ENEL X e-Mobility Vehicle Grid Integration Architectures and Use Cases
ENEL X e-Mobility Vehicle Grid Integration Architectures and Use Cases1 Enel ENEL Italy Europe second-by-second balancing of demand and supply Demand Charge Management Annual consumption 5200 kWh/year; Charging Power 7,4 kW; Customer behavior plug-in 6pm; plug-out 7am; **respecting your preferences if no physical constraints are present Tariff Optimization Lower Energy bill costs* Hassle-free solution automatic optimization Efficient car is ready when you need it** Unmanaged charging Higher Energy bill costs* Worrying about energy prices half-hour variation Risks of car not being ready when you need it EV charging costs reduced by 50 388 /year* 766 /year* Vehicle Grid Integration Italy Demand Response for Transmission System Operator Terna 23/11/2019 19 Enels smart infrastructures are connected to a management platform that allows the aggregation of resources and the automatic variation of the power absorbed by each electric car in order to satisfy a request by the TSO of load reduction. TSO signal reduce load TSO signal restore Vehicle Grid Integration 07/09/2019 20 Since 2012 Enel X Pioneers in commercial V2G Vehicle Grid Integration 21 Fast Frequency response Pilot A pilot for qualifying Enel X V2G chargers to provide FFR-like services will be run in Rome starting from Q32019 Frequency deviation measurements 15 kW Juicenet aggregation optimization 07/09/2019 Vehicle Grid Integration Solar Charging Batteries Optimization of EV charging processes Example use cases Show of Solar Charging not affecting charging processes Maximize Solar consumption optimization Maximize economics arbitrage versus other optimizations available User pref. Dashboard PV Prod forecast Vehicle Grid Integration 谢谢