简介:See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at https//www.researchgate.net/publication/339420326 Conductive Hole-Selective Passivating Contacts for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells Article in Advanced Energy Materials · February 2020 DOI 10.1002/aenm.201903851 CITATIONS8
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简介:See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at https//www.researchgate.net/publication/348161236 Refined optoelectronic properties of silicon nanowires for improving photovoltaic properties of crystalline solar cells a simulation study Article in Journal of Materials Science
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简介:TOPICAL REVIEW OPEN ACCESS Emerging inorganic solar cell efficiency tables version 2 To cite this article Andriy Zakutayev et al 2021 J. Phys. Energy 3 032003 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP address on 28/06/2021 at 1204
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简介:ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology OPEN ACCESS ReviewDevelopment History of High Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cell From Discovery to Practical Use To cite this article Mikio Taguchi 2021 ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 10 025002 View the article online for updates and
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简介:Journal of Physics Conference Series PAPER OPEN ACCESS Explicit Numerical Model of Solar Cells to Determine Current and Voltage To cite this article M. Rasheed et al 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1795 012043 View the article online for updates and enhancements. This content was downloaded from IP a
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简介:Jinko Solar Co., Ltd. 25以上大尺寸纪录高效 TOPCon电池 晶科能源有限公司 研发总监 张昕宇 Pro 2 n型 TOPCon钝化接触技术研究前沿 n型 TOPCon钝化接触的机理已相对清晰,由于学术界和产业界的快速进步, TOPCon电池技术已成为最受关注的未来发展方向之一,被认为是潜在的下一 代主流技术路线。 3 n型 TOPCon钝化接触技术研究前沿 Fraunhofer ISE的近期研究成果受到高度关注。钝化接触正结 25.8和背结 26的 结果为量产化设定清晰目标,理论效率 28.7的模拟结果具有高度参考价值。 4 n型 TOPCon钝化接触高效电
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简介:AIP Conference Proceedings 2367, 020008 2021; https//doi.org/10.1063/5.0056060 2367, 020008 © 2021 Authors. The project »Rock-Star« The evolution of rotary printing for solar cell metallization Cite as AIP Conference Proceedings 2367, 020008 2021; https//doi.org/10.1063/5.0
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简介:See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at https//www.researchgate.net/publication/350369573 Improving Passivation Properties using a Nano-crystalline Silicon Oxide Layer for High-Efficiency TOPCon Cells Article in Infrared Physics Accepted 19 March 2021 Infrared Physics a
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简介:异质结太阳电池产业化 I-V测试 关键问题研究与解决方案 陕西众森电能科技有限公司 张鹤仙 2021年 5月 21日 无锡 晶体硅先进光伏技术和材料论坛 2021年度 春季会议 G CO NTENT 公司简介1 异质结电池测试关键问题与解决方案2 钙钛矿电池测试关键问题与解决方案3 结论4 22021/5/21 2021/5/21 3 G 1 公司简介 2021/5/21 4 G 公司简介 为全球超过 1200家光 伏企业提供优质的产 品和服务,产品远销 全球三十余国家。 . 自 2015年推出新一代 高效组件测试设备以 来,累计交付设备产 能超过 200GW。 2000年推出首台模拟器 产
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简介:低成本大尺寸高效电池及其金属 化解决方案 Advanced PV Technologies Metallization Solutions 2021年 05月 20日,无锡 ,中国 Fusion 2020 All Rights Reserved Fusion New Material, Inc 聚和股份 目录 聚和新材概况1 2 电池与金属化技术发展趋势 高效晶硅电池产品解决方案3 1 聚和新材概况 公司简介与发展历程 2 晶硅电池与金属化技术发展趋势 市场概况与 单晶高效金属化技术 3 聚和高效晶硅电池产品解决方案 产品要求 开发难点、技术路线聚焦
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简介:Chinese Physics Letters PAPER Quantum Transport across Amorphous-Crystalline Interfaces in Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact Solar Cells Direct versus Defect-Assisted Tunneling To cite this article Feng Li et al 2021 Chinese Phys. Lett. 38 036301 View the article online for updates and enhancements
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简介:Polysilicon pasivated junctions the next technology for silicon solar cells 多晶硅金属钝化接触是否 能成为下一代高效硅电池的主流技 术) Di Yan (晏迪) The department of Electrical and Electronic Enginering 1 2 Our group Group leader Dr. James Bullock Group member Dr. Di Yan Mr. Wei Yan Mr. Jesus Ibara Michel Mr. Shifan
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简介:See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at https//www.researchgate.net/publication/351132476 Doped Poly-Si/SiOx Passivating Contacts Hydrogenation and Its Mechanisms Conference Paper · December 2020 CITATIONS0 READS88 5 authors, including Some of the authors of thi
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