1 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 2 1 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 前 言 气候变化引发的高温热浪、严重干旱、暴风雪、超强台风、强降雨等极端天气气候事件发生的频率和强度明显增加, 极端天气气候事件给社会经济发展造成了巨大的经济损失和生态环境问题,对防灾减灾、安全生产和人民生产生活 带来严峻挑战。适应气候变化已是迫在眉睫。 2022年6月中国发布了国家适应气候变化战略2035(适应战略2035)。适应战略2035明确 了适应的三大重点领域、八大区域和五大国家战略发展区域,提出了2035年建成“气候适应型社会”的战略目标, 鼓励社会组织积极参与适应气候变化,为社会组织参与适应气候变化行动指明了方向。 环境资助者网络(CEGA)在社区伙伴(香港)PCD北京代表处的支持下,于2020年9月开展了CEGA气 候变化适应资助策略研究,目的是为CEGA成员机构等环境资助者提出更好的气候变化适应资助策略。该报告已于 2021年11月的CEGA年度论坛及联合国气候变化大会COP26同步发布。半年之后,恰逢适应战略2035出 台,为配合实施,我们调研了CEGA成员机构和若干NGO伙伴半年来对CEGA气候变化适应资助策略研究 报告的了解及应用情况,以及对适应战略2035的了解情况,同时调查问卷也发给了若干国际NGO及适应专家, 以充分挖掘大家对适应的认知与行动差距。基于初步调查分析结果,我们于7月举办了气候变化适应工作坊,共同 交流气候变化适应进展及差距,探讨弥合差距的可行路径,促发环境公益领域对气候变化适应的思考和行动。会上 大家的讨论极大地帮助了我们对问卷的进一步深入分析。我们结合问卷分析与工作坊交流内容进一步梳理了适应气 候变化的关键问题,尽量准确找出适应差距。报告初稿完成后我们请业内专家进行了审阅, 我们充分吸纳了评审专 家意见,形成了这里呈现给大家的报告版本。 希望本报告可以帮助环境资助者网络(CEGA)成员伙伴及其它环境公益机构提出契合问题导向、更具前瞻性 和引领性的气候变化适应行动资助和行动策略;CEGA 也希望继续发挥平台优势,链接学术机构及社会各界形成气 候变化适应行动网络,形成合力推动中国适应气候变化进程,助力适应战略2035实施。 就在本文即将落笔之际,看到生态环境部印发了省级适应气候变化行动方案编制指南的最新消息,感受 到了国家适应气候变化战略2035的行动力,感觉环境公益机构配合国家行动大有可为 张瑞英 环境资助者网络(CEGA)执行主任 2022 年9月14日 2 Foreword At present, extreme weather and climate events due to climate changesuch as high temperature and heatwave, severe drought, snowstorm, super typhoon, and heavy rainfallare expanding significantly in frequency and intensity. They have led to enormous economic losses to socio-economic development and brought many ecological and environmental problems, and have posed severe challenges to the prevention and reduction of natural disasters, safety production, and humanity’s production and life. This highlights the urgent need for climate change adaptation. In June 2022, China unveiled the National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2035 Adaptation Strategy 2035. The Adaptation Strategy 2035 clarifies three key fields, eight major regions and five national strategic development regions regarding climate change adaptation, and proposes the strategic objective of building a “climate-resilient society” by 2035. Meanwhile, the Adaptation Strategy 2035 encourages social organizations to proactively participate in climate change adaptation, pointing out the direction for their involvement in climate change adaptation actions. Under the support of Partnerships for Community Development Hong Kong Beijing Office, China Environmental Grantmakers Alliance CEGA conducted a Study on CEGA Climate Change Adaptation Grantmaking Strategy in September 2020, with a view to proposing a better climate change adaptation grantmaking strategy for CEGA members and other environmental grantmakers. The report of the study was released both at the Annual Forum of CEGA and the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties COP26 in November 2021. Afterwards, the Adaptation Strategy 2035 was released six months later. To facilitate the implementation of the Adaptation Strategy 2035, we surveyed CEGA members and several non-governmental organization NGO partners on their understanding and application of the Report of A Study on CEGA Climate Change Adaptation Grantmaking Strategy over the past six months, as well as their understanding of the Adaptation Strategy 2035. At the same time, we distributed survey questionnaires to multiple international NGOs and experts in climate change adaptation, so as to fully explore their perceptions of climate change adaptation and action gaps. Based on the preliminary survey and analysis results, we organized a workshop on climate change adaptation in July to exchange views on the progress and gaps in climate change adaptation, and to discuss feasible pathways to close up the gaps, thus provoking thinking and actions on climate change adaptation in the environmental public welfare sector. The participants’ discussions during the workshop were very helpful for our in-depth analysis of the survey questionnaires. Based on questionnaire analysis and exchanges at the workshop, we further reviewed key problems about climate change adaptation to identify gaps in this regard as accurately as possible. After the completion of the first draft of this report, industry experts were invited to review it, and their opinions were fully adopted. 