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【CITPV】VA_Future-proof_HJT_Coating_Equipment_ V5

pVON ARDENNE Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment Maximum Performance – Minimum Capex 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential1 AGENDA 2 1. VON ARDENNE Company Introduction 2. VON ARDENNE‘s Roadmap 3. Key Component 4. TCO Solution Comparison Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential06.09.2019 AGENDA 3 1. VON ARDENNE Company Introduction 2. VON ARDENNE‘s Roadmap 3. Key Component 4. TCO Solution Comparison Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential06.09.2019 OUR FOUNDER Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential4 MANFRED VON ARDENNE 1907 – 1997 Scientist, Inventor nbsp;Confidential5 VON ARDENNE Group Dresden today VON ARDENNE Anlagentechnik GmbH 1991 - 2013 1991 Manfred von Ardenne Research Institute Dresden 1955 Institute for Industrial Isotope Separation Suchumi 19451928 VON ARDENNE Laboratory for Electron Physics Berlin Manfred von Ardenne visiting Mao Zedong FINANCIAL KPIS 2018 FC Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential6 OPERATING FIGURES – VON ARDENNE GROUP Order Intake € 280 m Revenue € 250 m Operating Performance € 270 m 650 patents worldwide 1000 employees 400 Coating Systems installed in 50 countries Family-owned company based in Dresden VON ARDENNE TODAY 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential7 650 patents worldwide 1000 employees worldwide Develops and manufactures industrial Vacuum Coating equipment Familiy-owned company based in Dresden, Germany € 250m revenue 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential8 Energy Generation Energy Saving Energy Storage Energy Management Life Cycle Management VON ARDENNE – COATING CAPABILITIES FOR GLOBAL MARKETS Fuel Cell Micromechanics Automotive Glass Batteries Flexible Electronics OLED Display RecyclingAero Engines Crystalline Photovoltaics Thin-Film Photovoltaics COMPANY HISTORY 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential 9 today VON ARDENNE China Production plant Manufacturing knowhow aligned with processes at nbsp; VON ARDENNEs headquarter Ready for repeat orders for nbsp; AG, c-Si PV, TF-PV Local contracts, local currency 2011 VON ARDENNE Vacuum Equipment Subsidiary as Service office 1st Assembly capabilities Sales and Customer Service 2006 VON ARDENNE Vacuum Equipment Subsidiary as Service office VON ARDENNE WORLDWIDE 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential10 VON ARDENNE Headquarters VON ARDENNE North America VON ARDENNE JapanVON ARDENNE China VON ARDENNE Vietnam VON ARDENNE Malaysia VON ARDENNE CHINA 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential11 Shanghai Songjiang Industrial Park Email WeChat Local production Local sales Local service Local supply chain Global network AGENDA Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential12 1. VON ARDENNE Company Introduction 2. VON ARDENNE‘s Roadmap 3. Key Component 4. TCO Solution Comparision 06.09.2019 PRODUCT PORTFOLIO – ENERGY GENERATION WITH PHOTOVOLTAICS 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential13 THIN-FILM CdTe CIGS CRYSTALINE IBC HJT PERC ADVANCED PEROVSKITE ▪ Commercial Industrial ▪ Utility ▪ Utility ▪ Residential ▪ Emerging markets OPEX VON ARDENNE‘S STRATEGIC PILLARS – IN PHOTOVOLTAICS Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential14 ▪ Uptime ▪ Reduction of consumables Targets ▪ Digitalization from data storage to autonomous production Reduce Σ of costs over lifetime Increase Σ of electrical energy produced over lifetime CAPEX ▪ Scaling ▪ Costs down ▪ Engineered in Germany; „Made in China“ Increase of efficency 06.09.2019 VON ARDENNE has made progress in setting up production of high-tech equipment in China and, in May 2019, celebrated the First Shipment of a Coating System „Engineered in Germany, Made in China, for China“. REDUCTION OF CAPEX COSTS / CHINA MANUFACTURING 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential Within 2019, VON ARDENNE will also manufacture the First “Made in China” XEA|nova for TCO Coating on HJT Cells. 