简介:北京北方华创微电子装备有限公司 TopCon高效电池应用及关键设备 LPCVD TopCon High-efficiency Solar Cells Applications and Key EquipmentLPCVD 王晓飞 博士 北方华创卧式炉事业单元 www.naura.com Email wangxiaofeinaura.com 2 目录 1 高效领跑者的价值追求 2 TopCon高效 电池简述 3 LPCVD在 TopCon中的应用情况 4 北方华创简介 NAURA Confidential 3 目录 1 2 TopCon高效 电池简述 3 LPCVD在 TopCon
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简介:SAME SUN. MORE POWER.™ LOWERING LCOE BY INNOVATIVE MATERIAL SOLUTIONS SNEC 4 June 2019 Jack Li – DSM Advanced Solar BRIGHT SCIENCE. BRIGHTER LIVING. Our AR coating minimizes reflection, especially at low angles of incidence. As more light is allowed to enter the panel, the power production is
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简介:1SERIS is a research institute at the National University of Singapore NUS. SERIS is supported by the National University ofSingapore NUS, National Research Foundation Singapore NRF and the Singapore Economic Development Board EDB. Analysis of LPCVD p poly-Si layer for applications in larg
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简介:Thin Oxide/poly-Si Passivation in High Efficiency c-Si Solar Cell and Manufacturing Perspective Baojie Yan 闫宝杰) Yuheng Zeng 曾俞衡) Jichun Ye 叶继春) Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology Engineering, CAS China Ningbo Institute of Industrial Technology CNITECH 1/101 太阳能及光电子器件研究团队 Outline ◆I
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简介:Applications of Tunnel Oxide Passivation and LPCVD technologies in semiconductor devices and TOPCon solar cells fabrication processes 半导体隧穿钝化技术及其工艺装备LPCVD 在半导体和光伏领域的应用 孙嵩泉 普乐新能源(蚌埠)有限公司 2019年6月5日 在半导体芯片工艺中有一层12nm的隧道层SiO2 ,此膜层的存在可以 实现量子隧穿效应,而此膜层的均匀性及结构可以直接影器件的量子隧 穿效应, 根据量子隧穿效应制造的场效应晶体管称为隧穿场效应
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简介:DuPont PV Module Reliability Program Learnings from Field Studies of Solar Panels Summer Xia, Hongjie Hu, Roy Choudhury Kaushik DuPont PV Reliability DuPont Photovoltaic and Advanced Materials SNEC2019, Shanghai, China DowDuPont Copyright 2018, All rights reserved. Will PV modules perform for 30
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简介:POE-BASED ENCAPSULANT EXTEND MODULE LIFETIMES BEYOND CURENT EXPECTATIONS 聚 烯 烃 弹 性 体 POE 封 装 膜 帮 助 延 长 组 件 寿 命 YUYAN LI 李 宇 岩 2019-06-04 ®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company “Dow” or an afiliated company of Dow 2 DOW COMPANY BRIEF INTRODUCTION 陶 氏 公 司 简 介 §Established in 1897 by Herb
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简介:Facing the challenges of bifacial and lightweight modules New material developments in front- and backsheets as valid alternatives for glass Coveme Spa Connie Pan 2019 Coveme Specialized in Plastic films and Laminates BACKSHEETS AND SPECIAL FILMS FOR PV AND SOLAR BUSINESS New opportunities for cle
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简介:2019. 06. 04. M.S. Jeong1,2, M.G. Kang1, S. Park1, J.T. Jeong1, J.I. Lee1, H. Song1 1 Korea Institute of Energy Research, 2 Korea University Ref ITRPV 2019 ▪ The front recombination current density is expected to decrease from 100 fA/cm2 to 40 fA/cm2. ▪ Emitter sheet resistance is expected to incr
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简介:2019 What is next for PERC 2019.06.05 Suzhou Talesun Solar Technologies Co.Ltd. Yue Li Outline Company Profile Technical Background SiO2Poly Application Conclusions 表明光滑平整 1、 Company Profile Cell capacity 4 Gw Module Capacity 5GW Awards 50; Patents 260 Production Plants Four Talesun Cell M
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简介:CSIQ NASDAQ Listed Mass Production Technology Advancement and Challenges in PV Guoqiang Xing, Ph.D Sr. VP and CTO, Canadian Solar SNEC, Shanghai, China June 4, 2019 2Canadian Solar Inc. Canadian Solar overview What makes CSI different Global/Local Module PV Project Development Profitability ahead
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