Stella Chen 陈姗姗 Solar Greater China / TV Rheinland Shanghai Co., Ltd. 莱茵技 术(上海)有限公司 Additional requirements for supplementary rating and qualification of bifacial PV- modules 双面组件的标定和型式认可要求及补充 TV Rheinland – Business Solutions for Solar Energy Worldwide 24.10.20182 Our global network for PV Business Quality, safety and reliability around the world 20,000 employees worldwide 全 球 20000雇员 35 years experience in PV module testing and power plant inspections 在光伏组件测试和光伏电站检验领域拥 有 35年经验 250 Solar Experts 250位光伏专家 6 PV Laboratories 6个光伏实验室 5 Outdoor Test Sites in different climates 5个气候 不同 的户外测试基地 Outlook for bifacial technology in the future 双面技术的未来展望 24.10.20183 International Technology Roadmap for Photovoltaic Results 2016 incl. maturity report, ITRPV 2017 Outline 概览 24.10.20184 Introduction of bifacial PV modules 双面组件介绍 Introduction of Bifacial STC BSTC 双面标准测试条件 介绍 Power Rating of Bifacial PV modules 双面组件的功率标 定 Stricter safety tests for Bifacial PV module 双面组件的加严安 全测试 Introduction of bifacial PV modules 双面光伏组件简介 24.10.20185 Bifacial solar cell 双 面太阳能电池片 Power generation from both sides 双 面发电 High integrated efficiency 光 电转换率高 Low LID effect for n-type 低光诱导衰减效应 n-型电池 Courtesy of C.Reise, TV Rheinland-Sandia PV monitoring and modeling workshop, Fraunhofer ISE, Cologne, October 2015h.a.l.m. 2015 Double trouble PV magazine 04.2015 pp. 94 Advantages 优势 Disadvantages 劣势 Higher contribution on array yield 产电量较高 Better appearance 组件更美观 Flexibility in application 应用灵活 Potential on technology improvement 技术提升的潜力 Higher cost 成本较高 Uncertainty for system design and end-user 对系统设计和终端用户的不确 定性 Outline 概览 24.10.20186 Introduction of bifacial PV modules 双面组件介绍 Introduction of Bifacial STC BSTC 双面标准测试条件 介绍 Power Rating of Bifacial PV modules 双面组件的功率标 定 Stricter safety tests for Bifacial PV module 双面组件的加严安 全测试 Irradiance sun, sky Mounting construction Module quality Height to horizontal ground Tilt angle Ground albedo Key factors affecting performance and energy yield 性能和产电量的主要影响因素 24.10.20187 辐照 度 安装条件 组件质量 离 地高度 倾斜角度 地面反射率 IEC 60904-3 STC and reference spectral irradiance STC和参考光谱辐照度 24.10.20188 Module temperature 组件温度 25 C Total irradiance总辐照度 1000 W/m Angle of Incidence入射角度 0 Spectral irradiance 光谱辐照度 AM 1.5G spectral irradiance as defined in IEC 60904-3 The performance data of PV modules are commonly referred to the internationally agreed “Standard Test Conditions 标准测试条件 STC”. Earth surface Atmosphere Zenith Zenith angle 48 AM 1 37 Test area 天顶角 大气层 地球表面 测试区域 IEC 60904-3 defines the reference solar spectral irradiance as the result of a computer simulation carried out by SMARTS. Direct and diffuse light components 直射和散射 No surrounding obstacles, or shading 无周边干扰物或者遮挡 37 tilted surface 37 倾斜角 0.21 ground reflectance albedo light sandy soil 0.21地表反射 370 ppm CO2 volume mixing ratio no pollution 370ppm CO2 浓度 1.4164 cm atmospheric water contant 大气 水含量 0.3438 atm-cm atmospheric ozone content 臭氧含量 0.084 turbidity at 500 nm aerosol optical depth 气溶胶光学厚度 1 atm at sea level 一个大气压强 Bifacial STC BSTC BSTC的定义 24.10.20189 IEC 60904-3 defines the reference solar spectral irradiance as the result of a computer simulation carried out by SMARTS. Direct and diffuse light components直射和散射 No surrounding obstacles, or shading无周边干扰物或者遮挡 37 tilted surface倾斜角 0.21 ground reflectance albedo light sandy soil 0.21地表反射 1m ground clearance 离地高度 1m 370 ppm CO2 volume mixing ratio no pollution 370ppm CO2 浓度 1.4164 cm atmospheric water contant 大气水含 量 0.3438 atm-cm atmospheric ozone content臭氧含量 0.084 turbidity at 500 nm aerosol optical depth气溶胶光学厚度 1 atm at sea level 一 个大气压强 Front irradiance 正面辐照度 1000 W/m Rear irradiance 背面辐照度 135 W/m Equivalent irradiance 等效辐照度 1000 φ135 W/m Bifacial Standard Test Condition BSTC 双面标准测试条件 BSTC的测试条件就是在原有 STC的基 础上增 加了组 件 离地高 度 1米 和 背 面辐 照度 135W/m2的条件。 