15 ADDRESSING CAPEX – OUR PRODUCT PORTFOLIO FOR SCALING 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential16 SCALA LabX XEA|nova 3.6 XEA|nova 5.5 XEA|nova L Production Cost per Watt Peak Productivity CAPEX down to 1,5ct/wafer assumes 5 year depreciation 350MWp 8.000 wph 430MWp 10.000 wph 250MWp 5.500 wph 150MWp 3.600 wph XEA|nova – DEPOSITION SOLUTION FOR HVM IN CRYSTALLINE PV 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential VON ARDENNE XEA|nova coating system processes front rear side in one tool Configurable for different layer stacks using sputter up or sputter down Substrate heating nbsp;Confidential TYPICAL PRODUCT CONFIGURATION FOR DOUBLE SIDE TCO XEA|nova 3.6 3.600 wph 54s cycle time I T O IT O IT O IT O P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P P P IT O IT O IT O IT O C1 C2 C3 C5 C6 C7C4 IT O IT O IT O IT O P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P P P IT O IT O IT O IT O C1 C2 C3 C5 C7 m a t e r i a l f l o w d i r e c t i o n C4 IT O IT O IT O IT O P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P O O P O O P P P P P P P P IT O IT O IT O IT O C1 C2 C3 C5 C7C4 XEA|nova 5.5 5.500 wph 35s cycle time XEA|nova L 8.000 wph 48s cycle time 18 AGENDA Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential20 1. VON ARDENNE Company Introduction 2. VON ARDENNE‘s Roadmap 3. Key Component 4. TCO Solution Comparision 06.09.2019 VON ARDENNE uses a self-developed, very strong magnet bar to achieve lowest process voltages and soft deposition conditions KEY COMPONENT DESIGN LOWER SPUTTER DAMAGE BY STRONG MAGNETIC FIELD 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential21 VON ARDENNE RVA07 The world‘s strongest magnet bar ▪ 15 higher magnetic field than competitors – 1150 Gauss ▪ Very low target voltage for minimum damage 0 20 40 60 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 M a x. Bpar a l l e l [ m T ] R a d i u s [ m m ] Ma ximu m Magnetic Fie ld as Fu n ctio n of T ar g e t - T u b e Ra d iu s V ON AR DENN E - R V A 0 1 V ON AR DENN E - R V A 0 3 V ON AR DENN E - R V A 0 7 Com peti t o r 1 Comp eti t o r 2 Com peti t o r 3 Magnetic Field Control KEY COMPONENT DESIGN CARRIER AND POCKETPATENTED DESIGN 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential22 AGENDA Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; nbsp;Confidential23 1. VON ARDENNE Company Introduction 2. VON ARDENNE‘s Roadmap 3. Key Component 4. TCO Solution Comparision 06.09.2019 HETEROJUNCTION CELL DESIGN nbsp;Confidential Anti-Reflection Coating Thickness, refractive index Effect on cell parameter Maximize cell current Isc High-Quality Optics Low Absorbance 400 – 1100nm Effect on cell parameter Maximize cell current Isc High-Quality Electrics Low sheet resistance Effect on Cell parameter High Fill Factor FF Soft Deposition Minimum damage to a-Si Effect on Cell parameter High Voc / maintain high lifetime Others Good ohmic contact to a-Si layer, nbsp;Good adhesion, High durability nbsp;Confidential Anti-Reflection Coating Thickness, refractive index Effect on cell parameter Maximize cell current Isc High-Quality Optics Low Absorbance 400 – 1100nm Effect on cell parameter Maximize cell current Isc High-Quality Electrics Low sheet resistance Effect on Cell parameter High Fill Factor FF VON ARDENNE Soft Deposition Minimum damage to a-Si Effect on Cell parameter High Voc / maintain high lifetime Others Good ohmic contact to a-Si layer, nbsp;Good adhesion, High durability nbsp;Confidential Glowing plasma inside TCO Coating System VA’s soft process allows for 23 HJT solar cells with VOC 740 mV Thickness homogeneity 80 Standard campaign time 14 days Front nbsp;Confidential06.09.2019 ADRESSING OPEX - TCO QUALITY nbsp;Confidential VON ARDENNE Process Of Record POR, 100nm ITO, deposited on glass POR 5.500 wph Layer Thickness ITO [nm] Sheet Resistance [Ω/sq] Charge Carrier Density [cm-3] Mobility [cm2 / V*s] 2018 100 10 XEA|nova Mass Production Machines for TCO coating on Heterojunction Cells VA’S HETEROJUNCTION CUSTOMER LANDSCAPE 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential Our HJT Customers are located in China, Russia, United States of America These Customers value our Process Performance, Machine Uptime and Reliability 29 VON ARDENNE – MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE 06.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential30 − Sputter equipment available from RD level to 10.000 wafers per hour − Designed for easy maintenance and long campaign times 17 days at 5.500 wph − Strongest magnetic field in the market for soft processing − Target utilization> 80, Working towards 90 − System uptime 93, wafer breakage 59cm/Vs, IR absorption 1, sheet resistance of 50 Ω/□ 31 LETS TALK ABOUT YOUR REQUIREMENTS 05.09.2019 Future-proof HJT Coating Equipment; Confidential06.09.2019/p


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