Page 1of 1 我们非常荣幸您能接受邀请出席本届大会并做“晶体硅材料及太阳电池”分会场特邀报告,为了更好的宣传大会, 请您填写下面的表格并与 5 月 5 日之前发回大会组委会 cpvcmail.iee.ac.cn,谢谢 姓名 Name ALTERMATT Pietro 职位 Position Principal Scientist 单位 Company Trinasolar, Changzhou, Jiangsu 联系电话 Mobile for On- site Contact 13656143950 邮件 E-mail pietro.altermatttrinasolar.com 个人简介 Personal Brief Introduction Pietro P. Altermatt’s 27 years of experience in PV ranges from rather basic research at UNSW in Sydney, Australia, to joint projects between institutes and industry in Germany, to working at Trinasolar’s SKL in China for the last four years. His main area of research has been the development of physical models for the numerical simulation of crystalline Si solar cells. With such simulations, roadmaps for the near-future are developed, predicting the optimum device design, the necessary production equipment, and the feasible silicon material and other materials. 讲演题目 Speech Title Possibilities and targets in RD for improving PERC cells for the next 7 years, and beyond 内容摘要 Abstract With a combination of market overview and numerical device modeling, it is forecast that PERC cell efficiency may reach between 23 and 24 in mass production in about 7 years the latest if there are no technological breakthroughs or market disruptions on the way. This implies that about every 2nd year, an existing technology needs to be significantly improved like, for example, 30 um wide front metal fingers, improved bulk lifetime, etc. This presentation outlines the possibilities and targets for RD in tool manufacturing and cell manufacturing to meet this goal in the Chinese PV industry. After the PERC cell is optimized in mass production, passivated contacts and hetero-emitters are most possibly the next generation of improvements. There are various possibilities to go beyond the PERC cell. All these different 1-junction cell designs converge towards a similar efficiency between 24 – 25 in mass production, so most probably solely the manufacturing cost will decide which cell design will become the mainstream after about 7 years the latest, not the device physics. An outline is given on the possibilities and targets in RD of passivated contacts that enable the Chinese PV industry to go beyond PERC.