鍒嗕韩 涓炬姤| 纭呯墖琛屼笟鏈 澶 у叏(涓 嫳鏂囧 鐓� I-Z)鐑 寰愰潤鏂� �2009-12-31 15:03 纭呯墖琛屼笟鏈 澶 у叏(涓 嫳鏂囧 鐓� I-Z)纭呯墖琛屼笟鏈 澶 у叏(涓 嫳鏂囧 鐓� I-Z)Ingot - A cylindrical solid made of polycrystalline or single crystal silicon from which wafers are cut. 鏅堕敪 - 鐢卞 鏅舵垨鍗曟櫠褰㈡垚鐨勫渾鏌变綋锛屾櫠鍦嗙墖鐢辨鍒囧壊鑰屾垚銆� �Laser Light-Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfectionson a wafer. 婵€鍏夋暎灏�- 鐢辨櫠鍦嗙墖琛ㄩ潰缂洪櫡寮曡捣鐨勮剦鍐蹭俊鍙枫€�Lay - The main direction of surface texture on a wafer. 灞�- 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈢粨鏋勭殑涓昏 鏂瑰悜銆� �Light Point Defect (LPD) (Not preferred; see localized light-scatterer) 鍏夌偣缂洪櫡(LPD) 锛堜笉鎺ㄨ崘浣跨敤锛屽弬瑙佲€滃眬閮ㄥ厜鏁e皠鈥濓級 Lithography - The process used to transfer patterns onto wafers. 鍏夊埢 - 浠庢帺鑶滃埌鍦嗙墖杞Щ鐨勮繃绋嬨€�Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer, such as a pitor a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect. 灞€閮ㄥ厜鏁e皠 - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈢壒寰侊紝 灏 厜 暎灏 紝 � О涓 厜 枫€�Lot - Wafers of similar sizes and characteristics placed together in a shipment. - 鍏 灏 壒 х殑鏅跺渾鐗 ¡¢舵£⁄ ¥涓€涓 ƒ鐗囧§鍐currency1€� Majority Carrier - A carrier, either a hole or an electron that is dominant in aspecific region, such as electrons in an N-Type area. 澶 “杞«‹›�- 涓€fiflƒ –†锛屽¥鍗‡ 浣· 鏂¶•‚ „”»…鐢‰殑 ¿ `´›ˆ紝 鍦˜¯˘•˙¨´› €� �Mechanical Test Wafer - A silicon wafer used for testing purposes. 鏈˚ ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗� �- 鐢˝˛ ¸ 鐨ˇ櫠鍦嗙墖銆�Microroughness - Surface roughness with spacing between the impurities with a measurement of less than 100 —m. 寰 � - 灏 ˛100寰 鐨勮〃闈㈢ 鍒 €�Miller Indices, of a Crystallographic Plane - A system that utilizes three numbers to identify plan orientation in a crystal. Miller ㈡ 鏁�- 涓 鏁 “锛 敤 Æ涓 琛ª潰銆 鏁ŁØŒº 鐨勫æ鏈 悜 €�Minimal Conditions or Dimensions - The allowable conditions for determining whether or not a wafer is considered acceptable. 鏈€灏 ı浠舵垨鏂瑰悜 - 纭 鏅跺渾鐗 Øłøœß 殑鍏 Œ 銆� Minority Carrier - A carrier, either a hole or an electron that is not dominant in a specific region, such as electrons in a P-Type area. 灏戞“杞«‹›�- 鍦ㄥ崐瀵间綋Œ愭枡涓 笉‚ „”»…鐢‰殑fi诲姩鐢佃嵎锛屽¥ P¯˘•˙ ´›ˆ紝鍦˜¯˘•˙ ┖ 淬€�Mound - A raised defect on the surface of a wafer measuring more than 0.25 mm. 鍫嗗灈 - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈣秴杩�.25姣 鐨勭 枫€�Notch - An indent on the edge of a wafer used for orientation purposes. 鍑 Ы - 鏅跺渾鐗囪竟缂樹笂鐢˝˛鏅跺悜 氫綅鐨勫皬鍑 Ы銆�Orange Peel - A roughened surface that is visible to the unaided eye. 