3 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 As a result, this version of report presented here was formed. This report is expected to help CEGA members 10 collected from local NGOs 30 organizations; and 11 from experts 4 academic experts, 6 from 5 international NGOs, and 1 from a local NGO. 9 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 The section A part of this questionnaire focuses on learning aboutthrough CEGA member respondents how CEGA member organizations understand and apply the Report, A Study on CEGA Funding Strategies to Climate Change Adaptation hereinafter referred to as “the Report”. 59 of respondents think the Report can help them or their organization better understand the concept of climate change adaptation and climate change; 41 believe the Report can inspire the design and implementation of projects on climate change adaptation. And 29 say their organization conducted learning and discussion activities around the Report. In the survey section on the heuristics of case studies, the choices of CEGA member respondents are highly consistent, thus happening to form the classification of case studies based on the purpose and demand of adaptation. Those case studies addressing outstanding ecological problems and those featuring obvious implementation effectiveness of the adaptation measuressuch as those related to the introduction of alternative livelihood and community engagement to mitigate the negative effects of climate change on communities and species protectionprove strongly heuristic for CEGA members. As the analysis of section B parts of the questionnaire is mentioned in the summary in the third section, it is not presented here. III. Advocating immediately strengthening adaptation in face of pressing concerns ahead Below are summary and extensions across several dimensions, specifically regarding the result of the questionnaire analysis and the exchange at the workshop. I What’s the major adaptation gap facing China Emerging from the response of the three types of respondents, the major adaptation gap and future action direction of China are mainly embodied in two aspects firstly, the gap of different stakeholders in participating in specific adaptation actions. Questions 9–12 in Section B of the questionnairewhich explore the basic facts on adaptation actions by stakeholders such as the government, respondent organizations, environmental organizations, and CEGA networkreveal the gap in the recognition and understanding of some adaptation actions among the three types of respondents. Secondly, the gap shown during the course of survey and workshop exchange among the three types of respondents 1 the gap from paying attention to adaptation issues to implementing specific actions and 2 the gap from macro to micro levels. From the result of questions 1–4 in Section B of the questionnaire, grantmakers particularly pay attention to issues on climate change adaptation and 71 of respondents say driven by policies, their organization has taken actions to formulate strategies related to climate change. However, the proportion of current adaptation grantmaking in climate change issues is mostly between 10 and 30. According to the result