Program Definitions V3.1 - 2020 GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 2 of 16 GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 3 of 16 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 5 2. DEFINITIONS 5 GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 4 of 16 ACRONYMS ACCs Approved Carbon Credits CDM Clean Development mechanism CO2 Carbon di Oxide CORSIA Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation E GCC Scope of Environmental No-Harm ERVR Emission Reduction Verification Reports GCC Global Carbon Council GHG Green House Gases GHG-SS GHG Sectoral Scopes GHG-TA GHG Technical area GORD Gulf Organisation for Research and Development GV GCC Verifier ISO International organization for Standardization MENA Middle East and North Africa PSF Project Submission Form PVR Project Verification Reports S Social No-net-harm Label SDG Sustainable Development Goals VB Verification Body GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 5 of 16 1. Introduction 1. The Global Carbon Council GCC Program is the Middle East and, ii has actually achieved the reported quantity of GHG emission reductions. In addition, depending upon the Project Owner’s selections in the PSF, the Emission Reduction Certification Statement may also state that i the Project Activity has implemented safeguards that have provided protection against negative environmental and social impacts and it meets the GCC requirements for demonstrating that it does not harm the environment or society and is eligible to be awarded the GCC E and/or S certification labels; and ii the Project Activity has contributed to the achievement of one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and is eligible to be awarded a GCC SDG certification label Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond, as targeted in the registered PSF. 19. Global Carbon Council The Global Carbon Council GCC was established by Gulf Organisation for Research and Development GORD. The GCC is an independent legal entity with its registered office in Doha, Qatar 20. Global Carbon Council Program or GCC Program The Global Carbon Council Program GCC Program is the Middle East comply with the requisite Know-Your-Customer KYC checks; and pay the requisite one-time GCC Registry Account Opening Fee and the Annual Registry Account Maintenance Fee, as per the latest version of GCC Fee Schedule.9 26. GCC Rules GCC Rules means the body of rules set out by the GCC Program. GCC Rules form a regulatory framework for achieving certified GHG emission reductions and additional voluntary labels SDG, E, S, and the CORSIA-market eligibility flag C under the GCC Program. GCC Rules include the ISO 14064-2 standard, ISO 14064-3 standard, the GCC Program Framework, the GCC Program Manual, the GCC Project Standard, approved methodologies and tools, and the other documents referred to in the GCC Documentation Framework refer to section 14 of the GCC Program Framework document. The GCC Rules are publicly available on the GCC website.10 These rules may be updated from time to time. 27. GCC Scopes GCC-S GCC Scopes GCC-S are the four broad scopes of the GCC Program ▪ Greenhouse Gas GHG ▪ Environmental No-net-harm E ▪ Social No-net-harm S ▪ Sustainable Development Goals SDG 5 GCC Carbon Registry public view website https//mer.markit.com/br-reg/public/public-view//account 6 GCC has contracted IHS Markit to host and provide registry services for the GCC Carbon Registry. The Program Manual provides more information on the GCC Carbon Registry. 7 The GCC Carbon Registry is accessible via the IHS Markit website https//ihsmarkit.com/products/environmental- registry.html 8 Online account application form https//mer.markit.com/br-reg/public/customer-registration.jsp 9 GCC Fee Schedule https//www.globalcarboncouncil.com/gcc-fees.html 10 GCC Rules https//www.globalcarboncouncil.com/resource-centre.html GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 10 of 16 The GCC Program has classified the GHG Scope into 16 GHG sectoral scopes GHG- SS. Each GHG-SS has been further classified into at least one GHG Technical area GHG-TA. Refer to the GCC Program Framework and Procedure for Approval of GCC Verifiers, which provide details on the GCC-S, GHG-SS and GHG-TA classification. The approved GCC and CDM methodologies define the GHG-SS under which they are applicable. An approved GCC Verifier shall only conduct project or emission-reduction verifications under the GCC Program for projects types and sectors corresponding to the defined GCC Scopes and GHG Sectoral Scopes. GCC Verifiers are required to be approved by the GCC for at least one GHG-SS to be eligible to provide services under the GCC Program. 28. GCC Verifier A GCC Verifier GV or Verification Body VB means an individual or an organization approved by the GCC Program to act as a GCC Verifier and provide verification services in accordance with the GCC rules. 