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DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency 杜邦 Solamet金属化解决方案助力高效电池发展 Nov. 26th, 2019 DuPont Photovoltaic Solutions Armstrong Zhu 朱哲凝 DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency 211/28/2019 Outline 提要 Challenges for Solar Cell Metallization 电池金属化面临的挑战 Metallization for N-type Cell FS- PV3Nx N型电池正面金属化方案 Metallization for N-type Cell BS- PV6Nx N型电池背面金属化方案 OUR EVOLUTION OVER TWO CENTURIES 超越 200年的材料解决方案 311/28/2019 “ Yo u c o u l d t e l l t h e s t o r y o f t h e d e v e l o p e d w o r l d t h r o u g h t h e m a t e r i a l s t h a t D u P o n t i n v e n t e d o r c o m m e r c i a l i z e d . “ F O R T U N E M A G A Z I N E 27 Companies that Changed the World 1936 – LU C I T E 193 9 – N Y LO N 1903 – E X P E R I M E N T A L S T A T I O N 1915 – P Y R A LI N P LA S T I C S 1917 – M A K I N G D Y E S 1880 – F I R S T D Y N A M I T E 1802 – E . I . D U P O N T 1961 – T E D LA R 1962 – L YCRA 1965 – K E V LA R 1952 – M Y LA R 1923 – C E LL O P H A N E 1924 – R A Y O N 1924 – F I LM S B U S I N E S S B E G I N S 1928 – C H E M I C A L E X P A N S I O N 20001950190018501800 1949 – E N G I N E E R I N G P O LY M E R S 1972 – E LE C T R O N I C S E X P A N S I O N 2003 – S O LA E JO I N T V E N T U R E 1 966 – T YVEK 1967 – C O R I A N 1967 – N O M E X 2000 – S O R O N A B I O - B A S E D P O LY M E R 1804 – F I R S T S A LE O F B LA C K P O W D E R 1805 – C O R E V A LU E S 1999 – A C Q U I R E S P I O N E E R H I - BRED 2011 – A C Q U I R E S D A N I S C O 2012 – A C Q U I R E S 10 0 O F S O LA E 2012 – P LE N I S H 2013 – C O M P LE T E S S A LE O F P E R F O R M A N C E C O A T I N G S B U S I N E S S 2013 – H O W A R U P R O T E C T 2014 – LU M I G E N 2014 – O P T I M U M A C R E M A X 2015 – S P I N - O F F O F C H E M O U R S 2015 – Z O R V E C 2016 – H O W A R U SHAPE 2017 – P Y R A X A LT ™ A U G U S T 2 0 1 7 E X P E C T E D C L O S E O F P R O P O S E D M E R G E R 1802 2019 1805 – CORE VALUES 1939 – NYLON 1961 – TEDLAR 1965 – KEVLAR 1980S – SOLAMET DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency c-Si Solar Cell Efficiency Evolution 晶硅电池技术趋势 411/28/2019 Alternative Wafer Higher Quality PERC np PERC n-PERT IBC LDE MBB SE-PERC Bi-facial PERC MBB Alt. doped wafer PERL HJT MBB Contact- passivated HJ-BC Thinner MBB HJ-BC Thinner Larger Square Thinner SE 改变浆料的流变行为 Enables fine line printing and provides green strength 适应细线印刷并提供烘干抗摩擦能力 . Challenges 主要挑战 Incomplete nitride removal; 氮化物的去除 Thick interfacial glass; 玻璃层的厚度调控 Emitter damage over etching, large Ag crystallites; 减少发射极损伤 High resistivity, poor sintering; 栅线电阻的降低 Poor adhesion; 更高的拉力表现 vo i d g l ass In terfacial IF Glass Sil icon Sint er ed Ag Partic les Z. Ric k L i DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency Texturing 制绒与绒面 Diffusion 扩散 /SE/氧化 Coating/镀膜 AlOx,SiOx,SiNx Print 印刷性、接触性能、拉力 Diffusion/SE/Annealing 扩散、 SE、氧化退火 Contact 接触性能 Coating 镀膜层 Firing through, Contact 烧穿性能、接触性能 Print Screen 印刷与网版条件 Printability, Finger Morphology 印刷性与栅线形貌 Firing for Metallization 金属化条件 Contact, Morphology, ADH 接触性能、栅线形貌、拉力 FS/RS Paste Match 正背面浆料的匹配 Metallization Conditions, IV 金属化条件、电性能表现 Perfect Paste Inorganic Organic Match Process DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency 911/28/2019 Outline 提要 Challenges for Solar Cell Metallization 电池金属化面临的挑战 Metallization for N-type Cell FS- PV3Nx N型电池正面金属化方案 Metallization for N-type Cell BS- PV6Nx N型电池背面金属化方案 DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency Major Challenges Remain for n-type FS Metallization 1011/28/2019 Tradeoff between recombination and contact resistivity needs to be resolved for boron emitter contacting to reach its efficiency potential 金属复合的降低 Voc 和接触电阻降低 FF 在 N 型正面是一对主要矛盾 Metallization induced recombination J0,metal on the FS boron-doped emitter needs to be reduced by 2X 金属化诱导的正面金属复合 J0,metal 有潜力 降低到现有水平的 1/2 Reduce contact resistivity rc to 5 laydown saving 提高栅线电阻并实现 5的耗量节省 Organic Innovation 有机体系的改进 Excellent paste transfer and production yield improvement 良好的印刷性以提高良率 Enables fineline screen opening 5 laydown saving 提高栅线电阻并实现 5的耗量节省 Organic Innovation 有机体系的改进 Excellent paste transfer and production yield improvement 良好的印刷性以提高良率 Enables fineline screen opening 5 laydown saving 提高栅线电阻并实现 5的耗量节省 Organic Innovation 有机体系的改进 Excellent paste transfer and production yield improvement 良好的印刷性以提高良率 Enables fineline screen opening 5 laydown saving 提高栅线电阻并实现 5的耗量节省 Organic Innovation 有机体系的改进 Excellent paste transfer and production yield improvement 良好的印刷性以提高良率 Enables fineline screen opening 23 cell efficiency 要实现大于 23的效率,必须降低 N型电池背面 的整体复合 J0,metal from the conventional BSF structure needs to be reduced by 3X 背面金属复合需要降低到现有水平的 1/3 Reduce J0,BSF to 23.5 Efficiency 杜邦 Solamet N型 高效电池金属化整体解决方案实现大于 23.5的量产效率 New generation Solamet N-cell paste solution PV3N3 and PV6N1 drives efficiency enhancement for N type TOPCon cell technologies 杜邦 Solamet PV3N3与 PV6N1能为 N型 TOPCon电池实现大幅提效 Moving to finer lines with excellent contact performance is always the key for metallization development to further boost cell efficiencies. Inorganic innovation plays important role. 无机体系的革新是效率进步的基础,超细线与接触性能的结合是提效的关键 The challenge to achieve 23.5 efficiency for N-type cell mass production remained. DuPont continues to set the pace of innovation to tackle the challenge. 高效电池量产 23.5的效率依然是一项重要挑战,杜邦将为此作出持续贡献 DuPont Solamet Metallization Solution for Solar Cell Mass Production towards 23.5 Efficiency Copyright 2019 DuPont. All rights reserved. DuPont™ and the DuPont Oval Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont or its affiliates. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as a representation that any recommendations, use or resale of the product or process described herein is permitted and complies with the rules or regulations of any countries, regions, localities, etc., or does not infringe upon patents or other intellectual property rights of third parties. The information provided herein is based on data DuPont believes to be reliable, to the best of its knowledge and is provided at the request of and without charge to our customers. Accordingly, DuPont does not guarantee or warrant such information and assumes no liability for its use. If this product literature is translated, the original English version will control and DuPont hereby disclaims responsibility for any errors caused by translation. This document is subject to change without further notice.


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