妗旂毊 - 鍙 互鐢ㄨ倝鐪 湅鍒扮殑绮楃硻琛ㄩ潰 Orthogonal Misorientation - 磋 氬悜璇樊 � - Particle - A small piece of material found on a wafer that is not connected withit. 棰楃矑 - 鏅跺渾鐗 笂鐨勭粏灏忕墿璐ㄣ€�Particle Counting - Wafers that are used to test tools for particle contamination. 棰楃矑璁$畻 - 鐢ㄦ潵 ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗囬 绮掓薄鏌撶殑 ¸ 宸ュ叿銆� �Particulate Contamination - Particles found on the surface of a wafer. They appear as bright points when a collineated light is shined on the wafer. 棰楃矑姹℃煋 - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈢殑棰楃矑銆�Pit - A non-removable imperfection found on the surface of a wafer. 娣卞 - 涓€fi嶆櫠鍦嗙墖琛ㄩ潰鏃犳硶娑堥櫎鐨勭 枫€�Point Defect - A crystal defect that is an impurity, such as a lattice vacancy or an interstitial atom. �- 涓嶇函鍑€鐨ˇ櫠缂洪櫡锛屼緥濡傛牸›愮┖缂˚垨鍘熷† 洪殭銆�Preferential Etch - 樺厛铓€鍒�- Premium Wafer - A wafer that can be used for particle counting, measuring pattern resolution in the photolithography process, and metal contamination monitoring. This wafer has very strict specifications for a specific usage, but looser specifications than the prime wafer. ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗�- 褰卞嵃杩囩▼涓 敤 庨�绮掕绠椼€佹祴 憾瑙e害 屾� 嬮噾灞炴薄鏌撶殑鏅跺渾鐗囥€傚 庡叿浣撳簲鐢ㄨ鏅跺渾鐗 涓ユ牸鐨勮�姹傦紝浣嗘Ø瑕佹瘮涓绘櫠鍦嗙墖瑕佹眰 «澗 涖€�Primary Orientation Flat - The longest flat found on the wafer. 涓诲 浣fl竟 - 鏅跺渾鐗 笂鏈€闀跨殑 氫綅杈广€�Process Test Wafer - A wafer that can be used for processes as well as area cleanliness. 鍔犲伐 ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗�- 鐢˝˛鍖 煙娓呮磥杩囩▼涓 殑鏅跺渾鐗囥€�Profilometer - A tool that is used for measuring surface topography. 琛ㄩ潰褰㈣矊 �- 涓€fi嶇敤Œユ祴 櫠鍦嗙墖琛ㄩ潰褰㈣矊鐨勫伐鍏枫€�Resistivity (Electrical) - The amount of difficulty that charged carriers have in moving throughout material. 鐢 鐢 鏂 潰锛� - Œ愭枡鍙嶆 楃´ ¥鍏 • 繃鐨 ¡fi嶇墿 嗙壒 с€�Required - The minimum specifications needed by the customer when ordering wafers. - 璁㈣ 鏅跺渾鐗 ㈡ 杈 埌鐨ˇ 灏 ß €� �Roughness - The texture found on the surface of the wafer that is spaced very closely together. 绮楃硻 �- 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈 ¡灏忕殑 ¢銆�Saw Marks - Surface irregularities £ ⁄ - 琛ㄩ潰涓fl 鍒¥€� �Scan Direction - In the flatness calculation, the direction of the subsites. ƒ鏂瑰悜 - ¢§ currency1祴 •锛屽眬閮ㄥ 闈㈢殑鏂瑰悜銆�Scanner Site Flatness - 灞€閮ㄥ 鏁 害 ƒ浠� - Scratch - A mark that is found on the wafer surface. “«‹ - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈢殑›曡fi銆�Secondary Flat - A flat that is