cost reduction 10 mm $0.015 ITRPV 2018 65 µm M2 cell with edge exclusion on TCO Optimal performances btw 40 and 100 µm 1,4 g/W for 40 µm cells and 2,5 g/W for 100 µm cells Richter et al., IEEE Journal of PV (2013) The limiting factor : Voc/Cell efficiency or Automation ? 2- Flexibility : New module applications Thin wafers for SHJ : Results on pilot line 2016 & 2017 : 750mV 751.1mV (ISFH - CalTeC) Best: 752.1mV Thin wafers for SHJ : Modules results Module for PV with thin 93µm SHJ Automatic interconnection Power: 313Wp (60 cells) Potential for reducing encapsulant thickness Courtesy of ThalesAlenia & CEA INES collaboration Ultra light and flexible module 300 W/kg Ultra-Light thin Module Thin SHJ cells & specific moduling materials SHJ : a MUST to further reduce LCOE Advanced monitoring of 200 modules 3 rows of 6 systems, each having 10/12 modules in series 2 modules for individual IV-monitoring mounted next to each system 1 row for vertical modules All systems having identical DC cable length White gravel vs Green grass INES facilityfor system performance monitoring Benchmark premium module technologies vs SHJ Technology SHJ : a MUST to further reduce LCOE Benchmark premium module technologies vs SHJ Technology Key benefit N°1 : High module efficiency About 40 % of the BOS is related to $/m² leverage to reduce overall PV Plant CAPEX 50 % BO S 50 % Mo dule Cost of PV system SHJ : a worldwide common and unique platform Key Benefit N°2 : Temperature coefficient -0,25%/°C compared to -0,4%/°C Area 4.18 ha 64 String inverters of 20 kWp and 18 Industrials +4 to 4,5% 8,5% SHJ : Bifaciality added value SWCT bifacial modules result in Array Ratio gain range between 9% and 13,8% over monofacial modules. Key Benefit N°3 : Bifaciality, how much energy yield gain in our platform ? SHJ : Bifaciality added value Bifaciality, All Details matters 3 kWc BIFACIAL 30° South 3 kWc BIFACIAL 30° South Array Ratio gain can be improved of +12% (from 13 to 25% ) when modules height increases from 0.6m to 1.6m 0,6 m 1,6 m SHJ : Our Roadmap Towards 24.5% and 500 W 2018 2019 2020 412 W GBS 435 W G/G BiFi10 500 Wc Module 20,8 % Full cell -Wafer M2 SWCT Module 21,5 % Half-cell SWCT Bifi ratio 95 Module Tandem X/Si 23 % SHJ Cells 23,4 % Wafer M2 BBLess SHJ Cells 24 % Wafer M2 BBLess IXO Lower defectivity Layers/Interface improvement Improved metallization SHJ Cells 24,5 % Wafer Full Square /158,75 mm M3 ? BBLess Defectivity free Layers/Interface optimisation Improved metallization Edge recombination free … Module 22,3 % Half-cell SWCT Improved optical confinement Bifi Ratio 95 430 W GBS 460 W G/G BiFi10 455 W GBS 495 W G/G BiFi10 170 µm 130 µm150 µm • HJT technology combines several key benefits to be among the next PV generations technologies 1. Power potential well above announced public roadmaps 2. Improved energy yield due to T coefficient and bifaciality 3. Adapted to thin wafer leading to cost reduction and LCA benefit Looking for : • Industrialization of HJT technology at GW scale associated to a development Roadmap towards Tandem for 30%. • Collecting additional data regarding SHJ production yield benefits at the MW level including new features like tracking, cleaning… SHJ : A 10 GW EcoSystem is rising up For the next three years Solar for Solar…. Solar for All, Everywhere and Forever… Thank you