of questions 6–7 in Section A of the questionnaire, the order of priority that CEGA member respondents believe can be adopted is recognizing the connotations of existing projects in climate change adaptation; building on strengths to develop new adaptation projects; conducting capacity building on climate change adaptation; and extracting typical case studies to spread adaptation experience. The order of priority of the 8 supportive measures required to implement the grantmaking strategy is 10 adaptation fund, design and organization of the manpower for implementing climate change adaptation projects; summary and understanding of the relationship between climate change adaptation and the current work of the organization; knowledge on climate change and climate change adaptation; adjustment to the grantmaking strategy/plan of the organization; adaptation technology; support from understanding of Board members and enhanced leadership for climate change adaptation; and support of laws and regulations on adaptation. II What needs to be done to close the gap Firstly, to build appropriate thought and action pathways. As recommended by research fellow Yinlong XU, an organization should avoid going from problem identification directly to taking measures; instead, it should take a two-step approach mulling over why to adapt before thinking about how to adapt and implement it. Secondly, to conduct simple discussions around how to close the gap, based on the aforesaid gaps. When it comes to the gap between the attention paid by CEGA members to climate change adaptation and their implementation of actions, adjustment to grantmaking strategy for virtuous circle of resources is also crucial for these members, in addition to internal and external support, platform building and setup of a network of experts, and self -capacity building. Regarding the gap in application of case studies refer to Question 7 in Section A, by strengthening communication and exchange and interactive interviews with CEGA members, case studies more suitable and more heuristic to them can be selected. Meanwhile, some workshops on interpretation of case studies can be launched to deepen the understanding and application of climate change adaptation by these members. III What can we CEGA members do 1 Immediately adapt to climate change and make issues integration run parallel to capacity building. Now that CEGA members are starting to pay attention to climate change adaptation, the grantmakers need to make up their mind to the close the gap between adaptation grantmaking and lagging actions. Internally, organizations should emphasize the collaboration between their existing work and climate change adaptation and the integration of different issues to push forward the issue on climate change adaptation; or they can incorporate the perspective of climate change adaptation into existing work to take actions in this regard. Externally, efforts should be made to ensure exchanges within the grantmaking network and the complementarity, mutual assistance, and collaboration among the organizations taking actions. Meanwhile, we should take concrete steps and make up for scientifically sound recognition, using capacity building as a lever. For example, we can more effectively popularize science by more clearly conveying the association between climate warming and extreme weather events, thereby enhancing the recognition of climate change risk and adaptation awareness to the point that can prompt change in actions. In addition, we can push for the release of easy-to-understand and highly operable guidelines/code manuals, which we can use for adaptation grantmaking; we can establish a monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation actions featuring complete internal projects, so as to evaluate the effectiveness in adaptation. 