简介:GERMANY ENERGY TRANSITION REQUIRES ENERGY STORAGE Robert Herzner China Director robert.Herznergtai.de www.gtai.com/cn CESS 2019 © Germany Trade BPA, 2019; clean energy wire, 2019 © Germany Trade System Prices BSW 2016; Model Calculation Deutsche Bank 2010; Electricity Prices BDEW 20
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简介:Role of Augmentation strategy in Storage Design opportunities and challenges Giacomo Mariucci Storage Design, Engineering and Construction Shenzhen, November 25th-26th, 2019 Executive Summary 1. What augmentation is 2. Augmentation technical approaches; 3. Sizing optimization and impact on warra
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简介:Dual use Batteries for Stationary Storage Benefit of Mass Produced EV’s Cormac O’Laoire, Electrios Disclaimer The statements in this presentation represent the considered views of Electrios. This presentation contains forecasts and forward looking information. Such forecasts, projections and inform
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简介:MICROGRID DEVELOPMENT IN CALIFORNIA THOMAS C. TSENG, PE. CEM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON KEY BENEFITS FROM MICROGRID Enhance Reliability and Resiliency Support Clean Energy Pathway initiatives BETE Integrate of exiting and new DER resources Reduce TD infrastructure OM Cost
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简介:N型双面高效技术及应用实证增发研究 林洋新能源研究院 田介花 目 录CONTENTS2、 N型高效双面组件实证电站增发报告 4、林洋新能源研究院 1、 N型高效双面电池技术发展路线 3、 1500VN型高效双面组件系统解决方案及平价策略 1、单晶的市场份额逐渐增大,其中 N型未来将占据 50以上的份额; 2、 N型电池组件相对 P型具有更高的转换效率和组件功率。 1. N型高效双面电池技术发展路线 P PERC双面 N TOPCON N HIT 硅片 P型 N型 N型 国内代表 乐叶,晶科,阿特斯,晶澳 林洋,天 合,中来, 英利 上澎,晋能,中智,钧石 量产平均效率 22.50 23
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简介:ENEL X e-Mobility Vehicle Grid Integration Architectures and Use Cases1 Enel ENEL Italy Europe second-by-second balancing of demand and supply Demand Charge Management Annual consumption 5200 kWh/year; Charging Power 7,4 kW; Customer behavior plug-in 6pm; plug-out 7am; **respecting your preferen
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简介:World Energy Scenarios 2019 Exploring Innovation Pathways to 2040 In Collaboration with Accenture Strategy and the Paul Scherrer InstituteABOUT THE WORLD ENERGY COUNCIL The World Energy Council is the principal impartial network of energy leaders and practitioners promoting an affordable, stable an
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简介: 专题钙钛矿光电器件与物理 钙钛矿太阳能电池研究进展 空间电势与光电转换机制* 王言博 崔丹钰 张才益 韩礼元 杨旭东† 上海交通大学, 金属基复合材料国家重点实验室, 上海 200240 2019 年4 月18日收到; 2019 年5 月29日收到修改稿 钙钛矿太阳能电池具有高光电转换效率和低成本制备的特点 , 是极具希望实现大规模应用的下一代光 伏技术 . 然而 , 对该类器件的光电转换过程的认知仍然不够清晰 , 相关研究难以直接观测器件内部的空间电 势及其对光生电荷载流子的影响 . 开尔文探针力显微镜技术能够直接探测出器件空间电势的分布 , 进而直接 反映器件工作的
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简介:PROGRESS INCHEMISTRY 化 学 进 展 DOI 10. 7536/PC181202 http / /www.progchem.ac.cn Progress in Chemistry, 2019, 31 7 1031~1043 收稿 2018 年 12 月 5 日 , 收修改稿 2019 年 4 月 2 日 , 网络出版 2019 年 4 月 26 日 * 国家自然科学基金项目 No.51772039, 21703027, 51273032, 91333104 资助 The work was supported by the National N
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