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JinkoSolar Co., Ltd. 双面组件功率标定及户外发电量研究 IV charaterization and Field energy output of Bifacial modules 2018/10 组件研发 Module RD 目录/Contents  双面组件I-V测试现状 I-V measurement of bifacial modules I-V测试方法现状 current I-V test method 铭牌要求现状 nameplate request 双面产品I-V标定建议 I-V calibration suggestion on bifacial production 组件功率标定Module power calibration indoor 电池效率标定Cell efficiency calibration indoor 组件综合功率评测分析Module equivalent power test and analysis indoor 双面组件户外发电分析 Field energy output of bifacial modules 工作电流电压 Working current and voltage 实证发电量(固定支架/平单轴)Field test data Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 系统配置分析System collocation analysis PVsyst模拟发电量(固定支架/平单轴) Field energy simulation based on PVsyst Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 双面组件背面遮挡影响分析 Influence of Rear shading on bifacial modules 接触遮挡与非接触遮挡 Touching and un-touching shading 背面遮挡对背面功率影响Influence of rear shading on rear Pmax 背面遮挡对工作温度影响Influence of rear shading on working temperature 支架遮挡对发电量影响Influence of rear rack shading on Field energy output 减小背面遮挡的经济性分析Economic analysis of diminishing rear shading Summary-1  双面组件I-V测试现状 Current I-V test of bifacial modules  双面因子,遮挡非受光面,STC下测试得到  综合功率,双面打光得到;或等同辐照度下,测试正面得到;或理论计算得到  组件铭牌,莱茵/UL/CQC等机构,要求各部相同  With the side of no-irradiated shaded, bifacility measured under STC condition  Equivalent Pmaxmeasured with double-side illumination, or under equivalent front irradiance with single-side illumination, or calculated  Different nameplate requirements from different agencies, such as TUV Rheinland, UL, CQC 1.1、I-V测试方法现状 Current I-V test method  电性能评测I-V test method  双面因子,遮挡背面,STC下,测试正背面得到  综合功率,双面打光得到;或等同辐照度下,测试正面得到;或理论计算得到  With the rear side shaded, bifacility measured  equivalent Pmax measured with double-side illumination, or under equivalent front irradiance with single-side illumination, or calculated 编号 分类 依据标准 测试条件 1 STC IEC 60904-1 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000W/m2,背面遮黑布 2 Outdoor IEC 60904-1-2 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000W/m2背面G Ri 3 Indoor with single-side illumination IEC 60904-1-2 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000φ*G Ri W/m2,背面遮黑布 4 Indoor with double-side illumination IEC 60904-1-2 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000W/m2背面G Ri PmaxSTCBiFi*G (理论计算)  STC测试 确定双面因子φ Bifacial factor Indoor 测试单光 源 确定综合功率 Equivalent power G1000W/m2φ* G R Outdoor测试 确定综合功率 Equivalent power Indoor 测试双光 源 确定综合功率 Equivalent power G Ri 0,50,100W/m2G F 1000W/m2 5 In practice IEC 60904-1-2 Ri BiFi为上述Pmax3与G R 关系曲线线性拟合而得 备注双面因子φMinφIsc,φPmax;G Ri 0,50,100,150,200,250,300W/m2 1.2、铭牌要求现状 Nameplate request  各认证机构要求,对双面产品的铭牌,要求各不相同 Nameplate requests from different institutes are different TUV莱茵Rheinland CQC UL 目录/Contents  双面组件I-V测试现状 I-V measurement of bifacial modules I-V测试方法现状 current I-V test method 铭牌要求现状 nameplate request 双面产品I-V标定建议 I-V calibration suggestion on bifacial production 组件功率标定Module