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IRENA:2020年可再生能源装机量统计 RENEWABLE CAPACITY STATISTICS 2020 STATISTIQUES DE CAPACIT RENOUVELABLE 2020 ESTADSTICAS DE CAPACIDAD RENOVABLE 2020Copyright IRENA 2020 Unless otherwise stated, material in this publication may be freely used, shared, copied, reproduced, printed and/or stored, provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given of IRENA as the source and copyright holder. Material in this publication that is attributed to third parties may be subject to separate terms of use and restrictions, and appropriate permissions from these third parties may need to be secured before any use of such material. ISBN 978-92-9260-239-0 This report should be cited IRENA 2020, Renewable capacity statistics 2020 International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA, Abu Dhabi About IRENA The International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future, and serves as the principal platform for international co-operation, a centre of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity. Prepared by Adrian Whiteman, Sonia Rueda, Dennis Akande, Nazik Elhassan, Gerardo Escamilla and Iana Arkhipova. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the contribution to this dataset from national statistical focal points in countries. For further information or to provide feedback, please contact the IRENA Statistics team This report is available at . Data can be downloaded from https/ / Download-Data. Disclaimer This publication and the material herein are provided “as is”. All reasonable precautions have been taken by IRENA to verify the reliability of the material in this publication. However, neither IRENA nor any of its offi cials, agents, data or other third-party content providers provides a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, and they accept no responsibility or liability for any consequence of use of the publication or material herein. The information contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of the Members of IRENA. The mention of specific companies or certain projects or products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by IRENA in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. The designations employed and the presentation of material herein do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of IRENA concerning the legal status of any region, country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries. FOREWORD mix over the past year. Renewable capacity reached 2 537 gigawatts GW globally by the end of 2019, up 176 GW from the previous year. Asia once again achieved over half of new installations despite a slightly slower pace. Europe and North America, meanwhile, saw an upturn in their capacity expansion. Wind and solar power accounted for n part, this very high share reflects low hydropower growth as several large projects missed expected completion deadlines. But even then, renewables represented 72 of total capacity additions in 2019, continuing to outpace fossil fuels by a wide margin. This latest edition of Renewable Capacity Statistics comes amid a global health crisis that affects practically every sphere of life. As an existential threat, the multi-faceted fallout from coronavirus COVID-19 now sits alongside climate change as a defining challenge of our time. -term solutions. Yet distinctions between short-, medium- and long-term challenges may be deceptive. Economic stimulus measures must also embrace sustainability and climate goals. I hope this annual statistics book helps countries and communities to reinforce their commitment to renewables, make informed energy decisions, and do the necessary work to ensure a sustainable, stable, healthy future. Francesco La Camera Director-General International Renewable Energy Agency AVANT-PROPOS renouvelables installe a atteint 2 537 gigawatts GW dans le monde la fin de 2019, en hausse de 176 GW par rapport lanne prcdente. LAsie a de nouveau ralis plus de la moiti des nouvelles installations, malgr un rythme lgrement plus lent. LEurope et lAmrique du Nord ont, quant elles, connu une reprise de leur expansion de renouvelables installe mondialement. Cette part trs leve reflte en partie la faible croissance de lhydrolectricit qui est d aux retards pris par plusieurs grands projets. Cependant, les nergies renouvelables reprsentaient 72 des ajouts de capacit totaux en 2019, continuant dpasser largement les combustibles fossiles. Cette dernire dition de Statistiques de Capacit Renouvelable survient au milieu dune crise sanitaire mondiale qui touche pratiquement tous les domaines. En tant que menace existentielle, les retombes varies du coronavirus COVID-19 se situent dsormais au