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HLF Annual Summit 2022 November 6-9, Tampere, Finland METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY AND GREEN ECOCHAIN FOR INTERNATIONAL ECOSYSTEM COLLABORATION OPPORTUNITIES Hsinchu Ecosystem, Taiwan Nov. 7, 2022 Stephen Su ITRI Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center ISTI 2 Introduction and Summary to the Metaverse Technology Session Presentation and Chair by Stephen Su, ITRI Hsinchu Ecosystem, Taiwan 3 AGENDA METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY FOR REAL WORLD Introduction of Metaverse Technology for Real World 10 minutes − Stephen Su, ITRI Presentation by Ecosystem 30 minutes − Hsinchu Ecosystem, Stephen Su, ITRI − VTT Industrial Ecosystem Tampere, Helsinki, Karoliina Salminen, VTT − Fraunhofer Industrial Ecosystem, Leif Oppermann, Fraunhofer FIT − Seoul Ecosystem, Jong-Il Park, Hanyang University − CEA/GEM Ecosystem Paris, Grenoble, Marc Duranton, CEA; Pedro Abrantes, GEM Panel Discussion 15 minutes − Susanna Aromaa, VTT − Video Ethics in Metaverse from Alexei Grinbaum, Research Director. Chairman of the CEAs Digital Ethics Steering Committee − Panel How to build briges between our own ecosystems buidling Metaverse With presenters. Conclusion 5 minutes − Gorka Arrizabalaga, CEA 4 DEFINITION OF METAVERSE TECH FOR REAL WORLD Digital World Physical World Phygital Source Haihan Duan et al. / Deloitte / IDC / BCG Mirror or native Converged universe Technology innovation for better living in converged universe of digital and physical worlds Phygital Real Definition of Metaverse Tech for Real World by ITRI Ecosystem User / Platform content engine Economics AI enabled Interaction Immersive UX VR/AR/MR/XR Digital Twins / Avatars Content creation/Development interface Infrastructure Blockchain / storage Communication and network Computational power / edge 5 METAVERSE TECHNOLOGY DISCUSSION FRAMEWORK Ecosystems to share best practices of Metaverse technology development in stages of ecosystem and innovation development Innovation Creativity Entity Ecosystem Humanity x Technology Best practices Best practices Best practices Best practices 6 EXPLANATION FOR METAVERSE TECHNOLOGYDISCUSSION FRAMEWORK Theme Humanity X Technology Humanity - Human factors such as needs and feelings as the essential part of all applications Technology - Emerging technologies like XR and AI to give user immersive experience; NFT also has key roles to play Entity Single company, organization, start-up, Individual, etc. Ecosystem Network of support to entities like supply chain, industry cluster, infrastructure, finance, policy, regulation, etc. Innovation New technology or applications already in business operations Creativity New technology or applications in early stage of development 7 DIVERSE REPRESENTATIONS FROM ECOSYSTEMS - 1 Partial summary Definition of Metaverse technology for real world −Technology innovation for better living in converged universe ITRI −Industrial Metaverse Fraunhofer FIT, VTT XR-Interfaces Data-Spaces Fraunhofer FIT Human Driven - Reduced physical presence/traveling, augment capabilities, emotionally adaptive technology to reduce stress VTT −Digital Twins as foundation of the Metaverse according to Microsoft CEA, Fraunhofer, VTT −Holistic Digital Twin HDT Integrating functions, dimensions and scales during entire life cycle of systems CEA 8 DIVERSE REPRESENTATIONS FROM ECOSYSTEMS - 2 Partial summary Focus of ecosystems −Industrial Metaverse Fraunhofer FIT, VTT, CEA, ITRI −Combining CSCW Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing Online l Ming-Der Shieh, Professor, NCKU; Director of Taiwan IC Industry Academia Research Alliance Online l Peter Wu, CEO, ASUS CLOUD Online l Keynote Audrey Tang, Minister, Ministry of Digital Affairs MODA OnlineParticipation in HLF Annual Summit 2022 19 Building the Supply Chain Overseas Collaboration Presentation by Stephen Su, ITRI Hsinchu Ecosystem, Taiwan 20 INTRO TO ECOSYSTEM OFPCB INDUSTRY SUPPLY CHAIN IN TAIWAN Ecosystem of Industry Collaboration in Taiwan Taiwan Printed Circuit Association TPCA, one of the largest industry associations in Taiwan, has been working with ITRI as a technology and strategy partner for a long time Global market forecast, RD project development, and national industry strategy white paper, etc. Industry 4.0 for digital transformation and 2050 Net Zero Emissions for green transformation as two key topics recently for TPCA company members to work with ITRI and other solution providers Total company members 757 Total revenues US 41.6B ITRI as SIG, technology and strategy partner To build a highly competitive PCB industry with high added value, environmental protection and smart manufacturing. 21 TPCA STRATEGY TO ACHIEVE HIGH VALUE ANDLOW CARBON FOR GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN Taiwan PCB Strategy Plan Zero-carbon Processing SemiconductorNetwork Net Zero Pilot Sites Supply Chain Autonomy Intelligent Automation Cultivate Talent Pool 6 Directions for Value and Low Carbon 22 INDUSTRY PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVEDBY INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS PCB Industry problems to be solved How to effectively reuse the copper sulfate waste liquid in the manufacturing process Traditional recycling method by chemical dosing uses smelting chain process, greatly increasing overall carbon footprint Innovative solutions and results Waste Recovery Technology WRT installed own recovery and treatment equipment for free with major PCB factories. Then reduce waste liquid to high-purity raw materials, sold for profit sharing Successfully achieved circular and economical goals for customers, and helped reduce the carbon footprint MAJOR FACTORS IMPACTING GLOBAL MANUFACTURINGCOMPANIES IN SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY 23 Resilient Ecochain Local Value-add Digital Transformation New Coexistence Geopolitical Tension Net Zero Sustainability INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION FOR SEMICONDUCTORGREEN ECOCHAIN ECOSYSTEM X SUPPLY CHAIN Semiconductor Technology Supply Chain Resilience Digital Transformation Green Ecosystem Source Adapted from TSMC ESG annual report 24 State of the art Large capital investment Local production pressure Physical and cyber security Industry 4.0 AI enabled Digital twin system Net Zero compliance ESG responsibility Green Ecochain Inter- National Colla- boration Global talent network Joint moonshot RD projects Global hubs vs. local production network Global talent network Joint pilot sites Global alliances Joint pilot sites Green energy supply 25 Presentation Authors Stephen Su, ITRI/ISTI Yen-Shih Lin, ITRI/ISTI Chung-Ming Tung, ITRI/ISTI HLF Annual Summit 2022 November 6-9, Tampere, Finland


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