固定式并网光伏阵列的辐射量计算与倾角优化作者: 孙韵琳 , 杜晓荣 , 王小杨 , 罗力 , Sun Yunlin , Du Xiaorong , Wang Xiaoyang,Luo Li作者单位: 中山大学电力电子与控制技术研究所 ,珠海 ,519082刊名: 太阳能学报英文刊名: ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA年,卷 (期 ): 2009,30(12)参考文献 (17条)1. Bushnell R H A solution for sunrise and sunset hour angles on a tilted surface without asingularity at zero [期刊论文] -Solar En-ergy 1982(04)2. Klein S A Calculation of monthly average insolation on tilted-surfaces [期刊论文] -Journal of SolarEnergy Engineering 1977(19)3. Yang Jinhuan;Ge Liang;Chen Zhonghua The opti-mum sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic systems [期刊论文] -ENERGY ENGINEERING 2003(05)4. Klucher T M Evaluation of models to predict insolation on tilted surfaces [期刊论文] -Journal ofSolar Energy Engineering 1979(02)5. Hay J E Calculation of monthly mean solar radiation for hori-zontal and inehned surface [期刊论文] -Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 1979(04)6. Hay J E Calculating solar radiation for inclined surfaces:practical approaches [期刊论文] -Journalof Solar Energy Engineering 1993(4-5)7. Koronakis P S On the choice of the angle of tilt for south facing solar collectors in the AthensBasin area [外文期刊 ] 1986(03)8. Yakup M A H;Malik A Q Optimum tilt angle and orienta-tion for solar collector in Brunei Darussalam[外文期刊 ] 2001(2)9. Gopinathan K K Solar radiation on variously oriented sloping surfaces [期刊论文] -Journal of SolarEnergy Engineering 1991(03)10. 广州电力缺口到底有多大? [期刊论文] -http://www.sauthcn.com/news/gdnews/sd/200607140011.htm 200811. Yang Jinhuan Analysis of optimum tilted angle for fixed pho-tovoltaic arrays [期刊论文] -ActaEnergiae Solaris Sinica 1992(01)12. Yang Jinhuan;Mao Jiajun;Chen Zhonghua Calculation of solar radiation on variously oriented tiltedsurface and opti-mum tilt angle [期刊论文] -Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University 200213. 杨金焕 ;毛家俊 ;陈中华 不同方位倾斜面上太阳辐射量及最佳倾角的计算 [期刊论文] -上海交通大学学报2002(07)14. 杨金焕 ;葛亮 ;陈中华 太阳能发电系统的最佳化设计 [期刊论文] -能源工程 2003(05)15. Klien S A;Theilacker J C An algorithm for calculating monthly-average radiation on inclinedsurfaces [期刊论文] -Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 198116. Perez R;Stewart R;Arbogast C An anisotropic hourly dif-fuse radiation model for slopingsurfaces:description,perfor-mance validation,site dependency evaluation [期刊论文] -Solar En-ergy1986(06)17. 杨金焕 固定式光伏方阵最佳倾角的分析 [期刊论文] -太阳能学报 1992(01)引证文献 (2条)1. 马慧慧 . 白连平 太阳能电池板双轴跟踪能量增效的研究 [期刊论文] -北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版)2011(5)2. 陈征 . 白连平 基于方位检测的光伏双轴跟踪控制装置设计 [期刊论文] -北京信息科技大学学报(自然科学版)2011(5)本文链接: http://d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_tynxb200912003.aspx