“十四五”期间石化行业 VOCs 排放与 碳排放协同控制策略研究(简版) Study on collaborative control strategy of VOCs emission and carbon emission in petrochemical industry during the 14th Five Year Plan Period (abridged edition) 北京国环清华环境工程设计研究院有限公司 清环智源北京科技有限公司 2022.3.14 Beijing Guohuan Tsinghua Environmental Engineering Design 2 reducing the capacity of single refining enterprises below 3.5 million tons in key regions; 3 limiting the construction of new refining enterprises below 10 million tons in key regions; 4 encouraging the development of integrated refining and chemical enterprises above 20 million tons in coastal areas; 5 encouraging the development of new petrochemical materials industry; 6 encouraging the Development of petrochemical recycling economy industry. Transportation structure adjustment includes small private refinery clusters or parks, unified construction of special oil pipelines for crude oil into the plants through the park level to solve the problem of car transportation of crude oil into the plants; or encourage