power calibration indoor 电池效率标定Cell efficiency calibration indoor 组件综合功率评测分析Module equivalent power test and analysis indoor 双面组件户外发电分析 Field energy output of bifacial modules 工作电流电压 Working current and voltage 实证发电量(固定支架/平单轴)Field test data Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 系统配置分析System collocation analysis PVsyst模拟发电量(固定支架/平单轴) Field energy simulation based on PVsyst Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 双面组件背面遮挡影响分析 Influence of Rear shading on bifacial modules 接触遮挡与非接触遮挡 Touching and un-touching shading 背面遮挡对背面功率影响Influence of rear shading on rear Pmax 背面遮挡对工作温度影响Influence of rear shading on working temperature 支架遮挡对发电量影响Influence of rear rack shading on Field energy output 减小背面遮挡的经济性分析Economic analysis of diminishing rear shading Summary-2 双面产品I-V标定建议I-V calibration suggestion on bifacial production 实验室,测试正面STC和双面因子;综合功率,背面按200W/m2,折算到正面测试得到(IEC61215-2018) 量产,只标定STC,综合功率理论计算(IEC60904-1-2)  In the lab, front Pmaxand bifacility measured under STC, and equivalent front power measured considering rear irradiance of 200W/m2 IEC61215-2018  Front STC power measured, and equivalent power calculated for mass production IEC60904-1-2  实验室,STC标定正面效率和双面因子,双面打光标定综合效率 量产,单面打光标定正面STC效率,同时约束双面因子公差 In the lab, front efficiency and bifacility measured under STC, and equivalent efficiency gotten with double-side  simulator  For mass production, front STC efficiency measured based on single-side simulator, and bifacial factor tolerance defined 提高正面辐照光强,将背面贡献折算到正面,测得Pmax与理论综合Pmax,偏差在0.5内  Equivalent power, measured under higher front irradiance including rear irradiance, and the difference with calculated value from bifacility less than 0.5. 2.1、双面产品I-V标定建议-组件功率标定 Module Power calibration indoor  实验室,测试正面STC和双面因子;综合功率,背面按200W/m2 (IEC61215-2018暂未统一),折算到正面测试得到 Front Pmax and bifacility measured under STC, and equivalent front power indoor gotten considering the rear irradiation of 200W/m2 un-defined in IEC61215-2018  量产,只测正面STC,综合功率理论计算(IEC60904-1-2) Front STC power measured and equivalent power calculated for mass production IEC60904-1-2 G1000W/m2φ*200W/m2 光 源 双面组件铭牌要求(IEC61215-2018)Nameplate demand in IEC61215-2018 分类 内容 测试条件依据IEC60904-1-2部分规定 双面因子Φ ΦIsc,ΦVoc, ΦPmax,及其公差 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000W/m2,背面遮黑布 STC电性能 Pmax,Isc, Voc,及其公差 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000W/m2,背面遮黑布 综合电性能 综合Pmax,综合Isc,综合Voc,及其公差 25℃,AM1.5,正面1000φ*G R ,背面遮黑布 其中,φminφ Pmax ,φ Isc ,G R max200W/m2,G R客户声称 ) 其它 组件类型,系统电压,熔断电流,制作商信息, 序列号,等  实验室,STC下标定正面效率和双面因子;双面打光,标定综合效率 In the lab, front efficiency and bifacility measured under STC, and equivalent efficiency gotten with double-side simulator  量产,单面打光,标定正面STC效率,同时约束双面因子公差 For mass production, front STC efficiency based on single-side simulator, and defining the bifacial factor tolerance 2.2、双面产品I-V标定建议-电池效率标定 Cell efficiency calibration indoor 正面光源 Front Simulator 1000W/m2 正面光源 Front Simulator 1000W/m2 双面打光法Double-side simulator test 单面打光法Single-side simulator