恶劣环境下硅异质结太阳电池可靠性研究 以沙特阿拉伯红海海滩为例 刘文柱 第十六 届中国太阳级硅及光伏发电 研讨会 江苏无锡, 2020年 11月 4-6日 Outline Motivation Tailoring a-SiH film DH stability of passivation Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells Conclusion Motivation How to achieve high efficient SHJ solar cells How to make stable SHJ solar cell in real environment 24 Mass production Tailoring a-SiH film Microstructure of i-a-SiH can be substantially changed by means of PECVD Tailoring a-SiH film Si-H clusters in large voids dominate the optical bandgap Tailoring a-SiH film Combining IR and ellipsometry, we confirm the Eg is indeed controlled by the clustered Si-H, rather than isolated si-H Jsc Tailoring a-SiH film Sample A Sample B Diff. eV Eg eV 1.59 1.85 0.26 eV 4.33 4.48 0.15 Short bonds retreat the VBM, how to affect the carrier transport Tailoring a-SiH film Theoretically, it does not block electron transport. Tailoring a-SiH film However, when reducing the [H2]/[SiH4] or enlarging the Eg to extremity, the bulk conductivity probably limit the performance of SHJ solar cells FF Tailoring a-SiH film Large Eg seems benefit to Jsc and Voc, and has no influence on FF. Voc Tailoring a-SiH film Trade-off 1.85 eV DH stability of passivation Porous a-SiH degrades faster in DH environment Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells An optimized plasma condition is another strategy a-SiH Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells Dielectrics Dielectric protection Holding 98 of initial PCE Conclusions There exists a trade-off between Jsc, Voc and FF, with respect to a-SiH film Strategy 1 Making the a-SiH itself more stable Strategy 2 Protecting the a-SiH by dielectrics 参考文献 Wenzhu Liu, et. al, Damp-heat-stable silicon heterojunction solar cells for mass Production, Joule 4, 1–15, April 15, 2020 Acknowledgments 张丽平 博士 石建华 博士 杨新波 博士 (苏州大学) 俞健 博士 (西南石油大学) 康静轩 (莱布尼茨 paul-drude-institute) 彭军 博士 ( ANU) 延玲玲 (南开大学) 许路加 博士 ( KAUST) 吴卓鹏 陈仁芳博士 王凯 博士 (西北工业大学) Stefaan De Wolf KAUST 孟凡英 研究员 刘正新 研究员