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中英对照版本之词汇 -硅片Acceptor - An element, such as boron, indium, and gallium used to create a free hole in a semiconductor . The acceptor atoms are required to have one less valence electron than the semiconductor . 受主 - 一种用来在半导体中形成空穴的元素,比如硼、铟和镓。受主原子必须比半导体元素少一价电子j-k F8I A5pAlignment Precision - Displacement of patterns that occurs during the photolithography process. 套准精度 - 在光刻工艺中转移图形的精度。 /Z j0v S6GAnisotropic - A process of etching that has very little or no undercutting 各向异性 - 在蚀刻过程中,只做少量或不做侧向凹刻。Area Contamination - Any foreign particles or material that are found on the surface of a wafer . This is viewed as discolored or smudged, and it is the result of stains, fingerprints, water spots, etc. /d M沾污区域 - 任何在晶圆片表面的外来粒子或物质。由沾污、手印和水滴产生的污染。 R-_ m8N D ZAzimuth, in Ellipsometry - The angle measured between the plane of incidence and the major axis of the ellipse. jf p u,h椭圆方位角 - 测量入射面和主晶轴之间的角度。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onductor Technol ogy World] 芯片 设计版 图工艺 制程封 装测试 w afer,c hip,ic,pr ocess,lay out,package,FAL i1i1WW e1v;\ XCLBackside - The bottom surface of a silicon wafer . Note This term is not preferred; instead, use ,back surface . www.gmiccn.c ombbs.s osemi.netm hp.2ic.c nMV Q4p,V J6_背面 - 晶圆片的底部表面。 (注不推荐该术语,建议使用 “ 背部表面 ” ) z,J T g8O p y/uBase Silicon Layer - The silicon wafer that is located underneath the insulator layer , which supports the silicon film on top of the wafer . 底部硅层 - 在绝缘层下部的晶圆片,是顶部硅层的基础。 i k2m eBipolar - Transistors that are able to use both holes and electrons as charge carriers. OG Qj n;j;I C;E双极晶体管 - 能够采用空穴和电子传导电荷的晶体管。 k ni }9h4[ QBonded Wafers - Two silicon wafers that have been bonded together by silicon dioxide, which acts as an insulating layer . V*H“P |w绑定晶圆片 - 两个晶圆片通过二氧化硅层结合到一起,作为绝缘层。Bonding Interface - The area where the bonding of two wafers occurs. 绑定面 - 两个晶圆片结合的接触区。 Z5KD8j“qBuried Layer - A path of low resistance for a current moving in a device. Many of these dopants are antimony and arsenic. 埋层 - 为了电路电流流动而形成的低电阻路径,搀杂剂是锑和砷。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onductor Technol ogy Worl d] 芯片 设计版 图工艺 制程封 装测 试 wafer,c hip,ic,process,l ayout,pack age,FA E|解理面 - 破裂面 Z1k lCrack - A mark found on a wafer that is greater than 0.25 mm in length. bbs.sosemi.netm F*\M;} ep裂纹 - 长度大于 0.25 毫米的晶圆片表面微痕。Crater - Visible under diffused illumination, a surface imperfection on a wafer that can be distinguished individually. J2i C,fM微坑 - 在扩散照明下可见的,晶圆片表面可区分的缺陷。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onductor Technol ogy World] 芯片 设计版 图工艺 制程封 装测试 w afer,c hip,ic,process,lay out,package,FA 3r_ _3_ oDConductivity electrical - A measurement of how easily charge carriers can flow throughout a material. bbs.s osemi.netm hp.2ic.cn8W a-v M传导性(电学方面) - 一种关于载流子通过物质难易度的测量指标 。 W K4eConductivity Type - The type of charge carriers in a wafer , such as “N-type ” and “P-type ” . D3u,QT导电类型 - 晶圆片中载流子的类型, N 型和 P 型。 