test 双面电池Bifacial cell 背面黑布 Rear blak cloth 背面光源Rear Simulator 200W/m2 双面电池Bifacial cell 输出 综合效率 输出 正面效率 双面因子 双面因子公差(5) 2.3、双面产品I-V标定建议-综合功率测试分析 Equivalent power test and analysis indoor  提高正面辐照光强,将背面贡献折算到正面,测得的功率,与 计算综合功率的偏差在0.5内 Equivalent power measured under higher front irradiance including rear irradiance, and the difference with calculated value from bifacility is less than 0.5 60P-P型双面(φ0.70)60P P-type Bifacial modules 综合Pmax(测试值) 综合Pmax(计算值) 差异分析 实测结果分析 Actual test results and analysis 光强W/m2 PmaxW 光强W/m2 PmaxW △综合Pmax测试-计算(W) △Pmax 1000 291.26 正面1000/背面0 291.26 0.00 0.00 1035 301.61 正面1000/背面50 300.36 1.25 0.42 1070 310.10 正面1000/背面100 309.87 0.23 0.08 1105 321.39 正面1000/背面150 320.10 1.29 0.40 1140 331.13 正面1000/背面200 330.33 0.80 0.24 备注测试综合Pmax正面Pmax(G F ,G F 1000,1035,1070,1105,1140); 背面Pmax背面Pmax(G E ,G E 0,50,100,150,200.); 计算综合Pmax正面PmaxSTC背面Pmax(G E ,G E 0,50,100,150,200.)。 目录/Contents  双面组件I-V测试现状 I-V measurement of bifacial modules I-V测试方法现状 current I-V test method 铭牌要求现状 nameplate request 双面产品I-V标定建议 I-V calibration suggestion on bifacial production 组件功率标定Module power calibration indoor 电池效率标定Cell efficiency calibration indoor 组件综合功率评测分析Module equivalent power test and analysis indoor 双面组件户外发电分析 Field energy output of bifacial modules 工作电流电压 Working current and voltage 实证发电量(固定支架/平单轴)Field test data Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 系统配置分析System collocation analysis PVsyst模拟发电量(固定支架/平单轴) Field energy simulation based on PVsyst Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 双面组件背面遮挡影响分析 Influence of Rear shading on bifacial modules 接触遮挡与非接触遮挡 Touching and un-touching shading 背面遮挡对背面功率影响Influence of rear shading on rear Pmax 背面遮挡对工作温度影响Influence of rear shading on working temperature 支架遮挡对发电量影响Influence of rear rack shading on Field energy output 减小背面遮挡的经济性分析Economic analysis of diminishing rear shading Summary-3 双面组件户外发电分析Field energy output of bifacial modules  根据安装方式,地面情况,双面组件发电量增益可达1530甚至更高  发电增益主要来自于组件输出电流增加  Energy gain could be 1530 or higher for bifacial module based racking system and ground albedo  Energy gain mainly from increased module current  双面组件系统的逆变器等,需依据不同地面环境下发电增益,做合理的扩容配置  Inverter capacity should be matched accordingly 双面组件发电增益PVsyst理论分析Energy gain analysis in PVsyst  固定支架,高纬度区域低纬度区域  平单轴,低纬度区域高纬度区域  N型P型,且地面反射率越高,N型较P型优势越大  固定支架,双面组件最佳安装倾斜角安装地纬度,安装高度建议≥1.2m  fixed rack, high latitudelow latitude  single-axis tracker, low latitude high latitude  N type higher than P type, specially with higher albedo  racking system should be at least 1.2m high  双面发电量,受安装地面环境/组件双面因子等综合影响; 背面增益,P型双面在4-19,N型双面在6-24 Field energy output influenced by many environmental factors 2-5 more energy of N-type bifacial VS. P-type bifacial 3.1、户外发电-实证(固定支架) Field test data on fixed rack 双面固定支架发电增益浙江海宁  相对单面固定支架,双面平单轴,草地等低反射地面,发电增益15-30, P型20,N型25 Even under ground of low albedo, such as grass, bifacial modules on single-axis tracker could generate 15-30 more power than on fixed racker 3.2、户外发电量-实证(平单轴) Field data with