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Octavian Stamate-欧盟绿色协议-高效利用能源资源的构建与革新

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Octavian Stamate-欧盟绿色协议-高效利用能源资源的构建与革新

THE REVISED ENERGY EFFICIENCY DIRECTIVE 2FCPCTGQCBBGPCARGTCUGJJCLAMSPECSQGLECLCPEWKMPCCAGCL RJWLBJCBRM reduced energy consumption for households and businesses – thereby lowering energy bills lower consumption, making Europe less reliance on energy imports incentives for producers/manufacturers to use new technologies and innovate more investment, for example in the building sector, thereby creating jobs clearer information in household bills By acting at EU level, we can achieve economies of scale, share best practices and have a deeper impact across the continent, which is good for sustainability, good for growth and jobs, and good for consumers. 2FCPCTGQCBCLCPEWCAGCLAWBGPCARGTCGQNPRMDRFC Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. 2FC 3 FQ QCR LCU PSJCQ DMP CLCPEW CAGCLAW  GLAJSBGLELKGRGMSQRPECRMDRJCQR32.5 by 2030 DMJJMUGLEMLDPMKRFCCVGQRGLERPECR W LCPEWCAGCLAWRPECRQLBCLCPEWJCJQCLAMSPECGLBSQRPWRM innovate and invest. MPCCLCPEWCAGCLRSGJBGLEQALQTCCLCPEW PCBSACGJJQ BBPCQQ health issues, lower air pollution, and improve people’s quality of life. Energy savings are the easiest way of saving money and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. DFMSQCFMJBQ RPLQNMPRLBGLBSQRPWAPMQQRFC3CAMKCKMPCCLCPEWCAGCLR RFCAMKGLCB GKNARUGJJKICKHMPAMLRPGSRGMLRMKCCRGLEMSP.PGQEPCCKCLRAJGKRCEMJQ Extending the energy saving obligation beyond 2020 sends a positive signal to investors and the energy market; it encourages the uptake of innovative technologies, techniques and services which will stimulate the demand for CLCPEWCAGCLAWGKNPMTCKCLRKCQSPCQ  EU countries must put measures in place to save on average 4.4 of their annual energy consumption between now and 2030. Energy THE ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF BUILDINGS DIRECTIVE By acting at EU level, we can achieve economies of scale, share best practices and have a deeper impact across the continent, which is good for sustainability, good for growth and jobs, and good for consumers. The revised renewable energy directive is part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. It is clear that the European building sector, being the largest single energy AMLQSKCPGLRFC3 FQTQRNMRCLRGJDMPCLCPEWCAGCLAWEGLQ The EU has agreed new rules for the energy performance of buildings directive aiming to help address these issues, create economic opportunities in the construction industry and alleviate energy poverty. EU Member States will now need to prepare national policy measures to achieve new objectives, such as r A path towards a low and zero-emission building stock in the EU by 2050 by implementing national roadmaps to decarbonise buildings r Smarter buildings - encouraging more automation and control systems to make them operate more CAGCLRJW r A smart readiness indicator that will measure a building’s capacity to use new technologies and electronic systems to adapt to the needs of the consumer, optimise its operation and interact with the grid r E-mobility in buildings - supporting the rollout of e-mobility infrastructure such as e-charging points in buildings r More money and support to renovate zWKMGJGQGLENSJGALBNPGTRCLLAGLE and investment for renovation activities, and strengthening long-term building renovation strategies r Combat energy poverty and reduce the household energy bills through renovation and improved energy performance of older buildings 36 of CO2 emissions in the EU 40 of energy consumption Buildings are responsible for approximately 35 of the EU’s buildings are over 50 years old 50 years 75 of the building stock GQCLCPEWGLCAGCLR By doing this at EU level, we can achieve economies of scale, share best practices and have a deeper impact across the continent, which is good for sustainability, good for growth and jobs, and good for consumers. The energy performance of buildings directive is part of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package. Energy Design of buildings should be in line with the circular economy .PGACQMDBGCPCLRCLCPEWQMSPACQQFMSJBGLACLRGTGQCBKBODV BFBKQRFIAFKDP More IFJQB MOLLKD of buildings Strict enforcement of rules on BKBODVMBOCLOJKB LCRFIAFKDP Increased AFDFQIFPQFLK 0QOQ}OBKLSQFLKTSB 2FCAMLQRPSARGML SQCLBPCLMTRGMLMDSGJBGLEQPCOSGPCQGELGALRKMSLRQMDCLCPEWLB PCQMSPACQ QSAFQQLB EPTCJLBACKCLR December 2019 EUGreenDeal 2FCASPPCLRPRCQMDPCLMTRGMLMD NSJGALBNPGTRCSGJBGLEQQFMSJB at least double Buildings account for 40MDCLCPEWAMLQSKCB BQQBOBKBODVMBOCLOJKBLCRFIAFKDP The European Green Deal Building and renovating SourceSPMQRR LCPEWJLACQCBGRGML LJ CLCPEWAMLQSKNRGMLGLWCP Help the 50 million consumers to keep their homes warm 0CLMTRCPLFI ELRPFKD PELLIP KAELPMFQIP BTOBKLSQFLKFKFQFQFSBFK  The Commission will launch an open platform bringing together the buildings and construction sector, architects and engineers and local authorities to BSBKLLKBBEFKA “CTCJMNGLLMTRGTCLLAGLENMQQGGJGRGCQ .PMKMRCCLCPEWCAGCLAWGLTCQRKCLRQGLSGJBGLEQ .MMJPCLMTRGMLCMPRQGLRMJPECJMAIQRMCLCRDPMK economies of scale .PRGASJPRRCLRGMLUGJJCNGBRMRFCPCLMTRGMLMDQMAGJ FMSQGLE RMFCJNFMSQCFMJBQUFMQRPSEEJCRMNWRFCGP CLCPEWGJJQ .PGLR 1 ,    BMG   ,    , .“ 1 ,    BMG   ,    , ,


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