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THE ENERGY PROGRESS REPORT TRACKING SDG7 2023 A joint report of the custodian agencies United Nations Statistics Division 2023 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433 Telephone 202-473 1000 Internet This work is a joint product of the staff of the five custodian agencies, namely the World Bank, the International Energy Agency, the International Renewable Energy Agency, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization, with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the custodian agencies, their respective Board of Executive Directors or equivalent, members or the governments they represent. The collaborating organizations do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the data included in this work and does not assume responsibility for any errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the information, or liability with respect to the use of or failure to use the information, methods, processes, or conclusions set forth. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the custodian agencies concerning the legal status of or sovereignty over any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed or considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of the collaborating organizations, all of which are specifically reserved. Rights and Permissions This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution--NonCommercial 3.0 IGO license CC BY -NC 3.0 IGO https//creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/igo/. Under the Creative Commons--NonCommercial license, you are free to copy, distribute, and adapt this work, for noncommercial purposes only, under the following conditions AttributionPlease cite the work as follows IEA, IRENA, UNSD, World Bank, WHO. 2023. Tracking SDG 7 The Energy Progress Report. World Bank, Washington DC. World Bank. License Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial 3.0 IGO CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO. NoncommercialYou may not use this work for commercial purposes. TranslationsIf you create a translation of this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution This is an unofficial translation of the work from the English language. The translation was not created by IEA, IRENA, UNSD, World Bank or WHO, and IEA, IRENA, UNSD, World Bank or WHO shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation. AdaptationsIf you create an adaptation of this work, please add the following disclaimer along with the attribution This is an adaptation of an original work by IEA, IRENA, UNSD, World Bank and WHO. Views and opinions expressed in the adaptation are the sole responsibility of the author or authors of the adaptation and are not endorsed by IEA, IRENA, UNSD, World Bank and WHO. Third-party contentThe World Bank does not necessarily own each component of the content contained within the work. The World Bank therefore does not warrant that the use of any third party-owned individual component or part contained in the work will not infringe on the rights of those third parties. The risk of claims resulting from such infringement rests solely with you. If you wish to re-use a component of the work, it is your responsibility to determine whether permission is needed for that re-use and to obtain permission from the copyright owner. Examples of components can include, but are not limited to, chapters, tables, figures, or images. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, except as indicated below, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax 202-522-2625; e-mail Use of the following chapters in the report other than as permitted under the CC BY-NC 3.0 IGO license requires permission from each of the relevant copyright owners other than the World Bank Executive Summary – IEA, IRENA, UN, World Bank and WHO, 2023. Contact for permission to use it. Access to electricity - World Bank, 2023. Contact for permission to use it Access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking – WHO, 2023. Contact for permission to use it. Renewable Energy – IEA, IRENA and UN, 2023. Contact; and for permission to use it. Energy Efficiency – IEA and UN, 2023. Contact and for permission to use it. International Public Financial Flows - IRENA, 2023. Contact for permission to use it. Outlook for SDG 7 – IEA and IRENA, 2023. Contact and for permission to use it. Tracking SDG7 progress across targets indicators and data – IEA, IRENA, UN, World Bank and WHO, 2023. Contact pubrightsworldbank. org for permission to use it. Report designed by Duina Reyes Cover photo Getty Images/Me 3645 StudioA joint report of the custodian agencies United Nations Statistics Division THE ENERGY PROGRESS REPORT TRACKING