single-axis tracking 双面平单轴支架发电增益浙江海 宁 3.3、户外发电-工作电流电压 Field energy output-working current and voltage 双面组件,户外工作电流更高,对逆变器/汇流箱等提出了更高的要求 Inverter and combiner box with higher current-loading capacity needed for bifacial system Isc/A 40 45 PERC单晶 P型双面Voc/V 9 10 11 PERC单晶 P型双面 15 15 20 25 30 35 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3.4、户外发电-PVsyst模拟-1 Field energy output based on PVsystsimulation 软件版本 Pvsyst6.7.5 气象数据 MeteoNorm7.2 station 系统容量 100kw 组件参数 正面300W 逆变器 华为50kW 双面因子 N型双面0.9,P型双面0.71 Baseline-PERC单晶  PVsyst,可对光伏组件户外发电量进行理论模拟和分析,可指导系统安装 PVsystcould give the mounting suggestions based on the simulation of bifacial systems 参数信息地点选择 软件设置/Software setting 支架倾角 当地最佳倾角 离地高度 固定1.5m, 平单中心2.1m 软件设置 3.4、户外发电-PVsyst模拟-2 Field energy output based on PVsystsimulation  固定支架,不同地面,双面增益,实证较模拟高2-3 2-3 more energy of field test on fixed rack VS. PVsyst simulation 地面 增益(软件模拟) 增益(实证) 差异实证-模拟 地面反射率 设定 P型 N型 地面反射率 实测 P型 N型 P型 N型 草坪 14 3.7 4.8 10-20 6.00 7.50 2.30 2.70 黄沙 24 5.8 7.6 22-25 8.00 11.00 2.20 3.40 白漆 75 15.6 20.3 80 18.00 22.50 2.40 2.20 模拟VS. 实证/Simulation VS. Field test  平单轴,双面增益,实证较模拟低3 3 more energy of field test with single-axis tracker VS. PVsyst simulation 实证,P型20,N型25 3.4、户外发电-PVsyst模拟-3 Field energy output based on PVsystsimulation  固定支架,高纬度区域低纬度区域  平单轴,低纬度区域高纬度区域 Fixed rack, high latitudelow latitude Single-axis tracker, low latitude high latitude 16.0 18.0 20.0 哈密高纬度 广州低纬度 35.0 40.0 哈密高纬度 广州低纬度 固定支架Fixed rack 平单轴Single-axis tracker 纬度影响/Latitude influence 备注Baseline组件-PERC单晶,固定支架最佳倾斜角安装 Baseline -Mono PERC modules mounted under fixed rack with optimal title angle. 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 草坪14 黄沙24 水泥32 白漆70 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 草坪14 黄沙24 水泥32 白漆70 3.4、户外发电-PVsyst模拟-4 Field energy output based on PVsystsimulation  固定支架/平单轴,N型P型,且地面反射率越高,N型较P型优势越大 On fixed rack and single-axis tracker, N-typeP-type, especially under the ground of high albedo  N型较P型增益差值分析Gain difference analysis between N-type and P-type 5.00 固定支架 平单轴 6.00 7.00 固定支架 平单轴 组件差异/Different Modules 哈密(高纬度) 广州(低纬度) 备注Baseline组件-PERC单晶,固定支架最佳倾斜角安装 Baseline -Mono PERC modules mounted under fixed rack with optimal title angle. 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 草坪14 黄沙24 水泥32 白漆70 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 草坪14 黄沙24 水泥32 白漆70 3.4、户外发电-Pvsyst模拟-5 Mounting suggestion based on PVsystsimulation  双面固定支架,最佳安装角度纬度  安装高度1.2m以上,增益基本不再变化 Bifacialfixedrack, optimal title angle is near local latitude Energy gain become stable when racking height1.2m 安装方式/Mounting 备注Baseline组件-PERC单晶,固定支架最佳倾斜角安装 Baseline -Mono PERC modules mounted under fixed rack with optimal title angle. 