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OWNER OWNER’S ENGINEER EPC CONTRACTOR PROJECT NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM 1 06-10-2023 For approval Ruslan Guo Xiaopeng Chen De 0 12-03-2023 For approval Ruslan Guo Xiaopeng Chen De REV DATE DESCRIPTION DONE CHECKED APPROVED S T A TU S ☐ FOR INFORMATION  FOR APPROVAL ☐ VALID FOR PURCHASE ☐ FOR CONSTRUCTION ☐ AS BUILT DOCUMENT OWNER EPC SIGNATURE DATE SINOHYDRO TASHKENT LCC 06-10-2023 DOCUMENT NUMBER NUK-000-___- but also, to act responsibly to prevent injury, ill health, damage and loss arising from any operations or work activity under its control. In order to implement project requirements and safe working condition need to adhere Local Labour Code Article No. 182 “The normal working hours for an employee may not exceed forty hours per week in a five-day or six-day working week”. The CMP shall be fully implemented by all personnel from project director to site construction personnel. Each discipline shall establish independent management system. Contractor and Subcontractor shall follow CMP to achieve Contract objectives. CMP will be Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Maintain a Healthy, Safe and Environmentally Conscious construction environment at all levels from the Contractor’s to the Subcontractors’ level; Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Identification and documentation of the baseline data for the design and periodic reviews of the design and its documentation. Verification of the technical documentation. Fulfillment of the milestones set out in the planning to make possible the complete and timely development of the Project as a whole. Monitoring that the technical work is conducted properly. Participation in the construction review meetings and work progress meetings Review and approval of the Method of statement for construction, ensuring that MOS include all the applicable technical requirements including quality requirements. Monitoring and filing all the Project’s technical documentation. Official transmitting and receipt within the deadlines of all the applicable technical documentation The individual holding this position reports directly to the Project Manager Construction Manager Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Presence on Site Assist in Scheduling Assist Staff Allocate resources Assess risk and its management Coordination within the Project team Ensure timely and proper delivery of deliverables Ensures achievement of deadlines and proper management of delays and additional scope of Works Maintains all the Parties informed Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Coordinates and prioritizes resources as he is updated by the Heads of various Departments Reviews, discusses and develops solutions with all the departments in relation to schedule, change in scope, issues with subcontractors, interfacing with other entities and Parties Assist in the preparation of Status reports and Monthly Reports Circulates and Reviews and finalizes Minutes of Meetings Assist in writing notices and review letters for the Construction Manager’s review and approval Facilitate sessions to effectively resolve issues Participate in project performance review meetings and discussions Manages Project Team and maintain daily communication with Site Manager Manages the administration of the Project documents Updates and maintains production and quality logs Site Logistic Manager To leader material handling the construction team Partners with construction manager to ensure compliance of construction activities within construction schedule Construction subcontractor management for material handling portion To leader material site logistic and storage Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Completing the drafted schedule; Project management team begins to take shape; Resource both people and physical are preliminary identified; The construction permit will be obtained. 4.2 Planning Planning is key to the successful management of the large scale project. This consists of the following The objectives and deliverables are clear and confirmed; The baseline schedule is completed as per the Contract and agreed by both Parties; All the resources to be used are cleared and planned to allocate reasonably; The project management team are well-organized and accepted by the Owner; All the related management plan or documents are submitted to the Owner; Communications among the stakeholder are set up; All the method of statement should be developed, submitted to the Owner for approval; 4.3 Execution The phase is where most of time should be spent, which includes the following items Build Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Communications are conducted well among the stakeholders; Necessary Modifications Progress report Regular updates and status reports are provided as scheduled to the Owner for review; Hold regular meeting including weekly, monthly and aperiodic meeting; The project schedule is ongoing and updated; Manage problems like quality, time management, and team’s morale that can threaten the success of the Project; 4.4 Performance and monitoring This phase is all related to the measurement of progress and performance to make sure that items are tracking with the project management scheduling. This phase regularly happens at the same time as the execution phase. All the activities of the construction process from start to finish should align with the project management plan. The following items will be used to monitor and assess the project construction development Progressmonitor and assess the project progress and make several adjustments to keep the project construction on track by changing the resources input or construction method adjustment; Qualitymonitor and assess the construction quality and make sure that the quality deliverables have been fulfilled by PDCA and strict quality management; Cash flowmonitor the cash flow during construction and timely communicate with the stakeholders and manage the cash flow properly to make sure each construction activity can be implemented well; Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- 4.5 Closure When completing the project construction, the final phase has been coming, which is important as it offers the deliverables to the Owner. During the final closure, the importance is on providing the final deliverables to the customer, that is Complete all the works except the punch list agreed by both Contractor and the Owner; Handing over project documentation to the Owner; Communicate the closure of the project construction to all stakeholders; Releasing project resources 5. Method of Statement management strategy The Contractor shall be responsible for identifying the main method statement, ITP’s and risk assessments required for the execution of the all works including temporary works and defined step by step method of construction/installation of specific construction activities. This shall be done after the Contractor review process and through the interfacing with the Chief Engineer, planning Manager, Quality Manager and HSE Manager, A submission plan shall be developed for monitoring the preparation and submission date. The submission dates shall be anticipated based on the construction program and considering sufficient time for review/acceptance, prior to start any activity at site. All submission shall be approved by the Owner. All the produced method statement shall be adhering to QA standard and shall be submitted through “Method Statement Submission form “approved by the Owner. The Typical method of statement shall include the following a Introduction, include the scope of work Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- The Contractor will establish quite reputable and capable local manpower suppliers as partners through standardize and scientific evaluation procedures. In addition, the approved suppliers by Contractor, the workers can be mobilized to site timely. 6.2 Equipment and Material sources The equipment and materials Plan are important in that it establishes the procedure, estimated quantities and timing for mobilize the equipment and construction material necessary for the timely prosecution of the planned construction activities. The Contractor has been established professional procumbent team and good cooperative relations with quite reputable and capable suppliers. The project decision-making level shall determine the supplier list after the approval of Owner Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___- Evaluating the quality variance between the actual and the required standards; Assess the execution of HSE plan; Assess the construction execution of subcontractors. All the suggestions from internal audits will be respected and implemented so as to improve the Contractor’s performance throughout the construction period. b. External Audits Progress, Quality and HSE, etc., will also be monitored by external audits, especially the project progressing not smoothly. External audits will be conducted by a third Party selected by the Stakeholder including the Owner. All the reasonable suggestions resulting from external audits will be implemented fully to promote improvement during prosecution of the Works 13. Appendix Appendix A -------Typical construction organization chart Project NUKUS 100MW WIND FARM DOCUMENT OWNER SINOHYDRO Document Number NUK-000-___-ABE-00009 Date 06/10/23 Document Name Project Construction Management plan Rev.1


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