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Thailand’s current GHG inventory and mitigation reporting setting Thursday 21st November 2019 603 meeting room, ONEP By Mr. Sivach Kaewcharoen Director Climate Change Database and Knowledge Section Outline Introduction NC INC, SNC, BUR, SBUR, TNC IPCC 2006 GL. GWP AR4, AR5 or recently AR agreed by the CMA TGEIS Expect to Report; TBUR onward NAMA 9 mitigation measures IPCC 2000 GL. INC, SNC, BUR, SBUR, TNC IPCC 2006 GL. TGEIS Expect to Report; TBUR onward NDC mitigation measures Introduction o Decision 17/CP.8 Guidelines for the preparation of national communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. Including national circumstance, national inventory should use the IPCC 1996 GL., mitigation actions, vulnerability and adaptation, other information, and constraints and gaps, and related financial, technical and capacity needs o Decision 2/CP.17 Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention, Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties. That non-Annex I Parties shall submit a biennial update report every two years, Including national circumstances, national inventory for calendar year no more than four years prior to the date of the submission, or more recent years, information on mitigation actions, and constrains, gaps, needs and support received BUR NC Transparency o Each Party shall use the IPCC 2006 GL. o All process under the inventory principle Transparency – Accuracy – Consistency – Completeness – Comparability o Quality Planning o Quality Control QC o Quality Assurance QA o Institutional arrangements relevant to preparing NIRs more detailed on data responsibilities and archiving, quality, and approval process NIR o Enhancements in BTRs o Steps taken or envisaged to achieve that action o Type of instrument o Start year of implementation and status o Implementing entity or entities o Detailed MRV methods and assumptions o Institutional arrangements in place to track progress in achieving its NDC, including MRV o Provide detailed information on economic and social impacts is encouraged Mitigaton National Communication and Biennial Update Reports REPORT DATA YEAR SUBMISSION YEAR Methodology Initial National Communication INC 1994 2000 1996 IPCC Revised Guidelines Second National Communication SNC 2000- 2004 2011 -1996 IPCC Revised Guidelines -2003 GPG for Land use, Land use Change, and Forestry First Biennial Update Reports BUR 1 2000- 2011 2015 -1996 IPCC Revised Guidelines -2000 GPG -2003 GPG for LULUCF BUR2/TNC 2000- 2013 2017/2018 -1996 IPCC Revised Guidelines -2000 GPG -2003 GPG for LULUCF 1996 Revised IPCC guidelines National Greenhouse Gas Inventory 2000 - 2013 Energy Industrial processes Agri. LULUCFWaste 11 Guideline for GHG inventories 2006 IPCC guideline Data Owners - Department of Alternative Energy Department and Efficiency DEDE - Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand EGAT - Department of Energy Business DOEB - Department of Primary Industries and Mines DPIM - Energy Regulatory Commission OERC - Department of Mineral Fuels DMF Prepare Draft GHG Inventory Report as a part of NC Biomass Biogas MSW Heat generation from Solar Heat generation from Bio-energy Biodiesel consumption in transport Ethanol consumption in transport Energy Efficiency improvement by thermal power plant Energy Efficiency improvement by clean technology power plant Energy Efficiency Standard and Labeling for the electric equipments 14.34 3.91 37.47 10.21 40.14 10.94 45.68 12.45 51.72 14.09 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 MtCO 2e Year Result of mitigation actions compare with BAU BAU 7 20 BAU 7 204 10 11 12 14 Result of mitigation actions in 2013 Result of mitigation actions in 2014 Result of mitigation actions in 2015 Result of mitigation actions in 2016 Result of mitigation actions in 2017 Next steps for reporting BTR2020National Circumstances 201x GHG Inventory 2000 – 2016 Use IPCC 2006 GL. Mitigation 2013 – 2017 Supported and Needs TBUR National circumstances 201x GHG inventory 2000 – 2018 Use IPCC 2006 GL. Mitigation 2013 – 2017 and NDC Vulnerability Adaptation Downscale, Risk nap, NAP, Adaptation communication Supported and Needs FNC 2022 2024 Information necessary to track progress in NDC National Circumstances 202x QA/QC process GHG Inventory 1990 - 2022 Use IPCC 2006 GL. Information on financial, technology transfer and capacity-building Adaptation Communication Voluntary Climate Change Management and Coordination Division Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment 60/1 Rama VI Rd. Praya-Thai district, Bangkok 10400 Thailand Tel. 66 2265 6500 ext. 6783 Fax. 66 2265 6692 E-mail https// Thank you


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