SDG7 2023Acknowledgments 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 6 CHAPTER 1 32 ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY CHAPTER 2 66 ACCESS TO CLEAN FUELS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR COOKING CHAPTER 3 98 RENEWABLES CHAPTER 4 132 ENERGY EFFICIENCY CHAPTER 5 160 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC FINANCIAL FLOWS TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN SUPPORT OF CLEAN ENERGY CHAPTER 6 194 THE OUTLOOK FOR SDG 7 CHAPTER 7 222 TRACKING PROGRESS TOWARD SDG 7 ACROSS TARGETS INDICATORS AND DATA TABLE OF CONTENTS2 Tracking SDG 7 The Energy Progress Report 2023 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Partnership The Energy Progress Report is a product of close collaboration among the five SDG 7 custodian agencies delivered through a specially constituted Steering Group International Energy Agency IEA International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA United Nations Statistics Division UNSD World Bank World Health Organization WHO The Steering Group was supported by the SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group, composed as follows. African Development Bank AfDB Clean Cooking Alliance Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs ENERGIA European Commission FIA Foundation Food and Agricultural Organization FAO Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development Hivos International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis International Labour Organization ILO Islamic Development Bank Kenya Ministry of Energy and Petroleum Latin American Energy Organization OLADE Norway Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century REN 213 Acknowledgments Sustainable Energy for All SEforALL TERI School of Advanced Studies The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs The United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States UN-OHRLLS UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs United Nations Association of China United Nations Childrens Fund UNICEF United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs UN DESA United Nations Development Programme UNDP United Nations Economic Commission for Africa UNECA United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCAP United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia ESCWA United Nations Economic Programme for Europe UNECE United Nations Environment Programme UNEP United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC United Nations Human Settlements Programme UN-Habitat United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNITAR Vienna University of Technology The financial and technical support of the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program ESMAP is gratefully acknowledged. A partnership between the World Bank and 24 entities, ESMAP helps low- and middle-income countries reduce poverty and boost growth through sustainable energy. ESMAP’s analytical and advisory services are fully integrated within the World Bank’s country financing and policy dialogue in the energy sector. 4 Tracking SDG 7 The Energy Progress Report 2023 Authorship The Steering Group’s work for the 2023 edition of the report was chaired by the World Health Organization WHO and made possible by agreement among the senior management of the member agencies. Fatih Birol IEA, Francesco La Camera IRENA, Stefan Schweinfest UNSD, Demetrios Papathanasiou World Bank, Maria Neira WHO, and Gabriela Elizondo Azuela ESMAP oversaw the development of the Energy Progress Report in collaboration with Minoru Takada UNDESA. The technical co-leadership of the project by the custodian agencies was the responsibility of Laura Cozzi IEA, Rabia Ferroukhi IRENA, Leonardo Souza UNSD, Elisa Portale World Bank, and Heather Adair-Rohani WHO. The chapter on access to electricity was prepared by the World Bank Jiyun Park and Clara Galeazzi, with contributions from IRENA Gerardo Escamilla and Divyam Nagpal, the Global Off-Grid Lighting Association Oliver Reynolds and Susie Wheeldon, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Francesca Coloni and Theresa Beltramo. The chapter on clean cooking was prepared by the WHO Heather Adair-Rohani, Alina Cherkas, Ryanne Fujita- Conrads, Josselyn Mothe, Tzu-Wei Joy Tseng, Karin Troncoso Torrez, and Kendra Williams, with substantial contributions from Oliver Stoner University of Glasgow. The chapter on renewable energy was prepared by the IEA Francois Briens, Roberta Quadrelli, Pouya Taghavi, Jeremy Moorhouse, and Yannick Monschauer and IRENA Mirjam Reiner, Gerardo Escamilla, Diala Hawila, Hannah Guinto, Faran Rana, and Divyam Nagpal, with substantial contributions from UNSD Leonardo Souza and Agnieszka Koscielniak. The chapter