smaller than the primary orientation flat. The position of this flat determines what type the wafer is, and also the orientation of the wafer. fl 氫綅杈� - 姣–† 氫綅杈瑰皬鐨勫 浣fl竟锛屽‡鐨 綅⁄ · 氫 鏅跺渾鐗囩殑¶诲• 屾櫠ł‚€�Shape - 褰㈢„ - Site - An area on the front surface of the wafer that has sides parallel and perpendicular to the primary orientation flat. (This area is rectangular in shape) 灞€閮ㄨ〃闈�- 鏅跺渾鐗囧”闈 笂¢» … ‰˛涓诲 浣fl竟鏂瑰悜鐨勫 ¿ €� � �Site Array - a neighboring set of sites 灞€閮ㄨ〃闈㈢`鍒�- 涓€ 诲´鐨勭ˆ鍏˜眬閮ㄨ〃闈 €� �Site Flatness - 灞€閮ㄥ 鏁�- Slip - A defect pattern of small ridges found on the surface of the wafer. 鍒¯‹ - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈 笂鐨勫皬鐨˘€犳垚鐨勭 枫€� �Smudge - A defect or contamination found on the wafer caused by fingerprints. 姹¤fi - 鏅跺渾鐗 笂˙囩¨ 犳垚鐨勭 垨姹℃煋銆�Sori - Striation - Defects or contaminations found in the shape of a helix. Œ$⁄ - ¿¨涓˚殑缂洪櫡 薄鏌¸€�Subsite, of a Site - An area found within the site, also rectangular. The centerof the subsite must be located within the original site. 灞€閮ㄥ†琛ㄩ潰 - 灞€閮ㄨ〃闈 ˝鐨勫 ¿˛紝 ˇØ— 鐨 €傚† ¶• 綅 庡 瑰˝閮ㄣ€�Surface Texture - Variations found on the real surface of the wafer that deviatefrom the reference surface. 琛ㄩ潰 ¢ - 鏅跺渾鐗囧 潰涓庡弬鑰 潰鐨勫樊寮傛 鍐 €�Test Wafer - A silicon wafer that is used in manufacturing for monitoring and testing purposes. ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗�- 鐢˝˛鐢Æ 涓 ª ¸ 鐨ˇ櫠鍦嗙墖銆�Thickness of Top Silicon Film - The distance found between the face of the top silicon film and the surface of the oxide layer. 堕 纭 鍘氬害 - 堕 纭 眰琛ㄩ潰 屾Ł鍖 眰琛ㄩ潰ØŒ殑º 銆� �Top Silicon Film - The layer of silicon on which semiconductor devices are placed. This is located on top of the insulating layer. 堕 纭 - 鐢Æ 鍗‡ 浣撶´º¨殑纭 眰锛屼綅 缂樺眰 堕 銆�Total Indicator Reading (TIR) - The smallest distance between planes on the surface of the wafer. 昏 ˙囩 傛“ (TIR) - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈 綅闈 鐨ˇ — æ €� �Virgin Test Wafer - A wafer that has not been used in manufacturing or other processes. 鍘熷 ¸ 鏅跺渾鐗� �- 杩 鏈夌敤 ı ф垨鍏 ▼涓 殑鏅跺渾鐗囥€�Void - The lack of any sort of bond (particularly a chemical bond) at the site of bonding. 鏃犳ł - 鍦ㄥ簲璇øœ ß殑鍦Ł ℃ 锛堢壒鍒 Ø鍖 锛夈€�Waves - Curves and contours found on the surface of the wafer that can be seen by the naked eye. 娉㈡氮 - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈 € 繃鑲夌溂鑳藉彂 扮殑寮 洸 屾洸 裤€�Waviness - Widely spaced imperfections on the surface of a wafer. 娉㈢¨ - 鏅跺渾鐗囪〃闈㈢粡甯 嚭 扮殑缂洪櫡銆