Accurate Measurement of High Efficiency Cell Presentation at PVQAT Oct. 2018 Dr. Qi. Gao Solar Technology R Compared with Mono and Poly c-Si solar cells, the effect of spectral mismatch is more pronounced on power rating of high-efficiency solar cells; Spectral mismatch correction is necessary for the accurate measurement of HE-Si cells. 29.10.2018 Prsentation TV Rheinland19 MMF calculation and IV curve correction I2 I1 ISC1 E2 / E1 – 1 T2 – T1 V2 V1– RS I2 – I1 – K I2 T2 – T1 T2 – T1 The spectral mismatch factor M is a correction factor for irradiance lamp power of the solar simulator measured with a calibrated reference cell. EλSIM EλAM1.5 sλREF sλDUT ΜM IE C 60 90 4- 7 IEC 60891-1 29.10.2018 Prsentation TV Rheinland20 Measurement uncertainty related to MMF MMF correction applied result in lower uncertainty for HE solar cells Spectral mismatch corrections are recommended for accurate rating of HE c-Si devices 0.4, k2. Without MMF correction With MMF correction c-Si p-Si HE c-Si c-Si p-Si HE c-Si c-Si p-Si HE c-Si c-Si p-Si HE c-SiU nc or re cte d Sp ec tra l Mi sm atc h Un ce rta inty , K 2 Class A 0.010.37, k2 Class A 0.220.72, k2 Class A 0.171.37, k2 Class B -0.191.11, k2 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 A A A B A A A B A A A BC or re cte d Sp ec tra l Mi sm atc h Un ce rta inty , k 2 mono-Si / poly-Si 0.33, k2 mono-Si / mono-Si 0.23, k2 mono-Si / HE c-Si 0.38, k2 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 29.10.2018 Prsentation TV Rheinland21 Conclusion There are some challenges on power rating of high-efficiency solar cells, such as high uncertainty, hysteresis effect and spectral mismatch . Patented Dynamic IV allows the electrical characterization of HE devices achieving high measurement quality; The uncorrected spectral mismatch of HE c-Si PV may result in errors exceeding 2 even for class A solar simulators; Spectral mismatch corrections can decrease the measurement uncertainty effectively, which are recommended for accurate rating of HE c-Si devices. Thank you for your attention