mme rang que les changements climatiques, comme un dfi dterminant de notre poque. En rpondant la crise actuelle, les gouvernements peuvent tre tents de se concentrer sur des solutions court terme. Pourtant, les distinctions entre les dfis court, moyen et long terme peuvent tre trompeuses. Les mesures de relance conomique doivent galement englober les objectifs portant sur durabilit et le climat. Jespre que ce rapport de statistiques annuel aidera les pays et les communauts renforcer leur engagement envers les nergies renouvelables, prendre des dcisions nergtiques avises, ainsi sain. Francesco La Camera Directeur gnral Agence internationale pour les nergies renouvelables PREFACIO Las fuentes de energa renovable siguieron dominando las nuevas incorporaciones a la matriz mundial de generacin de energa elctrica durante el ao pasado. La capacidad renovable alcanz los 2 537 gigavatios GW a nivel mundial a finales de 2019, registrando un aumento de 176 GW respecto al ao anterior. Asia, una vez ms, logr ms de la mitad de las nuevas instalaciones a pesar de un ritmo ligeramente ms lento. Mientras tanto, Europa y Norteamrica realzaron su expansin de capacidad. Las energas elica y solar representaron el 90 de la capacidad renovable recientemente adicionada en el mundo. En parte, esta participacin alta refleja un bajo crecimiento de la energa hidroelctrica, ya que varios proyectos importantes no cumplieron con los plazos de finalizacin previstos. An as, las energas renovables representaron el 72 de las adiciones de capacidad total en 2019, superando una vez ms a los combustibles fsiles por un amplio margen. Esta ltima edicin de Estadsticas de Capacidad Renovable se produce en medio de una crisis de salud global que afecta prcticamente a todos los mbitos de la vida. Como una amenaza existencial, las consecuencias multifacticas del coronavirus COVID-19 se posicionan ahora junto al cambio climtico como un desafo decisivo de nuestro tiempo. Al responder a la crisis de hoy, los gobiernos pueden verse tentados a centrarse en soluciones a corto plazo. Sin embargo, las distinciones entre los desafos a corto, mediano y largo plazo pueden ser engaosas. Las medidas de estmulo econmico tambin deben abarcar objetivos de sostenibilidad y clima. Espero que este libro anual de estadsticas ayude a los pases y comunidades a reforzar su compromiso con las energas renovables, tomar decisiones informadas sobre energa y hacer el trabajo necesario para garantizar un futuro sostenible, estable y saludable. Francesco La Camera Director General Agencia Internacional de Energas Renovables TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE DES MATIRES TABLA DE CONTENIDOS Total capacity - Total capacit - Total capacidad Total renewable energy Total nergies renouvelables 2 Total energas renovables Hydropower Hydrolectricit 6 Hidroelctrica Renewable hydropower including mixed plants Hydrolectricit renouvelable y compris les plantes mixtes 9 Hidroelctrica renovable incluidas las plantas mixtas Pure pumped storage Accumulation par pompage 12 Hidroelctrica de bombeo pura Marine energy nergie marine 13 Energa marina Wind energy nergie olienne 14 Energa elica Onshore wind energy nergie eolienne terrestre 17 Energa elica terrestre Offshore wind energy nergie eolienne maritime 20 Energa elica marina Solar energy nergie solaire 21 Energa solar Solar photovoltaic Solaire photovoltaque 25 Solar fotovoltaica Concentrated solar power Solaire thermique concentration 29 Energa solar termoelctrica Bioenergy Bionergie 30 Bioenerga Solid biofuels and renewable waste Biocombustibles solides et dchets renouvelables 33 Biocombustibles slidos y residuos renovables Bagasse Bagasse 35 Bagazo Renewable municipal waste Dchets municipaux renouvelables 36 Residuos municipales renovables Other solid biofuels Autres biocarburants solides 37 Otros biocombustibles slidos Liquid biofuels Biocarburants liquides 39 Biocarburantes lquidos Biogas Biogaz 40 Biogs Geothermal energy nergie gothermique 42 Energa geotrmica Off-grid capacity - Capacit hors rseau - Capacidad fuera de la red Total renewable energy Total nergies renouvelables 44 Total energas renovables Hydropower Hydrolectricit 46 Hidroelctrica Solar photovoltaic Solaire photovoltaque 47 Solar fotovoltaica Other renewable energy Autres nergies renouvelables 49 Otras energas renovables NOTES TO THE TABLES The renewable power capacity data shown in these tables represents the maximum net generating capacity of power plants and other installations that use renewable energy sources to produce electricity. For most countries and technologies, the data reflects the capacity installed and connected at the end of the calendar year. The data is presented in megawatts MW rounded to the