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Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program T-VER Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization Public Organization1 Objective of T-VER To encourage domestic GHG emission reduction along with co-benefit projects through certifying carbon credits To promote Voluntary Carbon Market in the Country To raise consciousness /awareness of climate change for public and private sector to involve in GHG mitigation To prepare all stakeholders for the new agreement for GHG emission reduction in the near future Credits are mainly used for CSR and voluntary carbon offsetting of companies 2 Basic principle in developing T-VER Transparency clearly explained methods and assumptions  Relevance The project must comply with the eligibility criteria for the type of project concerned, with a suitable methodology selected. Accuracy; measure of exactness-neither over or under estimated Consistency; internally consistent over time series Comparability; inventories are comparable across Parties/Member States Completeness; covers all relevant categories of sources and sinks, and gases. 3 Securing of Reliability of Offsetting Credits T-VER The scheme is Harmonized with International Standards Monitoring/ calculation rules based on ISO 14064-2, CDM Meth. Validation/verification guidelines based on ISO 14064-3 Validation and Verification Body VVB based on ISO14065/DOE after 2016 VVB must be acquired accreditation on ISO 14065 4 Characteristics of T-VER GHG reduction – Project based – Baseline-and-credit Size of projects – No limitation – Can be bundled Carbon Credits – TVERs Thailand Verified Emission Reductions Gas coverage – CO2, CH4, N2O 5 Institutional Framework for T-VER Board of Director of TGO Subcommittee of Methodology Subcommittee of GHG Emission Reduction ProjectMeth. Working Group of Energy, Industry, Transportation and Waste sector Meth. Working Group of Agriculture and Forest Sector TGO Secretary VVB 6 VVB Validation and Verification Body TGO Thailand Greeenhouse Gas Management Organization Preparing all documents by PP Validation by VVBPDD Validation Report Registration by TGO 80 working days Monitoring by PP Verification by VVB Monitoring Report Verification report Issuance of TVERs by TGO 100 working days Notify to PP and open account by TGO Notify to PP and record in the registry system by TGO 1 Registration request form 2 Validated PDD 3 Validation report 4 Co-benefits evaluation report 1 Issuance request form 2 Monitoring report 3 Verification report 4 Co-benefits monitoring report T-VER cycle PP Project Proponent TGO Thailand Greeenhouse Gas Management Organization VVB Validation and Verification Body TVERs Carbon credit under TVER scheme 7 Additionality of Projects For micro scale and small scale projects, no need to prove additionality For large scale project, PP has to prove additionality of the project. At the initial stage, pay back period is used for proving additionality. 9 Co-benefit o PP should prepare the Co-benefits evaluation report o Co-benefit evaluation report contains 3 parts Part 1 Project Description Part 2 Existing environment Part 3 Co-benefits evaluation o Co-benefits must be assessed using a “Checklist system” o The proposed project activity that will be evaluated as “co-benefit project” - must meet all laws and regulation related to pollution control and environmental regulation - have co-benefits in terms of environment social and economic 11 Co-benefits Checklist  Environment 1. Support national policy 2. Reduce air pollution 3. Reduce water pollution 4. Reduce noise pollution 5. Waste Management 6. Hazardous waste management 7. Reduce contamination of soil 8. Reduce contamination of under ground water 9. Reduce odor 10. Increase water utilization efficiency 11. Increase green area  Social 1. Support public participation 2. Support social, cultural, environment and health development of community 3. Capacity Building for personnel  Economic 1. Support local economic employment /additional stakeholder income 2. Reduce costs and expenses of project/ Increase revenue from by-product of project 3. Increase renewable energy utilization and energy efficiency 4. Increase local content 12 Prevention of Double Use of Credits double counting Prohibition of double certification resulting from similar systems Prevention of double counting in transferring an environment- conservation-related value added of greenhouse gas emission reductions/removals to a third party Prevention of double counting in providing a voluntary reporting/announcement Prevention of double counting in public report/announcement systems 13 Checking process double counting -- registration 14 Checking process double counting -- issuance 15 Website used for checking double counting 16 Reject/ Withdrawal of T-VER Project TGO can cancel or withdraw the registration of the T-VER Project in accordance with  Rule of cancellation of the registration  If