CEA-INES - Anis Jouini
SHJ –The road from recent records to the PV industry adoption Anis Jouini CEA-INES Team Outline 2 1. CEA-INES and SHJ 2. From Thin Si wafers to LCOE 3. Towards 500W Bifacial Modules 2006 – 2019 SHJ by CEA-INES From 16 to 23 with 2400 wph 0.6/yr 2006 20182010 2012 2014 10 FTE ƞ 20 on 5 inch Cluster tool 5 inch wafers 9, 50w/day 1 The move to a pilot line 1200 w/hƞ 16, 25 cm Proof of concept 25 FTE ƞ 20 on M0 35 FTE 2 Strong partnership with MB/EGP-3SUN ƞ 23 on M2 2400 wph Ready for Mass-Prodcution SHJ The Best in Class Cells, using the pilot-line December 2018 23.9 on 244.27 cm2 February 2019 24.4 on 222.1 cm2 SHJ Modules using SWCT technology May 2018 412 W for 72 Cells Module using 23.4 Average BB less cells efficiency Use of SmartWire connection technology SWCT Proven industrial process Silver metallization cost reduction 3 to 5 times Reduced mechanical stress Higher robustness in order to avoid cells cracks December 2018 348 W for 120 Half-Cells Equivalent 60 cells module SHJ A global approach Outdoor PV systems 3KWp / systems Module Pilot Line Pre-industrial line for innovative modules Automatic SWCT interconnection HJT cells Pilot Line Pre-industrial line 1500m ISO8 clean room 2400WpH CZ Ingot/ Wafering Industrial tools Thin wafers for SHJ Where is the limit 1- Material Cost reduction 10 mm 0.015 ITRPV 2018 65 m M2 cell with edge exclusion on TCO Optimal performances btw 40 and 100 m 1,4 g/W for 40 m cells and 2,5 g/W for 100 m cells Richter et al., IEEE Journal of PV 2013 The limiting factor Voc/Cell efficiency or Automation 2- Flexibility New module applications Thin wafers for SHJ Results on pilot line 2016 2017 750mV 751.1mV ISFH - CalTeC Best 752.1mV Thin wafers for SHJ Modules results Module for PV with thin 93m SHJ Automatic interconnection Power 313Wp 60 cells Potential for reducing encapsulant thickness Courtesy of ThalesAlenia CEA INES collaboration Ultra light and flexible module 300 W/kg Ultra-Light thin Module Thin SHJ cells specific moduling materials SHJ a MUST to further reduce LCOE Advanced monitoring of 200 modules 3 rows of 6 systems, each having 10/12 modules in series 2 modules for individual IV-monitoring mounted next to each system 1 row for vertical modules All systems having identical DC cable length White gravel vs Green grass INES facilityfor system performance monitoring Benchmark premium module technologies vs SHJ Technology SHJ a MUST to further reduce LCOE Benchmark premium module technologies vs SHJ Technology Key benefit N1 High module efficiency About 40 of the BOS is related to /m leverage to reduce overall PV Plant CAPEX 50 BO S 50 Mo dule Cost of PV system SHJ a worldwide common and unique platform Key Benefit N2 Temperature coefficient -0,25/C compared to -0,4/C Area 4.18 ha 64 String inverters of 20 kWp and 18 Industrials 4 to 4,5 8,5 SHJ Bifaciality added value SWCT bifacial modules result in Array Ratio gain range between 9 and 13,8 over monofacial modules. Key Benefit N3 Bifaciality, how much energy yield gain in our platform SHJ Bifaciality added value Bifaciality, All Details matters 3 kWc BIFACIAL 30 South 3 kWc BIFACIAL 30 South Array Ratio gain can be improved of 12 from 13 to 25 when modules height increases from 0.6m to 1.6m 0,6 m 1,6 m SHJ Our Roadmap Towards 24.5 and 500 W 2018 2019 2020 412 W GBS 435 W G/G BiFi10 500 Wc Module 20,8 Full cell -Wafer M2 SWCT Module 21,5 Half-cell SWCT Bifi ratio 95 Module Tandem X/Si 23 SHJ Cells 23,4 Wafer M2 BBLess SHJ Cells 24 Wafer M2 BBLess IXO Lower defectivity Layers/Interface improvement Improved metallization SHJ Cells 24,5 Wafer Full Square /158,75 mm M3 BBLess Defectivity free Layers/Interface optimisation Improved metallization Edge recombination free Module 22,3 Half-cell SWCT Improved optical confinement Bifi Ratio 95 430 W GBS 460 W G/G BiFi10 455 W GBS 495 W G/G BiFi10 170 m 130 m150 m HJT technology combines several key benefits to be among the next PV generations technologies 1. Power potential well above announced public roadmaps 2. Improved energy yield due to T coefficient and bifaciality 3. Adapted to thin wafer leading to cost reduction and LCA benefit Looking for Industrialization of HJT technology at GW scale associated to a development Roadmap towards Tandem for 30. Collecting additional data regarding SHJ production yield benefits at the MW level including new features like tracking, cleaning SHJ A 10 GW EcoSystem is rising up For the next three years Solar for Solar. Solar for All, Everywhere and Forever Thank you