nearest one megawatt, with figures between zero and 0.5MW shown as a 0. Data has been obtained from a variety of sources, including the IRENA questionnaire; official statistics; industry association reports; and other been obtained from official sources such as national statistical offices, government departments, regulators and power compani of different data sources. All data from the IRENA questionnaire is presented without any indicator. Data are available for download at NOTES PROPOS DES TABLEAUX Les donnes sur les capacits lectriques renouvelables prsentes dans ces tableaux reprsentent la capacit maximale nette de gnration des centrales lectriques et autres installations utilisant des sources dnergie renouvelables pour produire de llectricit. Pour la plupart des pays et technologies, les donnes refltent la capacit installe et connecte la fin de lanne civile. Les donnes sont exprimes en mgawatts MW arrondies lunit la plus proche ; les valeurs infrieures 0,5 MW apparaissent comme 0. Les donnes viennent de nombreuses sources incluant le questionnaire IRENA ; les statistiques officielles ; des rapports dassociations de lindustrie ; et dautres rapports et articles de presse. Les valeurs suivies de la lettre “o“ ont t obtenues partir de sources officielles par exemple instituts statistiques nationaux, agences gouvernementales, rgulateurs, compagnies dlectricit. La lettre “u“ suit les valeurs venant de sources non officielles comme des rapports dassociations de lindustrie ou des articles de journaux. La lettre “e“ suit les valeurs qui ont t estimes par lIRENA partir de sources diverses. Toutes les donnes venant du questionnaire IRENA sont prsentes sans indication. Les donnes sont tlchargeables sur le site NOTAS A LAS TABLAS Los datos de capacidad de generacin elctrica con energas renovables que se muestran en estas tablas representan la capacidad mxima de generacin neta de las centrales elctricas y otras instalaciones que utilizan fuentes de energas renovables para producir electricidad. Para la mayora de los pases y las tecnologas, los datos reflejan la capacidad instalada y conectada al final del ao natural. Los datos se presentan en megavatios MW redondeados al megavatio entero ms cercano, con cifras entre cero y 0.5MW representadas como un 0. Los datos se han obtenido a partir de una variedad de fuentes, incluyendo el cuestionario de IRENA; estadsticas oficiales; informes de las asociaciones industriales; y otros informes y artculos de noticias. Los nmeros acompaados de la letra ““o““ son cifras que se han obtenido a partir de fuentes oficiales, como oficinas nacionales de estadstica, departamentos gubernamentales, reguladores y compaas elctricas. La letra ““u““ acompaa a cifras que se han obtenido a partir de fuentes no oficiales, tales como asociaciones industriales y artculos de noticias. La letra ““e““ acompaa a nmeros que han sido estimados por IRENA a partir de diversas fuentes de datos. Todos los datos provenientes del cuestionario de IRENA se presentan sin ningn indicador. Los datos estn disponibles para su descarga en COUNTRIES, AREAS AND REGIONS SHOWN IN THE TABLES PAYS, ZONES ET RGIONS FIGURANT DANS LES TABLEAUX PASES, ZONAS Y REGIONES MOSTRADAS EN LAS TABLAS Label/tiquette/Rtulo English Franais Espaol WORLD WORLD MONDE MUNDO AFRICA AFRICA AFRIQUE FRICA Algeria Algeria Algrie Argelia Angola Angola Angola Angola Benin Benin Bnin Benn Botswana Botswana Botswana Botsuana Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Burundi Burundi Burundi Burundi Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Cabo Verde Cameroon Cameroon Cameroun Camern Cent Afr Rep Central African Republic Rpublique centrafricaine Repblica Centroafricana Chad Chad Tchad Chad Comoros Comoros Comores Comoras Congo DR Democratic Republic of the Congo Rpublique dmocratique du Congo Repblica Democrtica del Congo Congo Rep Congo Congo Repblica del Congo Cote d Ivoire Cte dIvoire Cte dIvoire Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti Egypt Egypt Egypte Egipto Eq Guinea Equatorial Guinea Guine quatoriale Guinea Ecuatorial Eritrea Eritrea Erythre Eritrea Eswatini Eswatini Eswatini Eswatini Ethiopia Ethiopia Ethiopie Etiopa Gabon Gabon Gabon Gabn Gambia Gambia Gambie Gambia Ghana Ghana Ghana Ghana Guinea Guinea Guine Guinea Guinea Bissau Guinea-Bissau Guine-Bissau Guinea-Bisu Kenya Kenya Kenya Kenia Lesotho Lesotho Lesotho Lesoto Liberia Liberia Libria Liberia Libya Libya Libye Libia Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Madagascar Malawi Malawi Malawi Malawi Mali Mali Mali Mal Mauritania Mauritania Mauritanie Mauritania Mauritius Mauritius Maurice Mauricio Mayotte Mayotte Mayotte Mayotte Morocco Morocco Maroc


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