Sanyo Electric Japan 23.0% HIT N235/240SE10 improved cell efficiency up to 21,6%, new world record in mass production and bring up to25W more on the same Module size.Roth thefirst 80 MW integrated turnkey project with 21% conversion efficiency will be located in theNetherlands scheduledto commence operation in Q4/2011, and throughput is 2400 W/h.SunPower SPWRA,SPWRB U.S 22.5%AUO and Sunpower ?s JV run its first 100 solar cell with conversion efficiency of 22.5% in Fab3 (Malaysia) whichwould house 28 solar cell production lines and be capable of 1.4GW annual cell capacity. Commercial productionis expected in later 2010.英利 YingLi 河北 19.9%“ 熊猫组件 ” : 2010 年与 Innovalight 合作 , 在多晶硅上采用硅墨技术研发生产选择性发射极 (SE )电池,该项目将利用Innovalight 公司提供的硅墨,在英利现有的多晶电池基础上共同研发选择性发射极 (SE )电池,转换率已在试生产线上达到 19.89%.友达光电 AUO 19.5% SunForte PM318B00 : 318W ; 19.5 % conversion efficiency, Light weight 18.6 kg , Anti-Reflection glasstechnology; 5 ” mono crystalline Back contact晶澳 JA Solar 河北 19.2%“Secium“: JA monocrystalline cells with conversion efficiency of up to 19.2%. The new Secium 260W PV moduleproduct features 60 (6“)mono-crystalline Secium cells, while the Secium 300W PV module employs a 72-cellformat.尚德 STP 无锡 19.0% Pluto晶澳 JA Solar 河北 18.2% “Maple“ 电池在大规模生产条件下的试产中,转换效率达到 18.2%. 该电池片将可由较低生产成本的多晶硅技术而制成,而光电转换效率与单晶硅电池片将不相上下。公司计划在 2011 下半年开始商业化生产。天合 Trina 18.7% Module use its latest “Honey“ technology (laboratory -tested). 274Watts peak, size 156*156mm 60 cell.阿特斯 CanadianSolar 江苏 18.0% Its new “ELPS“ polycrystalline cell technology boasting up to 18% and expects to start shipping solar modulesincorporating the new technology in Q4 2011 。Thin-film 厂商中文名 厂商英文名 地区 量产转换率 %(Cell) 相关技术信息MiaSole U.S 15.7% Achieved 15.7% efficiency CIGS thin-film modules on 1m2size and the results has been verified by NREL. Shipped22MW in 2010 and expect to ship 80MW in 2011.XsunX U.S 15.1%Announced it has further enhanced the conversion efficiency levels of its cell devices to 15.1% based upon theCompany ?s CIGSolar ? technology in Nov. 2010. The CIGS cell layers was conducted on full size 125 mm squaresubstratesNano Solar Germany 13.9%Announced new efficiency benchmarks of 13.9% for its printed CIGS (Copper, Indium, Gallium, Selenium) solarcells, as measured by the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy (ISE) and the National Renewable EnergyLaboratory (NREL).Q-Cells Germany 13.4% Announced its new world record of conversion efficiencies with 13.4% for mass produced CIGS thin-film solarmodules. its full year production with 74MW of CIGS thin-film solar modules.Showa Shell Japan 13.0% Shipped 46MW in 2009, currently operates a 60MW and 20MW factory with efficiency 13%.相关技术信息MonocrystallineMulticrystalline厂商中文名产商英文名Mono/Multicrystalline量产转换率 %(Cell)地区HITCIGS Honda Seltec Japan 13.0%2011 January has released a new CIGS thin-film solar cell with conversion efficiency >13.0%. The new model ismore compact with only 2/3 module surface area of the current model which allows to be installed on a wide rangeof roof shapes.CIS Thin-film Solar Frontier Japan 11.6%Subsidiary of Showa Shell, claims its production module efficiencies of 11.6%, its 900MW CIS thin film productionplanet in Miyazaki Japan has reached full capacity and all production lines are now commercially operational havingstarted its production ramp earlier in 2011.CIGS Flexible Global Solar U.S 12.6%CIGS(flexible) with 12.6 percent aperture efficiency. The module has a large format (5.75m x 0.5m) and a highpower density (300W), enabling it to outperform other flexible solar roofing solutions currently on the market,including 50 percent more energy and power than the current amorphous silicon standard.First Solar U.S 11.7% First Solar has reported that test CdTe cells, confirmed by NREL have reached 17.3% conversion effiencies , andthe Ave. efficiency under commercial production is 11.7%.GE U.S 15.0%Announced to collaborate with PrimeStar Solar to develop CdTe thin-film product which recently achieved the resultas 15% efficiencies on commercial glass. Expects its commercial production with 30-MW manufacturing linesometime in 2011.江苏综艺光伏 江苏 9.6% 2010 年 6月与 JUSUNG 又增资签约二期生产线,将于年底正式量产并达总产能 80MW 。目前其稳定转化率达 9.6% 以上。国电晶德 江苏 7.5% JUSUNG turn-key line ,单结 7.5% 转换率;产能 60MW 。汉盛 河北 7.5% 已购买 JUSUNG 非晶硅设备: 1 台 PECVD ( 7*chamber +1LL , $6m 购入) + 1 台 LPCVD(2*chamber) ,总 价约US$2500. 稳定转换率 7.5%, 目前产能 12MW ,打算购买 mc-Si 设备扩产至 60MW宇通 Auria Solar 台湾 10.5%2009 年成功建立欧瑞康 60MW 的薄膜电池生产线 ,09年 Q1 开始量产 , 属益通( E-Ton) 光能控股旗下。宣布将与日本三菱重工( MHI )共同合作在台湾研发建立 65.3MW ,micromorphy ?薄膜电池生产线。。此次与 MHI 的合作将包含由双方共同研究开发( MHI 的高沉积率 plasma CVD 技术结合 AUO 自有的高效地成本 TCO 工艺流程)电池转换效率达 11% 的成果。同时宇通声称目前已生产电池转换率为 10.5% ( 1.1m*1.3m )联相光电 NexPower 台湾 10.4%ULVAC 设备, 2010 年 6月:量產堆疊式微晶矽薄膜光電模組 (140Wp ,效率 =9.1%) ,目前生产线配备 3台 CVD ,计划下半年再新添 2台。预期年末产能达 100MW ,其中 50% 用于生产微晶双结太阳能模块。同时已获得山东省 3家电站订单合计 70MW 。并计划在山东建 35MW 薄膜太阳能模块厂,预期 2010 年动工建设。2011 年 6月宣布已成功升级所有生产线至非晶 /微晶硅叠层技术,并达到 160W 组件效率( 10.4% )。迅力光能 Xunlight U.S 10.4% Flexible and lightweight solar module technology, 25MW roll-to-roll cell production line. Achieving single-junctioncells 10.4% stabilized efficiency.国电晶德 江苏 10.2% JUSUNG turn-key 生产线(单结 7.5% 转换率;双结 10.2% 转换率) ,产能 60MW , $98M , (ie.Capex =$1.63/W).InventuxTechnology AG Germany 10.0%Oerlikon equipment. In 2010, announced its new generation “ X-Series MICROMORPH ” thin film modules toachieve 10% efficiency in series production. Module Size:1.43m2 , output power range 120w-125w.Sharp Japan 10.0% Mass produced tandem model of a-Si and μ c-Si reach efficiency of 8.5% and a triple layer cell with a-Si and μ c-Sican be reached as 10% efficiency.a-Si/ μ cSiCdTe a-Si