on energy efficiency was prepared by the IEA Yannick Monschauer, Emi Bertoli, Pauline Henriot, Vida Rozite, Nicholas Howarth, Kevin Lane, Roberta Quadrelli, and Pouya Taghavi, with contributions from UNSD Leonardo Souza and Agnieszka Koscielniak. The chapter on financial flows was prepared by the IRENA Gerardo Escamilla, Mirjam Reiner, Diala Hawila, Faran Rana, and Hannah Guinto. The Outlook chapter was prepared by the IEA Daniel Wetzel, Gianluca Tonolo, Yannick Monschauer, Carlo Starace, and Nouhoun Diarra, with IRENA Ricardo Gorini, Nicholas Wagner, Mirjam Reiner, Hannah Guinto, and Jinlei Feng. The chapter on indicators and data was jointly prepared by the custodian agencies under the coordination of WHO Josselyn Mothe, Alina Cherkas, and Heather Adair-Rohani.5 Acknowledgments Data Sources The report draws on two meta databases of global household surveysthe Global Electrification Database managed by the World Bank and the Global Household Energy Database and related estimates managed by WHO. Energy balance statistics and indicators for renewable energy and energy efficiency were prepared by IEA Roberta Quadrelli and Pouya Taghavi, with support from Alexandre Bizeul and Juha Koykka and UNSD Leonardo Souza, Agnieszka Koscielniak, and Costanza Giovannelli. The indicator on international financial flows to developing countries was prepared by IRENA Gerardo Escamilla based on the IRENA Public Investments Database and the OECD/DAC Creditor Reporting System. Data on gross domestic product and value-added were drawn chiefly from the World Development Indicators of the World Bank. Population data are from the United Nations Population Division. Review and Consultation The public consultation and peer review process was coordinated by WHO. Comments were provided by Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECLAC, European Union EU, Sustainable Energy for All SEforALL, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SIDA, United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO, United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNITAR, and United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund UNICEF. The IEA’s internal review process was led by Laura Cozzi with contributions from Yannick Monschauer, Daniel Wetzel, Francois Briens, Pouya Taghavi, Roberta Quadrelli, and Gianluca Tonolo. IRENA’s internal review process was led by Rabia Ferroukhi, with contributions from Ute Collier, Divyam Nagpal, Mirjam Reiner, and Gerardo Escamilla. The UNSD’s internal review process was led by Leonardo Souza, with contributions from Agnieszka Koscielniak. The World Bank’s internal peer review process was led by Demetrios Papathanasiou, with contributions from Gabriela Elizondo Azuela, Dana Rysankova, Sandeep Kohil, Jan Friedrich Kappen, Alisha Noella Pinto, Carlos Andres Guadarrama Gandara, Chiedza Portia Mazaiwana, Christophe de Gouvello, Dolf Jean Gielen, Henrik Rytter Jensen, Johanna Christine Galan, Raluca Georgiana Golumbeanu, Sharmila Bellur, and Tarek Keskes. Outreach The communications process was led by Paul Safar WHO in coordination with the custodian agencies’ communication focal points Grace Gordon and Merve Erdem IEA, Nanda Febriani Moenandar IRENA, Lucie Cecile Blyth WB, and, on behalf of UNSD Francyne Harrigan, Martina Donlon UN DGC, and Pragati Pascale UN DESA. The online platform http// was developed by Derilinx, Inc. The report was edited, designed, and typeset by Duina Reyes and Steven Kennedy.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Photo Unsplash by Aboodi Vesakaran EXECUTIVE SUMMARY7 OVERVIEW Since its inception in 2018, Tracking SDG 7 The Energy Progress Report has become the global reference point for information on the realization of SDG 7. It is produced annually by five of the custodian agencies responsible for tracking global progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 7 SDG 7, which is to “ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all.” The custodians developing the report are the International Energy Agency IEA, the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA, the United Nations Statistics Division UNSD, the World Bank, and the World Health Organization WHO. The report offers the international community a global summary of progress on energy access, energy efficiency, renewable energy, clean cooking, and international cooperation to advance SDG 7. It presents updated statistics for each of the indicators and provides policy insights on priority areas and actions needed to spur further progress on SDG 7, as well as related SDGs. Figure ES.1 offers an updated snapshot of the primary indicators for the most recent year. Despite some progress across the indi


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