Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022Acknowledgments This report was prepared by the leadership team of Bain Peter Parry, practice chairman; Joe Scalise, global practice leader; and Neelam Phadke, practice executive vice president. The authors would also like to thank Bain Partners James Allen, Julie Coffman, Jenny Davis-Peccoud, Torsten Lichtenau, Hugh MacArthur, Dunigan O’Keeffe, Dave Rennard, and Joe Terino for their contributions to this work. Thanks also to Martin DeZell, a senior manager; Nicole Edwards, marketing manager; and David Sims and the editorial team for their assistance. Net Promoter Score SM is a service mark of Bain new technologies and opportunities; and where they see environmental, social and corporate governance ESG challenges in addition to decarbonization. The results confirm many of the trends we see, with more richness. Industry is moving more quickly than policy. – Executives expect their companies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions 28 by 2030. – On average, they expect the world to reach net zero by 2057. 7 Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022 Most are more bullish about their own companies’ decarbonization, compared with what they expect from peers and the world at large, which might indicate a greater commitment than the outside world can see. Half of oil and gas executives expect their core business to decline in the next 10 years. And 72 of O Asia-Pacific; and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. At least 10 of the responses come from each of these five sectors oil and gas, utilities and renewables, mining, agribusiness, and chemicals. This data also covers a range of perspectives within companies. Just over half of responses came from vice presidents or higher, including C-level executives and board members, with the rest from individual contributors and frontline management. From these responses, we see excitement and ambition across the board, with individuals having greater faith in their firms’ abilities and plans than the market at large. 8 Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022 However, the data underlines that there’s still a tremendous amount of ground left to cover. And as executive teams ramp up to deliver even more output, some are finding it challenging to square the traditional demands of their businessdelivering products safely, securely, reliably, and affordably with new demands to operate more sustainably and with a smaller carbon and ecological footprint. For example, within the utilities sector, greater competition has squeezed returns from renewables, and the importance of grid reliability has become clearer with intermittency issues in Texas and Europe. Consumers around the world are feeling the pain of high energy costs. As companies try to succeed in new markets, they’re facing new challenges such as finding the right talent and navigating the policy regimes. As executive teams ramp up to deliver even more output, some are finding it challenging to square the traditional demands of their businessdelivering products safely, securely, reliably, and affordablywith new demands to operate more sustainably and with a smaller carbon and ecological footprint. Our survey provides keen insight into what’s on the minds of energy and resource executives as they navigate difficult and disrupted paths through the energy and resource transition. Their views show evidence of positive trajectories for investment, technology, and new business growth, but also highlight the need for more attention on how to deliver, as well as the sometimes-fragile link between policy and providers.9 Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022 01 Emissions reduction Executives overwhelmingly believe that reducing carbon emissions and reaching net zero are top priorities. say reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions is a key priority for their company 88 say that a net-zero commitment is critical 79 expect their company to change signiicantly in the next 10 years up from 36 in 2020 47 expect their industry to make progress toward net zero by 2030 96 88 give meaningful weight at least 10 to each imperative 02 Innovation, impact, and economics Executives believe all three are important. On average, executives assigned these weightings to each of the three factors in their decisions Economics Innovation Impact 50 28 22 10 Takes on the Energy and Resource Transition The shift to a greener future is underway, but our survey shows it’s tough out there. Here’s what more than 1,000 energy and resource executives had to say.10 Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022 is the average reduction in carbon emissions that executives think their companies will make by 2030 believe they will decarbonize faster than peers expect to decarbonize faster than the world as a whole 28 37 61 04 Comparing progress Most expect to reduce emissions signiicantly by 2030, faster than their peers. 63 50 Power utilities Oil and gas Chemicals Mining and minerals Agribusiness 05 Core business E . On average, executives think the world will reach net zero by One in four think the world won’t reach net zero until after 42 expect the world to achieve net zero by 2057 2070 2050 2022 03 Net zero Executives have very dierent ideas about when the world will reach net zero.11 Global Energy and Natural Resources Report 2022 76 62 Utilities Oil and gas Chemicals Mining and minerals Agribusiness 50 . k CO 2 06 Low-carbon assets Sq k k . renewables AI and other digital technologies energy storage carbon capture, use, and storage circularity organic and regenerative agricultural practices bio-based products 79 77 67 63 07 2030 technologies 2030.