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 InstallatIon and operatIons Manual for MaldIves’ GrId‑Conne Cted r ooftop photovoltaIC s ysteMs MARCH 2023 InstallatIon and operatIons Manual for MaldIves’ GrId‑Conne Cted r ooftop photovoltaIC s ysteMs MARCH 2023 Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license CC BY 3.0 IGO 2023 Asian Development Bank 6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines Tel 63 2 8632 4444; Fax 63 2 8636 2444 Some rights reserved. Published in 2023. ISBN 978-92-9270-061-4 print; 978-92-9270-062-1 electronic; 978-92-9270-063-8 ebook Publication Stock No. TIM230065-2 DOI http// The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank ADB or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” in this publication, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. This work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license CC BY 3.0 IGO https// By using the content of this publication, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license. For attribution, translations, adaptations, and permissions, please read the provisions and terms of use at https// This CC license does not apply to non-ADB copyright materials in this publication. If the material is attributed to another source, please contact the copyright owner or publisher of that source for permission to reproduce it. ADB cannot be held liable for any claims that arise as a result of your use of the material. Please contact if you have questions or comments with respect to content, or if you wish to obtain copyright permission for your intended use that does not fall within these terms, or for permission to use the ADB logo. Corrigenda to ADB publications may be found at http// Cover design by Edith Creus. On the cover Home Solar Photovoltaic installation at L. Maavah, Maldives photo by Hussain Shiham [Technician, L. Gan Branch, Fenaka Corporation Limited]. iii Contents Table aND Figures v a ckNowleDgmeNT s vi Disclaimer vii 1 iNTroDucTioN 1 2 applica TioN aND approval process 2 Application Form for Eligible Consumers for the Grid Connection 2 of Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems Service Provider Verification and Approval 4 3 TechNical speciFica TioNs, sT aND arDs, 9 aND iNs Talla TioN requiremeNT s Component Equipment Standards Informative 9 Testing Laboratories and Verification of Certificates 9 Photovoltaic Modules 10 Inverter, Control, and Remote Monitoring System 11 Energy Meter 11 Photovoltaic Module Mounting Structure 12 Photovoltaic Array and Photovoltaic String Combiner Boxes 13 Circuit Breakers 13 Disconnectors and Switch-Disconnectors 13 Direct Current Cables 13 Wiring Loops 14 Plugs, Sockets, and Connectors 16 Cable Termination 16 Earthing System 16 Marking and Danger Signs 17 4 DocumeNT a TioN requiremeNT s 18 5 w arraNTy aND guaraNTee 21iv Contents 6 pos T-iNs Talla TioN iNspecTioN aND veriFica TioN process 22 General Information 22 PV Module Information 23 Inverter Information 23 Checklist for Verification of Design and Planning 24 Checklist for Verification of Electrical and Fire Safety 26 Checklist for Verification of Installation 28 Checklist for Verification of Module Mounting Structure 29 Checklist for Verification of Operation and Maintenance 30 7 pho Tovol Taic s ys Tem perF ormaNce evalua TioN 32 System-Level Performance Evaluation 32 Diagnostic Performance Evaluation 33 8 preveNTive maiNTeNaNce aD visory 34 appeNDiXes 1 Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Connection Agreement 36 2 Equipment Required for Inspection 39 3 A Typical Connection Diagram for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System 40 with String Inverter 4 A Typical Connection Diagram for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System 41 with Micro Inverterv Table Preventive Maintenance Advisory 34 Figures 1 Wiring to Avoid Conductive Loops – Example 1 14 2 Wiring to Avoid Conductive Loops – Example 2 15 3 Wiring to Avoid Conductive Loops – Example 3 15 4 Example of Wiring to be Avoided Because it Includes Conductive Loops 15 5 Recommended Signage and Labeling for Solar PV System 17 t able and fIGuresvi Acknowledgments Installation and Operations Manual for Maldives’ Grid‑Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems was prepared by a team led by Jaimes Kolantharaj, senior energy specialist, South Asia Energy Division of the Asian Development Bank ADB. The lead author of this manual is Dwipen Boruah, senior technical consultant for the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives. The team is grateful for the valuable guidance and support of ADB’s Kenichi Yokoyama, director general, South Asia Department; Priyantha Wijayatunga, chief, energy sector group; and Thiam Hee Ng, director, South Asia Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division. The team acknowledges contributions from the following ADB staff David Morgado, senior energy specialist; Maria Charina Apolo Santos, project analyst; and consultants Sergio Ugarte SQ Consult, Abdulla Firag, and Marietta L. Marasigan. The team highly appreciates the guidance of Aminath Shauna, minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Maldives. It also appreciates the informative comments received from the Energy Department, the Utility Regulatory Authority, the State Electric Company Ltd., and Fenaka Corporation Limited. Lastly, it is worthwhile to acknowledge the support and inputs from the project management unit of the Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development project.vii While methods, approach, procedures, and instructions included in this manual are based on the terms and conditions prescribed in the “Regulation for Connecting Renewable Energy Systems to the Electricity Network on a Net Metering Basis 2020,” relevant International Electrotechnical Commission and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards and global best practices, the author; the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, Republic of Maldives; the Asian Development Bank; and any stakeholder implementing and administering the bank’s Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development project in Maldives do not assume responsibility and expressly disclaim liability for loss, injury, damage, expense or inconvenience sustained by any users of this manual or in relation to any information or data contained in this manual. Neither we nor the affiliated partnerships or bodies, corporate, nor the directors, shareholders, managers, partners, employees, or agents of any of them, make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy, reasonableness, or completeness of the information contained in this manual. All such parties and entities expressly disclaim any liability for or based on or relating to any such information contained in, or errors in or omissions from, this report or based on or relating to the recipient’s use of this manual. Disclaimer1 INTRODUCTION Installation and Operations Manual for Maldives’ Grid‑Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems was prepared to support the implementation of grid-connected rooftop photovoltaic PV projects in the Republic of Maldives. The methods, approach, procedures, and instructions included in this manual are based on the terms and conditions prescribed in the “Regulation for Connecting Renewable Energy Systems to the Electricity Network on a Net Metering Basis 2020,” relevant International Electrotechnical Commission IEC, European Standards EN, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers standards and global best practices. 