29. GHG Sectoral Scopes GHG-SS A GHG sectoral scope GHG-SS is defined as a group of activities/measures and processes sharing similar sources of GHG emissions or removals. The GHG Scope has been further classified and covers the following 16 GHG sectoral scopes GHG-SS GHG Sectoral Scope GHG-SS GHG Sectoral Scope Title 11 1. Energy renewable/non-renewable sources 2. Energy distribution 3. Energy demand 4. Manufacturing industries 5. Chemical industry 6. Construction 7. Transport 8. Mining/mineral production 9. Metal production 10. Fugitive emissions from fuels solid, oil and gas 11. Fugitive emissions from the production and consumption of halocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride 12. Solvents use 13. Waste handling and disposal 11 Note that the GCC Program does not accept HFC-23 abatement projects for registration. GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 11 of 16 14. Afforestation and Reforestation12 15. Agriculture 16. Carbon Capture and Storage of CO2 in Geological Formations13 30. GHG Technical area GHG-TA A GHG Technical Area is a sub-sector of a GHG sectoral scope GHG-SS. A GHG-TA is defined by its technical processes, applicable methodologies, monitoring requirements and/or environmental impacts. For each GHG-TA, the GCC Program has defined GHG competency requirements of the GCC Verification team and which shall be ensured by the GCC Verifier who appoints the team. Refer to the Procedure for Approval of GCC Verifiers which provides details on the classifications of GCC Scopes, GHG-SS and GHG- TA. 31. Improper ACC Issuance Improper ACC Issuance refers to one or more units of Approved Carbon Credits ACCs being issued as result of gross negligence, fraud or willful misconduct of the GCC Verifier. Improper ACC Issuance may be determined following an issuance review, in accordance with the Procedure for Approval of GCC Verifiers. 32. ISO ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. Where ISO is followed by a number, it denotes a specific standard of the International Organization for Standardization. 33. Knowledge Knowledge means the theoretical and/or practical understanding of a subject. 34. Leakage Leakage is net changes in anthropogenic emissions by GHG sources that occur outside the project or program boundary but are attributable to the GCC Project Activity. 35. Materiality Materiality is the concept applied to determine if identified errors, omissions and misstatements in information regarding a Project Activity could affect the Project Activity GHG assertion and influence GCC registration and issuance decisions. 36. Measure The term measure is used in the GCC Program to refer to an activity or a decision which, if implemented under a Project Activity, results in GHG emission reductions as compared to the baseline situation for the Project Activity. A measure may or may not require an 12 Note that at present under the GCC Program, GHG Sectoral Scope No 14 is not applicable for projects applying for CORSIA-eligible carbon credits. 13 Note that at present under the GCC Program, GHG Sectoral Scope No 16 is not applicable for projects applying for CORSIA-eligible carbon credits. GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 12 of 16 initial investment and/or recurring expenses. Examples of measures include fuel switching; feedstock switching; and a decision to continue implementing an existing GHG emission-reduction activity even when doing so incurs losses or creates impediments. 37. Methodology The term methodology is used in the GCC Program to refer to a baseline and monitoring methodology that has either been approved in accordance with the GCC Methodology Development Process see GCC Program Processes or by the CDM Executive Board. Methodologies apply to specific types of GHG-emission-reduction Project Activities and mainly consist of procedures for determining the project boundary, defining a baseline scenario, demonstrating additionality, calculating baseline and project emissions and emission reductions, and defining required monitoring procedures as well as non- monitored and monitored parameters. A methodology also defines the relevant GHG sectoral scopess for which it is applicable, as per the internationally recognized scopes defined in Procedure for Approval of GCC Verifiers and in the GCC Program Framework. 38. Methodology Development and Revision Process The methodology development and revision process is the process through which new methodologies are developed, revised and approved under the GCC Program. 39. Monitoring Period A monitoring period is the time period for which a set of GHG emission reductions generated by a Project Activity are monitored by the Project Owners and verified by a GCC Verifier. 