3r_*a*hdZ-Contaminant, Particulate see light point defect 污染微粒 (参见光点缺陷) Bd Q i QContamination Area - An area that contains particles that can negatively affect the characteristics of a silicon wafer . 3a KUC R4p.a6}沾污颗粒 - 晶圆片表面上的颗粒。 2\1Z I-H X;UUCrystal Defect - Parts of the crystal tha t contain vacancies and dislocations that can have an impact on a circuits electrical performance. 晶体缺陷 - 部分晶体包含的、会影响电路性能的空隙和层错。[l D2Tu8uCrystal Indices see Miller indices oaz晶体指数 (参见米勒指数)Depletion Layer - A region on a wafer that contains an electrical field that sweeps out charge carriers. 5J 6y xCD9ljY耗尽层 - 晶圆片上的电场区域,此区域排除载流子。 nR Xy wDoping - The process of the donation of an electron or hole to the conduction process by a dopant. 掺杂 - 把搀杂剂掺入半导体,通常通过扩散或离子注入工艺实现。 T_ Edge Chip and Indent - An edge imperfection that is greater than 0.25 mm. 芯片边缘和缩进 - 晶片中不完整的边缘部分超过 0.25 毫米。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onductor Technol ogy World] 芯片 设计版 图工艺 制程封 装测试 wafer,c hi p,ic,proc ess,layout,pack age,FA H a8HEdge Exclusion Area - The area located between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer . This varies according to the dimensions of the wafer . 边缘排除区域 - 位于质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的区域。 (根据晶圆片的尺寸不同而有所不同。 ) ncQ1Wm*]Edge Exclusion, Nominal EE - The distance between the fixed quality area and the periphery of a wafer . 名义上边缘排除 EE - 质量保证区和晶圆片外围之间的距离。 6[4B O p {*PEdge Profile - The edges of two bonded wafers that have been shaped either chemically or mechanically. 边缘轮廓 - 通过化学或机械方法连接起来的两个晶圆片边缘。Etch - A process of chemical reactions or physical removal to rid the wafer of excess materials. Y XH UR g-U蚀刻 - 通过化学反应或物理方法去除晶圆片的多余物质。Fixed Quality Area FQA - The area that is most central on a wafer surface. g use front surface instead. 正面 - 晶圆片的顶部表面(此术语不推荐,建议使用 “ 前部表面 ” ) 。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onduct or Technol ogy World] 芯 片设计 版图工 艺制程 封装测 试 wafer,chi p,ic,proc ess,layout,pack age,FAl2y4O P;yGoniometer - An instrument used in measuring angles. ,U2K/E,e-z \N角度计 - 用来测量角度的设备。 BOGradient, Resistivity not preferred; see resistivity variation hK U V电阻梯度 (不推荐使用,参见 “ 电阻变化 ” ) a ZlGroove - A scratch that was not completely polished out. 半导体技术天 地 [Semiconductor Tec hnology Worl d] 芯 片设计 版图工 艺制程 封装测 试 wafer,chi p,ic,proc ess,layout,pack age,FA;{0q X-h凹槽 - 没有被完全清除的擦伤。 0G n6N{ 9M2c QHand Scribe Mark - A marking that is hand scratched onto the back surface of a wafer for identification purposes. 手工印记 - 为区分不同的晶圆片而手工在背面做出的标记。Haze - A mass concentration of surface imperfections, often giving a hazy appearance to the wafer . 雾度 - 晶圆片表面大量的缺陷,常常表现为晶圆片表面呈雾状。Hole - Similar to a positive charge, this is caused by the absence of a valence electron. ,c4Y B5S e-F_空穴 - 和正电荷类似,是由缺少价电子引起的。 0bq/m N2r Ingot - A cylindrical solid made of polycrystalline or single crystal silicon from which wafers are cut. 晶锭 - 由多晶或单晶形成的圆柱体,晶圆片由此切割而成。 T T wg“Da j Laser Light-Scattering Event - A signal pulse that locates surface imperfections on a wafer . 激光散射 - 由晶圆片表面缺陷引起的脉冲信号。 