Earth surface Atmosphere Zenith Zenith angle 48 AM 1 37 Test area Ground Clearance 1m Module temperature 组件温度 25 C Angle of Incidence 入射角度 0 Spectral irradiance 光谱辐照度 AM1.5G Outline 概览 24.10.201810 Introduction of bifacial PV modules 双面组件介绍 Introduction of Bifacial STC BSTC 双面标准测试条件 介绍 Power Rating of Bifacial PV modules 双面组件的功率标 定 Stricter safety tests for Bifacial PV module 双面组件的加严安 全测试 Progress of IEC 60904-1-2 国 际标 准 IEC 60904-1-2进 展 24.10.201811 IEC 60904-1-2 Measurement of current-voltage characteristics of bifacial photovoltaic devices Preliminary stage 初始阶段 Proposal stage 提议阶段 Preparatory stage 起草阶段 Committee stage 评论阶段 Enquiry stage 投票阶段 Approval stage 审核通过 Publication stage 发布阶段 Comparison between TV Rheinland 2PfG and IEC 60904-1-2 标准对比 24.10.201812 TV莱茵 2PfG 2645/11.17 IEC 60904-1-2 DTS 兼 容 之 处 测试要求 , 术语 , 条件等 测试方法 ( 单面辐照法 ) - 正面 STC, 背面 STC, 得出正 、 反面 Pmax, Isc和 Voc - 根据 Pmax, Isc和 Voc分别计算双面因子 𝜑 - 𝐺𝐸𝑖 1000𝑊𝑚−2 𝜑 ∙𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖 1,2,3, ; 𝜑 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝜑𝐼𝑠𝑐,𝜑𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 - 等效辐照度至少要 3个 不 同 之 处 指定第三个背面辐照度 135W/m2, 并增加 BSTC概念 增加铭牌标识要求和 STC/BSTC铭牌参数验证 Gate 1 量产产品抽取测试样品 6片组件 , 正面功率高 、 中 、 低 档各两块 要求三个背面辐照度 , 仅指定 100W/m2和 200W/m2 未提及铭牌标识要求和铭牌参数验证 未提及组件数量 2PfG 2645/11.17 Photovoltaic devices – Measurement of current-voltage characteristics of bifacial photovoltaic PV devices Measurement procedures of single illumination method 单面辐照法测试步骤 24.10.201813 Front side Rear side 1. STC measurement * 正反面 STC测试 𝐺𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 1000 W/m2 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟 1000 W/m2 *The non-illuminated side was covered with non-reflective background and aperture. 2. Determine bifaciality at STC 确定 STC下的双面系数 𝜑𝐼𝑠𝑐 𝐼𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟𝐼𝑠𝑐 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 ; 𝜑𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝑉𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑉𝑜𝑐 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 ; 𝜑𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑡 ; 𝜑 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝜑𝐼𝑠𝑐, 𝜑𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥; 3. I-V characterization I-V测试 Indoor at “equivalent” irradiance levels, 𝐺𝐸𝑖 3 levels 等效辐照 度 𝐺𝐸𝑖 1000𝑊𝑚−2 𝜑∙𝐺𝑅𝑖 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖 1,2,3, Bifacial Standard Test Condition BSTC BSTC条件下的双面组件 IV测试 14 𝐺𝐸𝑖 1000 W/m 𝜑 ∗𝐺𝑅𝑖 𝝋 𝑀𝑖𝑛 𝝋𝑰𝒔𝒄, 𝝋𝑷𝒎𝒂𝒙 G1 kW/m2 G1 kW/m2 IEC 60904-1-2 DTS 𝐺𝑅𝟏 100 W/m 𝐺𝑅𝟐 200 W/m 𝐺𝑅𝟑 xxx W/m 2PfG 2645/11.17 𝐺𝑅𝟏 100 W/m 𝐺𝑅𝟐 200 W/m 𝐺𝑅𝟑 135 W/m 𝑮𝑬𝒊 Front irradiance 1000 W/m Rear irradiance 135 W/m Equivalent irradiance 1000 φ135 W/m Bifacial Standard Test Condition BSTC [1] Module