2 Collaboration among multiple stakeholders. We will mobilize CEGA member partners or other NGOs and 11 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 pool the forces at the organizational level to close these gaps. The three types of respondents align highly with one another when it comes to enhancing public awareness for climate change adaptation, participating in the actions in key fields/regions of adaptation, mainstreaming education on climate change, and the need for training adaptation personnel. All these actions provide an opportunity and direction for collaboration among multiple stakeholders. While unleashing their own unique features, multiple stakeholders can work in tandem to put the adaptation actions into practice. 3 More effective integration of CEGA’s internal and social resources. CEGA members, NGOs, and the academic world enjoy broad space for actions in climate change adaptation. Meanwhile, CEGA members can internally and externally integrate resources. Internally, CEGA members can explore the space for cooperation with other members within their specialized fields, lead a few issues and actions, and integrate resources of partners. Externally, CEGA members can integrate available social funds dedicated to climate change adaptation. By clarifying how to use adaptation funds and where the funds have gone, these members can increase their social credibility and set up an investment and financing regime, thus attracting more social resources. 12 目 录 一、问卷调研基本信息. 1 (一)调研对象、目标以及局限性说明 . 1 (二)调研问卷回收情况 1 二、问卷调研分析 . 2 (一)CEGA 成员对报告理解和应用情况 2 (二)针对适应气候变化议题的认知差距和行动挑战等 . 6 三、面对紧迫的未来,倡导即刻大力加强适应响 . 18 (一)中国主要面临的适应差距是什么 18 (二)弥合差距需要做什么 19 (三)我们(CEGA 成员)能做什么 .20 CEG A 1 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 一、问卷调研基本信息 一 调研对象、目标以及局限性说明 本次气候变化适应问卷主要有三类受访对象包含CEGA成员(资助者和伙伴)、NGO(本土及国际 NGO)、学界专家。CEGA受访者及NGO受访者的职务涵盖了机构资深项目官员、执行主任及秘书长等,专家 问卷的受访者则包含两类1)科研院所的研究员和副研究员及;2)国际NGO机构的环境总监、研究员和执行 主任等。受访者所在机构名单详见附录1。 调研目标主要是通过问卷调研不同机构的气候变化适应认知、行动以及意愿,进一步得到环境公益机构气候变 化适应的行动版图和目前行动与认知上的差距。同时,本次问卷调研将成员、专家机构和不同的NGO链接起来, 打开窗口以增进多方机构就气候变化适应的沟通交流和合作开展行动。 三份问卷框架相似,但根据受访对象的不同,问题内容和数量有所调整。问卷详情见本报告附录2。问卷分析 分为AB两部分,A部分调研了CEGA成员及受访NGO对气候变化适应资助策略研究报告(下称报告) 的理解和应用情况(本土NGO也稍有一些对报告的反馈);B部分调研三类受访者就适应气候变化议题的认知差 距和行动挑战等。由于邀请的国际NGO 在适应领域的行动经验较为充足,更适合专家问卷的调研内容,因此邀请 了6位国际NGO机构受访者填写了专家问卷。 二 调研问卷回收情况 调研问卷分为三类从CEGA成员(15家机构)回收有效问卷17份;从本土NGO(30多个机构)回收问 卷10份;从专家(4位学界专家,6位来自5家国际NGO,1位来自本土NGO)回收有效问卷11份。受访者所 在机构名单见附录1。 2 二、问卷调研分析 (一)CEGA 成员对报告理解和应用情况 问题1您在问卷调研前是否收到并阅读过报告总体感觉如何 调研情况如表1。 表1 CEGA成员与NGO机构的报告阅读情况 组别 CEGA成员 NGO 未读过报告 11 30 读过报告但还没有进一步收获 23 0 对理解气候变化及适应有帮助 59 60 对设计和实施项目有启发 41 50 思考与解读 报告发布以后,CEGA及时向成员机构发放了实体报告和电子版本。半年后,CEGA调研了 CEGA成员及NGO两者的报告阅读及启发性,结果表明1)报告对于提升适应气候变化基本概念的认知 2) 报告对于设计相关的项目有启发。 问题2 机构是否收到报告并开展过学习和讨论 调研情况 29(5 家机构 1 )CEGA成员受访者表示,机构收到报告后自主开展了相关的学习和讨论。64 的受访者表示收到电子及纸质报告,但并未开展相关学习和讨论。 思考与解读思考与解读使用报告等材料在机构内部自行开展气候变化适应能力建设对机构也是一个具有挑 战的行动。29的CEGA成员机构表示使用报告开展了学习培训活动,后续也可以思考如何开展有针对性的 活动来动员机构的支持。 问题3您希望CEGA将来以何种形式组织针对报告的学习和交流 调研情况如表2所示 1 5家自主学习报告的机构为北京自然之友公益基金会、湖北省长江生态保护基金会、中国国际民间组织合作促进会、千禾社区基金 会以及内蒙古老牛慈善基金会。 3 CEGA气候变化适应差距分析报告 基于 CEGA 气候变化适应问卷调研结果 表2 组织针对报告的学习和交流的活动形式 活动类型 占比 组织专门的报告解读和培训 47 通过研讨会、沙龙等方式提供与专家网络交流和学习的机会 71 希望开展多样化的方式深入适应议题 47 思考与解读本题拟挖掘成员对CEGA将来进一步利用报告开展能力建设并征集资助者就气候变化适应资助策 略的建议。CEGA成员自主学习报告的情况虽然有所差异,但仍呈现对气候变化适应议题开展学习的较强意愿。 多数受访者希望在气候变化适应议题上能建立专家网络,并且能借助报告等材料持续深入地学习增加对气候变 化适应科学认知。 问题4请勾选报告中对本机构开展适应项目有启发的国内外适应案例 2 。 调研情况如表3所示。 表3 不同案例对成员机构受访者的启发性 案例名称 适应措施类型 受启发机构数量 河北张家口冬奥碳汇林 增量适应 8 内蒙古阿拉善一亿棵梭梭项目 增量适应 8 荷兰气候风险管理与适应行动 增量适应 7 墨西哥湾珊瑚礁保险 增量适应 6 云南白马雪山滇金丝猴社区保护 增量适应 6 加纳脆弱河滨社区的替代生计 转型适应 5 内蒙古赤峰巴林左旗气候智慧农业 增量适应 5 三角洲气候变化适应“灯塔” 增量适应 5 贵州黎平县流芳村“稻-鸭-鱼”共作农耕模