project does not comply with rules and regulation  Not cooperate in  No Activity implementation after 2 years of registration 17 Type of Project 1. Energy Efficiency 2. Alternative Energy 3. Renewable Energy 4. Transportation 5. Waste Management 6. Forestation and Green area 7. Agriculture 8. Other 18 T-VER Methodology T - VER - METH Re n e wable En er gy Energy e f ficiency Wast e Managment electr icity heat fuel electr icity heat co - gener atio n was t e water Sol id w aste RE - 01 RE - 02 RE - 03 RE - 04 RE - 04 RE - 05 lighting gener atio n was t e - heat EE - 01 EE - 02 EE - 06 EE - 03 EE - 04 WM - 0 2 WM - 0 3 WM - 0 4 WM - 0 6 WM - 0 7 Fore st FOR - 01 FOR - 02 FOR - 03 Agricu ltu r e AGR - 01 AGR - 02 EE - 07 WM - 01 WM - 08 gener atio n EE - 05 19 Last updated on September 15, 2015 T-VER methodology Project type T-VER- METH- Approved methodology Energy efficiency EE-01 Energy Efficiency Improvement from Lightings in Buildings EE-02 High Energy Efficiency Lighting Installation in Buildings EE-03 Installation of Cogeneration System to Replace the Separated System EE-04 New Installation of Cogeneration System EE-05 Energy Efficiency for Thermal Generation EE-06 Energy Efficiency for Electricity Generation EE-07 Waste Heat Recovery and Utilisation for Power Generation at Cement Plants M 20 Last updated on September 15, 2015 T-VER methodology Project type T-VER- METH- Approved methodology Alternative and renewable energy RE-01 On-Grid Renewable Electricity Generation RE-02 Off-Grid Renewable Electricity Generation RE-03 Switching of Fossil Fuel or Increasing of Renewable Energy Utilization to Generate Thermal Energy RE-04 New Installation of Renewable Energy System to Generate Thermal Energy RE-05 Biodiesel Production for Use as Fuel of Vehicle or Agricultural Machinery M 21 Last updated on September 15, 2015 T-VER methodologyM Project type T-VER- METH- Approved methodology Waste manage- ment WM-01 Methane Capture from Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment for Utilization or Flaring WM-02 Municipal Solid Waste Incineration WM-03 Organic Waste Composting WM-04 Refuse Derived Fuel RDF Production from Municipal Solid Waste WM-06 Methane Capture from Anaerobic Digester for Utilization WM-07 Methane Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste Management for Utilization or Flaring WM-08 Methane Recovery in Swine Wastewater Treatment 22 Last updated on September 15, 2015 T-VER methodology Project type T-VER- METH- Approved methodology Agriculture AGR-01 Good Fertilization Practice in Agricultural Land AGR-02 Carbon Sequestration and Reducing Emission in Orchards Forestry FOR-01 Sustainable Forestation FOR-02 Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in Forest Area Project Level P-REDD FOR-03 Large Scale Sustainable Forestation Project M 23 Last updated on September 15, 2015 Statistics of T-VER 7 57 2 3 Energy efficiencyRenewable Energy Waste Management Agriculture Forestry Status no. of projects emission reduction registered 19 703,670 tCO2e/y issued 7 343,645 tCO2e T-VER Methodology 24 Last updated on September 18, 2015 The carbon offset/neutral Label Carbon Offset Label Carbon Neutral Label Individuals Organizations Products and Services Events 25 Measurement GHG emission measurement can be categorized into three approach Products and Services To measure GHG emissions from Products and Services , by using “Guideline for carbon footprint assessment for Products and Services ”. Organizations and Event To measure GHG emissions from Organizations and Events, by using “Guideline for carbon footprint assessment for the organization”. The footprint measurements should include 100 of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Individuals To measure GHG emissions from Personal Activities. Calculated as tons per year, by using the “Calculating the carbon footprint Tool“ in the TGO Website http// 26 Thailand Carbon Offsetting Programme TCOP Demand Supply CERs 4. Documentation and Verification 3. Offsetting residual GHG emission 1. Measurement 2. Reduction Carbon Of fset GH G emissio n r ed uctio n tar ge t VERs TVERs CDM VCS Verified Carbon Standard GSGold Standard CAR Carbon Action Reserve other T-VER Carbon credits Other activity 27 Carbon neutral and offset Activities FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 Total GHG Reduction Entity GHG Reduction Entity GHG Reduction Entity GHG Reductio n Entity Products 1,002 4 Products 54 4 Products 33 2 Products 1,089 10 Products 2 companies 3 companies 1 companies 6 Companies Organization 1,038 2 Organizations 5,098 9 Organizations 2,381 1 Organizations 8,517 12 Organizations Event 571 3 Events 12 2 Events 71 6 Events 654 11 Events Individual 1,070 199 285 64 149 42 1,504 305 Total 3,681 5,449 2,634 11,764 31/8/2015 28 Last updated on August 31, 2015  T-VER Website 29 Thank you for your attention Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization TGO


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