q0Y G.R 8yLay - The main direction of surface texture on a wafer . 层 - 晶圆片表面结构的主要方向。Light Point Defect LPD Not preferred; see localized light-scatterer 光点缺陷 LPD (不推荐使用,参见 “ 局部光散射 ” ) “B;x Zx1Z k7ZLithography - The process used to transfer patterns onto wafers. 7n*g k e.M光刻 - 从掩膜到圆片转移的过程。Localized Light-Scatterer - One feature on the surface of a wafer , such as a pit or a scratch that scatters light. It is also called a light point defect. [ k4RD w W/] h ] \2jResistivity Electrical - The amount of difficulty that charged carriers have in moving throughout material. 电阻率(电学方面) - 材料反抗或对抗电荷在其中通过的一种物理特性。Required - The minimum specifications needed by the customer when ordering wafers. 必需 - 订购晶圆片时客户必须达到的最小规格。\.{ X d *bRoughness - The texture found on the surface of the wafer that is spaced very closely together . 粗糙度 - 晶圆片表面间隙很小的纹理。 \ jW6v wSaw Marks - Surface irregularities 1|Y q9g锯痕 - 表面不规则。 bbs.s osemi.netm hp.2ic.cn8v eUie OS wScan Direction - In the flatness calculation, the direction of the subsites. 扫描方向 - 平整度测量中,局部平面的方向。 w [;J i_ASori - Striation - Defects or contaminations found in the shape of a helix. Q[U ;H j I条痕 - 螺纹上的缺陷或污染。 -p M of4ZC n5aSubsite, of a Site - An area found within the site, also rectangular . The center of the subsite must be located within the original site. 半导体技术天 地 [Semiconductor Tec hnology Worl d] 芯 片设计 版图工 艺制程 封装测 试 wafer,chi p,ic,proc ess,lay out,pack age,FA c p4Pq局部子表面 - 局部表面内的区域,也是矩形的。子站中心必须位于原始站点内部。Surface Texture - Variations found on the real surface of the wafer that deviate from the reference surface. 1y s 5S \.D表面纹理 - 晶圆片实际面与参考面的差异情况。 oF T _4bTest Wafer - A silicon wafer that is used in manufacturing for monitoring and testing purposes. W7_ X W“|测试晶圆片 - 用于生产中监测和测试的晶圆片。 半导体技术天地 [Semic onductor Technol ogy World] 芯片 设计版 图工艺 制程封 装测试 w afer,c hip,ic,pr ocess,lay out,package,FA q M p6M92C s7yThickness of Top Silicon Film - The distance found between the face of the top silicon film and the surface of the oxide layer . l5F O cu顶部硅膜厚度 - 顶部硅层表面和氧化层表面间的距离。Top Silicon Film - The layer of silicon on which semiconductor devices are placed. This is located on top of the insulating layer . 顶部硅膜 - 生产半导体电路的硅层,位于绝缘层顶部。 半导体技术天 地 [Semiconductor Tec hnology Worl d] 芯 片设计 版图工 艺制程 封装测 试 wafer,chi p,ic,proc ess,lay out,pack age,FA 8I \1Z W|8Z0cTotal Indicator Reading TIR - The smallest distance between planes on the surface of the wafer . 总计指示剂数 TIR - 晶圆片表面位面间的最短距离。Virgin Test Wafer - A wafer that has not been used in manufacturing or other processes. 原始测试晶圆片 - 还没有用于生产或其他流程中的晶圆片。Void - The lack of any sort of bond particularly a chemical bond at the site of bonding. Jr0g/W3R e 无效 - 在应该绑定的地方没有绑定(特别是化学绑定) 。Waves - Curves and contours found on the surface of the wafer that can be seen by the naked eye. 波浪 - 晶圆片表面通过肉眼能发现的弯曲和曲线。 半导体技术天 地 [Semiconductor Tec hnology Worl d] 芯 片设计 版图工 艺制程 封装测 试 wafer,chi p,ic,proc ess,lay out,pack age,FAF .\H Y \.Z 2}Waviness - Widely spaced imperfections on the surface of a wafer . 波纹 - 晶圆片表面经常出现的缺陷。


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