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ZERO CARBON BUILDING DESIGN STANDARD VERSION 2 Canada Green Building Council July 2021Copyright Canada Green Building Council CaGBC, 2020. These materials may be reproduced in whole or in part without charge or written permission, provided that appropriate source acknowledgements are made and that no changes are made to the contents. All other rights are reserved. The analyses/views in these materials are those of CaGBC, but these analyses/views do not necessarily reflect those of CaGBC’s affiliates including supporters, funders, members, and other participants or any endorsement by CaGBC’s affiliates. These materials are provided on an “as is” basis, and neither CaGBC nor its affiliates guarantee any parts or aspects of these materials. CaGBC and its affiliates are not liable either directly or indirectly nor accept any legal responsibility for any issues that may be related to relying on the materials including any consequences from using/applying the materials’ contents. Each user is solely responsible, at the user’s own risk, for any issues arising from any use or application of the materials’ contents. TRADEMARK Zero Carbon Building TM is a trademark of the Canada Green Building Council CaGBC. Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 ISBN 978-0-9813298-4-0 3 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 7 OVERVIEW . 10 Eligibility 11 Scope . 12 Required Documentation 12 CARBON REQUIREMENTS 13 Embodied Carbon 15 Resources . 18 Operational Carbon 19 Direct Emissions . 19 Indirect Emissions . 21 Resources . 24 Avoided Emissions . 25 Avoided Emissions from Exported Green Power 25 Avoided Emissions from Carbon Offsets 25 Resources . 26 Zero Carbon Transition Plan . 27 ENERGY REQUIREMENTS 28 Thermal Energy Demand Intensity 29 Resources . 32 Energy Use Intensity . 35 Resources . 35 Peak Demand . 37 Resources . 37 Modelling and Design Considerations 39 Airtightness . 39 Future Weather 39 Resources . 40 IMPACT the pilot project teams; participants in the zero carbon roundtables, and the members of CaGBC’s Energy and Engineering Technical Advisory Group. We also wish to acknowledge the support of Steve Kemp, RDH Building Science Inc., and Chris Magwood, Endeavor Center. CaGBC wishes to thank Environment and Climate Change Canada for their financial support.5 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 ZERO CARBON STEERING COMMITTEE Douglas Webber Chair, Purpose Building Arjun KC, Alberta Energy Christian Cianfrone, ZEBx Craig Applegath, DIALOG Darryl Neate, Oxford Properties Ed Cullinan, ATCO Hakim Nesreddine, Hydro Quebec Jagdamba Singh, Cadillac Fairview Maeri Machado, WSP Canada Maria McGibbon, Public Services and Procurement Canada Mary Quintana, Brock University Matt Tokarik, Subterra Renewables Maxime Boisclair, GBi Morgan McDonald, Ledcor Construction Ltd. Ryan Zizzo, Mantle314 Sheena Sharp, Cool Earth Architecture inc. Wendy Macdonald, Stantec Consulting Ltd. ENERGY METRICS WORKING GROUP Antoni Paleshi, WSP Canada Christian Cianfrone, ZEBx Curt Hepting, Enersys Analytics Inc. Elyse Henderson, RDH Building Science Inc. Frederic Genest, NRCan Canmet Energy Luka Matutinovic, Purpose Building Martin Roy, Martin Roy Associates Maxime Boisclair, GBi Meaghan Kahnert, ARUP Samantha Lane, Stantec Consulting Ltd. EMBODIED CARBON WORKING GROUP Franois Charron-Doucet, Groupe AGCO Julie-Anne Chayer, Groupe AGCO Geoffrey Guest, National Research Council Canada Jenny McMinn, Urban Equation Kaitlyn Tyschenko, Ellis Don / Pomerleau Kevin Stelzer, Brock McIlroy / ENFORM Architects Mark Lucuik, Morrison Hershfield Matt Bowick, Athena Institute Patrick Enright, City of Vancouver Ryan Zizzo, Mantle314 Sandra Dedesko, RWDI Sudhir Suri, L’OEUF CARBON ACCOUNTING WORKING GROUP Adam Stoker, University of Calgary Daniel Hegg, Stantec Consulting Ltd. Douglas Webber, Purpose Building Firas AbouKhamis, WSP Canada Howlan Mullally, City of Toronto Kalum Galle, Morrison Hershfield Maria Mottillo, Public Services and Procurement Canada Morgan McDonald, Ledcor Construction Ltd. Natalie Kehle, Infrastructure Ontario / Town of Aurora6 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 Figure 1 – Zero Carbon Building Pilot Projects in Canada Mohawk College – Joyce Centre for Partnership Innovation Hamilton, ON NiMA Trails Residential/ Commercial Building Guelph, ON evolv1 Waterloo, ON Cur-Paquin Elementary School Saint-Eustache, QC Walkerton Clean Water Centre Walkerton, ON Wilkinson Avenue Warehouses Dartmouth, NS The Stack Vancouver, BC University of Calgary – MacKimmie Complex Calgary, AB Arthur Meighen Building Toronto, ON TRCA New Headquarters Toronto, ON City of Vancouver Fire Hall Vancouver, BC West 8th and Pine Vancouver, BC EcoLock Kelowna, BC The HUB Toronto, ON Confidential Project Winnipeg, MB Okanagan College – Health Sciences Centre Kelowna, BC ZERO CARBON PILOT PROJECTS7 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 INTRODUCTION 1 Environment and Climate Change Canada. Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change. Canada’s Plan to Address Climate Change and Grow the Economy Gatineau, Quebec Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2016.. https// canadian-framework/climate-change-plan.html. 2 Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction, 2019 Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction Nairobi UN Environment, 2019, 12. 3 Canada Green Building Council. Making the Case for Building to Zero Carbon 2019. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, all nations must focus efforts on carbon reduction. As an industry, building construction and operations must effectively eliminate greenhouse gas GHGs emissions by 2050. To achieve this goal, new buildings being planned today must set zero carbon emissions as their target. Retrofits of existing buildings must likewise emphasize deep emissions reductions. There is no time to wait. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC has fixed the world’s available carbon budget – the maximum amount of GHGs that can be released into the atmosphere over time – at 420 gigatonnes Gt of carbon dioxide equivalent CO 2 e. It’s a target designed to keep global warming to 1.5 o C. However, at the world’s current rate of 40 Gt of carbon emissions per year, that budget will last a little more than 10 years before we risk a temperature increase that will significantly alter our climate. To stay within this carbon budget and to mitigate the effects of climate change requires actionable solutions to be taken. Every year that passes without significantly reducing GHG emissions contributes to the erosion of the world’s carbon budget, cutting what little time we have left to reach zero carbon. The building industry is mobilizing to help support Canada’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Building operations are responsible for 17 per cent of Canada’s carbon emissions, 1 with construction and materials representing a further 11 per cent, 2 providing the opportunity to make significant carbon reductions as the industry moves toward the elimination of emissions by 2050. This required transition is generating new and innovative pathways to zero carbon, expanding opportunities for industry growth and job creation. The Canada Green Building Council CaGBC launched the Zero Carbon Building Standard ZCB Standard to assist the industry’s transition to zero carbon. CaGBC’s Making the Case for Building to Zero Carbon report confirmed that zero carbon buildings are technically feasible and financially viable. On average, zero carbon buildings can provide a positive financial return over a 25-year life-cycle, inclusive of carbon pollution pricing, and require a modest capital cost premium. This financial return will only grow as the cost of carbon rises, while zero carbon buildings also promise to mitigate future costs for utilities and retrofits. 3 A Zero Carbon Building is a highly energy efficient building that produces onsite, or procures, carbon-free renewable energy or high-quality carbon offsets in an amount sufficient to offset the annual carbon emissions associated with building materials and operations.8 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 ZERO CARBON BUILDING – DESIGN STANDARD V2 The Zero Carbon Building – Design ZCB-Design Standard is a made-in-Canada framework for designing and retrofitting buildings to achieve zero carbon. Zero carbon buildings represent the industry’s best opportunity for cost-effective emissions reductions that spur innovation in design, building materials and technology, creating jobs and business opportunities. The second iteration of the Standard introduces greater rigour while increasing flexibility, to support the goal of transforming all buildings to be zero carbon. The updates to the ZCB-Design Standard are designed to facilitate this change by incorporating the findings from ZCB Standard certified projects and by responding to evolving knowledge that is shaping operational solutions. Special consideration was given to the following four topic areas. EMBODIED CARBON IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS While the energy efficiency of buildings has improved and reduced the emissions associated with building operations, the relative embodied carbon associated with building materials has increased. 