1 This manual specifically supports utility engineers to verify and approve grid connection applications from eligible consumers for rooftop PV systems under net meter regulation. The manual provides guidelines for the verification of site details, PV system design information, bill of quantity, system documentation, etc. Though this manual is specified as “grid-connected rooftop PV systems,” it can be used and applied as a reference manual for any grid-connected PV system connected to a low-voltage grid network 220 volts [V] to 440 V. The manual provides detailed checklists for the verification of equipment, system design and planning, electrical and fire safety, mounting structure and system installation, and operation and maintenance practices during the post-installation inspection as per relevant standards, grid code requirements, and best practices. System performance evaluation methods and preventive maintenance advisories included in the manual intend to help utility engineers to monitor and manage rooftop PV systems as well. Ready-to-use application and connection agreement forms, checklists, and the list of equipment required for inspection will help the end users, supply and installation companies, project managers, and engineers of service providers to take swift and definitive action while implementing rooftop PV projects. The operations manual includes the following i application form for the grid connection of rooftop PV systems by eligible consumers; ii verification and approval form by the service provider; iii technical specifications, standards, and installation requirements; iv documentation requirements; v warranty and guarantee terms for different components and quality of works; vi post-installation inspection and verification process and checklists; vii PV system performance evaluation method; viii preventive maintenance advisory; ix grid connection agreement form for rooftop PV systems; and x list of equipment required for inspection. 1 Government of Maldives, Utility Regulatory Authority. 2020. 2020/R ‑46 – Net Metering Regulation. 22 June. https// 12 APPLICATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS application f orm for eligible Consumers for the Grid Connection of r ooftop photovoltaic s ystems Interested eligible consumers may use the following application form to request the grid connection of rooftop PV systems on a net metering basis. 1 Consumer 1.1 Full name 1.2 Address 1.3 Atoll/island 1.4 Contact phone number 1.5 E-mail address 1.6 Account number of existing meter in the premises where the photovoltaic PV system is to be installed 2 Installation a gent 2.1 Full name 2.2 Address 2.3 Contact phone number 2.4 E-mail address 2.5 License number issued by Utility Regulatory Authority URA to carry out electric works 3 r ooftop pv s ystem details 3.1 Manufacturing date 3.2 Type of PV technology mono or poly-crystalline/cadmium telluride [CdTe] or copper indium gallium selenide [CIGS] thin film 3.3 Type of inverter based on use of transformer isolated/non-isolated 2 continued on next pageApplication and Approval Process 3 3.4 Type of inverter based on interface with PV array micro/string/optimizer based 3.5 Power factor 3.5 Rating in kilowatt [kW] and kilovolt-ampere [kVA] 3.6 Voltage in volt [V] 3.7 Frequency in hertz [Hz] 3.8 Estimated annual total electricity generation in kilowatt-hour [kWh] 4 site Installation details 4.1 A site plan drawn to scale of the location of installation must be submitted with this form. This plan must include the site boundaries, point of installation, meter location, and the connection point of the system to the service provider’s network. 4.2 A single line drawing with clear indications of the system’s electricity generator PV inverter, meter, connection point, isolation devices, and safety devices must be submitted with this form. 4.3 Details of the system’s security measures to prevent “unintended islanding” a as follows Ƀ Systems connected to the network shall be able to avoid “unintended islanding,” and in the event of unintended islanding, the system shall contain components able to prevent the service provider’s network from getting energized within 0.5 seconds. Ƀ In the event of an intentional or unintentional disconnection of the service provider’s network, the systems connected to the network shall automatically disconnect within 0.5 seconds. 5 schedule of w orks 5.1 Estimated date of commencement of installation 5.2 Estimated date of system commissioning and connection to the grid 6 declaration I hereby request the grid connection of the rooftop PV system to the service provider’s network on a net metering basis in accordance with the information provided in this form. I declare that the rooftop solar PV system to be connected to the grid shall be in compliance with all aspects of the “Regulation for Connecting Renewable Energy Systems to the Electricity Network on a Net Metering Basis 2020” 2020/R-46. Name Address Signature Date a The net metering regulation defines “unintended islanding” as the generation of electricity from the system established by the customer even when there is no electricity in the network. Continued4 Installation and Operations Manual for Maldives’ Grid-Connected Rooftop Photovoltaic Systems service p rovider v erification and approval The service provider may use the following form to verify and approve applications for grid connection of rooftop PV systems Section 1 applicant details no. Information service p rovider v erification 1 Date of submission of the application 2 Name of the consumer as stated in the electricity account 3 Consumer’s complete address for communication 4 Electricity consumer account number 5 Name of contact person a single point of contact should be provided 6 Telephone number of contact person 7 E-mail address of contact person 8 Name and designation of the person authorized to make the financial decision 9 Name and designation of the person to whom the service is allocated/granted and is authorized to make the technical decision 10 Name and designation of the person to whom the service is allocated/granted and is authorized to make the overall management decision Section 2 site details no. Information service p rovider v erification 1 The physical address of the building where the rooftop PV system will be installed 2 Geographic coordinates of the building where the rooftop PV system will be installed 3 Mark the building roofs on Google earth map a where the rooftop PV system will be installed continued on nex


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