目录/Contents  双面组件I-V测试现状 I-V measurement of bifacial modules I-V测试方法现状 current I-V test method 铭牌要求现状 nameplate request 双面产品I-V标定建议 I-V calibration suggestion on bifacial production 组件功率标定Module power calibration indoor 电池效率标定Cell efficiency calibration indoor 组件综合功率评测分析Module equivalent power test and analysis indoor 双面组件户外发电分析 Field energy output of bifacial modules 工作电流电压 Working current and voltage 实证发电量(固定支架/平单轴)Field test data Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 系统配置分析System collocation analysis PVsyst模拟发电量(固定支架/平单轴) Field energy simulation based on PVsyst Fixed rack/ Single-axis tracking 双面组件背面遮挡影响分析 Influence of Rear shading on bifacial modules 接触遮挡与非接触遮挡 Touching and un-touching shading 背面遮挡对背面功率影响Influence of rear shading on rear Pmax 背面遮挡对工作温度影响Influence of rear shading on working temperature 支架遮挡对发电量影响Influence of rear rack shading on Field energy output 减小背面遮挡的经济性分析Economic analysis of diminishing rear shading Summary-4 双面组件背面遮挡影响分析Influence of Rear shading on bifacial modules 边框/陶瓷网格等遮挡,导致背面功率及双面因子显著降低  Rear Pmaxand bifacial factor decreasing obviously from rear shading 非均匀接触遮挡,使得局部温度升高3-5℃ 部分非接触遮挡,不会带来组件温度升高 尽量保证遮挡物与组件背面20mm以上间距  Touching shading bring in temperature rising of 3-5℃.  No temperature change under certain un-touching shading.  More than 20mm distance btw shading object and rear cover may be needed outdoors. 背面支架遮挡,对发电增益几乎无影响  Little generation loss is found under serious rear rack shading 增大组件尺寸等方式可减小或消除背面遮挡,但伴随组件及系统的成本上升  Increasing the module size helpful, with the cost raise of module and system 4.1、背面遮挡影响分析-接触遮挡与非接触遮挡 Rear touching and un-touching shading  双面组件户外工作,背面会遭到接触遮挡及非接触遮挡  接触遮挡组件接线盒/背板玻璃陶瓷网格/某些支架横梁等  非接触遮挡组件边框/地面障碍物/某些支架横梁等 The rear side of bifacial modules may encounter touching and un-touching shading outdoors 接线盒遮挡 Junction box 边框遮挡 Frame 支架遮挡Rack purline 陶瓷玻璃遮挡Ceramic glass 地面障碍物遮挡Ground weeds 4.2 背面遮挡影响分析-对背面功率的影响 Influence of rear shading on rear Pmax 组件类型 分类 Pmax △Pmax背面 双面因子 透明双面-Baseline 正面 369.33 75.35 背面 278.27 0.00 陶瓷网格双面 正面 375.34 72.51  边框/陶瓷网格等遮挡,导致背面功率及双面因子显著降低 Rear Pmaxand bifacial factor decreasing obviously from rear shading 背面 272.16 -6.11 透明双面边框 正面 368.15 73.41 背面 270.25 -8.02 陶瓷网格双面边框 正面 374.87 69.76 背面 261.51 -16.76 备注P型双面电池,正面效率21.8,双面因子74 4.3、背面遮挡影响分析-对工作温度影响 Influence of rear shading on working temperature  非均匀接触遮挡,使得局部温度升高3-5℃(陶瓷网格为均匀遮挡,无温升)  部分非接触遮挡,不会带来组件温度升高  尽量保证遮挡物与组件背面20mm以上间距  Touching shading bring in temperature rising of 3-5℃.  No temperature change under certain un-touching shading.  More than 20mm distance btw shading object and rear cover may be needed outdoors. 64 66 68 70 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 非接触遮挡处(遮挡半个电池 接触遮挡处(遮挡半个电池) 无遮挡处 浙江海宁,平单轴,中午,辐照度950W/m2 接触遮挡touching shading 非接触遮挡un-touching shading 4.4、支架遮挡对发电量的影响 Influence of rack shading on Field energy output  支架遮挡面积达7-8,但发电增益降低1以内 Little generation loss is found under serious rear rackshading N型双面固定支架白漆地面(浙江海宁) 130.00 135.00 140.00 145.00 150.00 无遮挡 遮挡 严重支架遮挡vs无遮挡,发电增益降低1内 单瓦发电增益 无遮挡,平均123.4 100.00 105.00 110.00 115.00 120.00 125.00 9 0 0 0 8 9 1 1 4 8 9 2 3 2 8 9 3 5 0 8 9 4 6 4 8 9 5 8 2 8 1 0 1 0 0 8 1 0 2 1 4 8 1 0 3 3 2 8 1 0 4 5 0 8 1 0 5 6 4 8 1 1 0 8 2 8 1 1 2 0 0 8 1 1 3 1 4 8 1 1 4 3 2 8 1 1 5 5 0 8 1 2 0 6 4 8 1 2


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