4 Emphasis now needs to be directed at reducing the carbon associated with the life-cycle embodied carbon of materials. Of particular importance are the emissions from the production of construction materials, which the industry calls upfront carbon. These emissions become a factor even before a building begins operation. ENERGY GRIDS AND BUILDINGS Building design must now consider the interplay of drawing power from the grid and sending power back, to ensure the exchanges provide measurable carbon reductions. For example, building design should aim to reduce and shift peak electricity demand to minimize consumption at times when fossil fuels are being used to meet grid power generation needs. ONSITE RENEWABLES Onsite renewables offer a cost-effective path to reduce carbon emissions from buildings located in areas with high-carbon electricity grids. They can also be effective in low-carbon grids provided they displace fossil fuel fired power generation typically used to meet peak demand. NEAR-TERM CLIMATE FORCERS Refrigerants and methane are near-term climate forcers – GHGs that last a short time in the atmosphere but trap a large amount of heat. As a result, these near-term climate forcers accelerate the impact of climate change. Increasingly, refrigerants are used in heat pumps to enhance efficiency and drive down carbon emissions. This necessitates a better understanding of refrigerant options and best-management practices to minimize potential refrigerant leaks. In addition, the impact of unintended methane releases resulting from extraction, processing and distribution is significant and is now recognized in the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. 5 4 Rck, M., Saade, M., Balouktsi, M., Rasmussen, F ., Birgisdottir, H., Frischknecht, R., Habert, G., Ltzkendorf, T., and Passer, A., Embodied GHG Emissions of Buildings – The Hidden Challenge for Effective Climate Change Mitigation Amsterdamn Elsevier, 2019, 3. 5 Calvo Buendia, E., Tanabe, K., Kranjc, A., Baasansuren, J., Fukuda, M., Ngarize S., Osako, A., Pyrozhenko, Y., Shermanau, P . and Federici, S., 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Volume 2 – Energy Switzerland IPCC, 2019, 4.34.9 CaGBC | Zero Carbon Building – Design Standard Version 2 | July 2021 ENHANCEMENTS TO THE ZCB-DESIGN STANDARD Building standards must evolve with the market and take advantage of new ideas, new technologies and new processes. With the ZCB-Design Standard, focus was placed on improving rigour while increasing flexibility, as well as raising the bar on key metrics. To further support the effectiveness and market uptake of ZCB-Design the following key enhancements were made 1. Embodied carbon and refrigerants must be carefully considered and offset prior to seeking ZCB-Performance certification. 2. A set of energy efficiency compliance options ensures higher performance and flexibility. 3. Innovation is incented, encouraging the adoption of new approaches and technologies while providing more flexibility to choose the most appropriate strategies for each project. These enhancements provide owners and operators improved financial returns from designs that minimize capital costs and yield greater energy efficiency cost savings. Design teams benefit from their design and technology choices being recognized, freeing them to choose the strategies most appropriate to each project. With ZCB-Design v2, achieving a zero carbon building means taking responsibility for all the carbon emissions over the building’s life-cycle. It is an ambitious but nonetheless critical objective, because within the context of a global carbon budget every bit of carbon counts. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF GOOD DESIGN REMAIN UNCHANGED 1. Central to the success of any design project targeting zero carbon is the application of an integrated design approach. 2. Emphasis should remain first on the dual goals of minimizing embodied carbon and reducing energy demand. Improvements to the building’s envelope and ventilation strategies not only reduce energy demand but also enable heating solutions that are not fossil fuel-based and help reduce peak demand on the electricity grid. 3. Meeting a building’s energy needs efficiently is a critical next step that helps reduce energy use and saves on energy costs. From heating and cooling to hot water and lighting, efficiency focuses on meeting energy needs with the least energy and carbon emissions. 4. Consideration should next be given to how a building might generate onsite renewable energy, accounting for grid interactions to ensure real carbon reductions. Energy storage, whether in the form of electrical or thermal storage, is becoming recognized as a valuable strategy that helps minimize grid impacts while reducing or eliminating the need for fossil fuels to meet peak heating demand. 5. Not all buildings are able to reach zero emission operations by relying solely on onsite measures, and the embodied carbon of construction materials can only be offset with measures beyond the building property. Therefore, building projects should consider the potential for offsite renewable energy and carbon offsets as a final measure towards attaining zero carbon.


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