40. Positive List A positive list is a list of GHG-abatement technologies and measures, which, if implemented under a Project Activity, are automatically eligible to claim carbon credits under the GCC Program without demonstrating their additionality, provided that specific applicable eligibility criteria are fulfilled. There are two types of positive lists a Global Positive List a list provided in the CDM Tool 3214 Methodological Tool – Positive List of Technologies. b Regional Positive List a list that is defined by the GCC Program and is applicable to a specific region. Regional Positive Lists may be created for technologies and measures with limited penetration in a region, based on thorough research and analysis and applying credible sources of information. Such positive lists may be included in applicable GCC methodologies. 41. Project Submission Form A Project Submission Form is the document that describes a project’s GHG emission- reduction activities. A template that is to be used when preparing a Project Submission Form is available on the GCC Program website. 14 https//cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-32-v2.0.pdf GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 13 of 16 42. Project Verification Project Verifications are independent evaluations of projects for which a Project Owner is in the process of applying for registration under the GCC Program. Project Verifications are conducted prior to the Project Registration Stage by approved GCC Project Verifiers applying the requirements of the ISO 14064-2 and ISO 14064-3 standards and GCC Rules, including the Verification Standard, and on the basis of the information about the project provided in the GCC Project Submission Form. GCC Project Verifiers conduct verifications and submit Project Verification Reports PVR to Project Owners and the GCC Program. All PVRs contain a Project Certification Statement. Project Certification Statements essentially state that the project i complies with GCC Rules and procedures; and, ii is expected to achieve the quantity of real, measurable and additional GHG emission reductions estimated in the PSF. In addition, depending upon the Project Owner’s selections in the PSF, the Project Certification Statement may also state that i the Project Owner has committed to implementing safeguards that are expected to provide protection against negative environmental and social impacts and that the project is expected to meet GCC requirements for demonstrating that it does not harm the environment or society and thereby be eligible to be awarded the GCC E and/or S certification labels; and ii the project is expected to contribute to the achievement of one or more United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, preferably those prioritized by the host country, and thereby be eligible to be awarded a GCC SDG certification label Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond, as committed to voluntarily in the PSF. 43. Registry Accountholder A Registry Accountholder is a legal holder of an account in the GCC Carbon Registry operated by IHS Markit on behalf of the GCC Program. 44. Skill Skill means to carry out in practice or to do. 45. Submitted The term submitted is used in the GCC Program to refer to a specific status of a project that a Project Owners wishes to register as a Project Activity under the GCC Program. An application for registration of a project is considered submitted to the GCC Program when all of the appropriate documents have been completed and submitted via the GCC website as per the requirements in the Program Process. 46. Technical Review TR A Technical Review is an assessment of a verification/certification opinion and verification/certification report that is conducted independently from the Verifier’s verification team that prepared the opinion and report, in order to ensure that the verification/certification has been conducted in accordance with all applicable GCC verification/certification requirements. GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 14 of 16 47. Verification Body A verification body is an organization or individual, also called as GCC Verifier, approved by GCC Program to act as a verification body for providing project verification and emission reduction verification services in accordance with the GCC rules. 48. Verification Services Verification Services are the services provided by a GCC Verifier when conducting a Project Verification or an Emission Reduction Verification, as per the Verification Standard, Program Processes, and Procedure for Approval of GCC Verifiers. GLOBAL CARBON COUNCIL Program Definitions 15 of 16 15See ICAO recommendation for conditional approval of the GCC at https//www.icao.int/environmental- protection/CORSIA/Documents/TAB/Excerpt_TAB_Report_Jan_2020_final.pdf Version Date Comment V 3.1 31/12/2020 ▪ The name of GCC Program’s emission units has been changed from “Approved Carbon Reductions” or ACRs to “Approved Carbon Credits” or ACCs. V 3.0 12/08/2020 ▪ Revised version released on approval by the Steering Committee as per the GCC Program Processes. ▪ The revised version contains the following changes o Change of name from the Global Carbon Trust GCT to the Global Carbon Council GCC; o Considered an