temperature 25 C Spectral irradiance AM1.5G Rear Face [1] 2PfG 2645/11.17 Supplementary Power Rating of Bifacial Photovoltaic PV Modules 24.10.2018 Verification of BSTC values on the rated label Gate 1 铭牌 BSTC参数验证 Gate 1 24.10.201815 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 BSTC 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 BSTC 𝑉𝑜𝑐 BSTC 𝐼𝑠𝑐 BSTC 𝑃𝑚𝑎𝑥 BSTC for minimum power class 1 0 0 –1NP 1 0 0 1L a b 1 m a x 1 m a x B S T C B S T C B S T C B S T C tPmP NP1 0 0 1L a b m a x 1m a x B S T CB S T CB S T C PmP 1 0 0 1NP 1 0 0 1L a b 2 o c B S T C 2 o c B S T C B S T CB S T C tVmV 1 0 0 1NP 1 0 0 1L a b 3 s c B S T C 3 s c B S T C B S T CB S T C tImI 1 0 0 1NP 1 0 0 1L a b 1 m a x 1 m a x B S T C B S T C B S T C B S T C tPmP Example of nameplate design for bifacial PV modules 双面组件的铭牌设计举例 24.10.201816 Electrical Data STC BSTC Nominal Power 300 W 3, k2 330 W 3.5, k2 Rated Voltage Vmpp 30.8 V 31.0 V Rated Current Impp 9.20 A 10.10 A Open-Circuit Voltage Voc 38.5 V 1, k2 39.0 V 1.2, k2 Short-Circuit Current Isc 9.40 A 2.8, k2 10.20 A 3, k2 Bifaciality φ 0.7 0.05, k2 Maximum System Voltage 1000 V DC Maximum Series Fuse 20 A Power Temp Coef. Pmpp -0.4 / K Voltage Temp Coef. Voc -0.31 / K Current Temp Coef. Isc 0.05 / K STC AM1.5G; Temp. 25oC; Irradiance 1000 W/m2 BSTC AM1.5G; Temp. 25oC; Irradiance 1000 φ135 W/m2 Outline 概览 24.10.201817 Introduction of bifacial PV modules 双面组件介绍 Introduction of Bifacial STC BSTC 双面标准测试条件 介绍 Power Rating of Bifacial PV modules 双面组件的功率标 定 Stricter safety tests for Bifacial PV module 双面组件的加严安 全测试 Certification for bifacial PV module 双 面组件的认证 Type approval requirements 24.10.201818 2PfG 2645/11.17 Supplementary Power Rating of Bifacial Photovoltaic PV Modules 2PfG 2665/06.18 Additional Testing Requirements of Bifacial Photovoltaic PV Modules Reported Field Failures for Bifacial Modules 双面组件失效类型的汇总 24.10.201819 Reliability Excessive working current LID FF Loss Bypass Diode Hot-spot Glass / Frame Breakage Effect of Albedo on Total Irradiance MoFi Vs. BiFi 反射对总辐照度的影响单面 VS双面 24.10.201820 Wet Soil Grass Concrete Sand Old Snow Fresh Snow AM1.5G This work 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 To tal Irr ad ian ce [W /m 2] Albedo MoFi BiFi The current severity used in this work derives from irradiances corresponding to reflective ground conditions 1300W/m2 at 0.51 albedo. Higher current levels are practically hard to realise due to technology limitations of solar simulator systems. Combined Test Sequence IEC 61215 61730 24.10.201821 Bypass diode thermal test MQT 18/MST 25 Hot-spot endurance test MQT 09/MST 22 MQT01 MQT18.2 Reverse current overload test MST 26 Temperature test MST 21 MST01 MST17MST16 MQT15MQT03 Ther mal cycl ing test 200 cycl es M QT 11/MST 51 MST01 MST17MST16 Ther mal cycl ing test 50 cycl es M QT 11/MST 51 MST01 MST16 MST01 MST17MST16 MQT01 MQT15MQT03MQT02 Test Sequence 2PfG 2665/06.18 相 关测试项目的补充测试条件 24.10.201822 24.10.201823 Test items influenced Current application in relevant tests is revised as follows to account for GE 1000W/m2 φ300W/m2 Test items Monofacial Bifacial Impp applied → ImppGE MST 21 – Temperature test Near Impp during the test Near ImppGEduring the test MQT 11/ MST 51 – Thermal cycling test Applied Impp in sequences c-Si Applied ImppGE in sequences c-Si MQT 09/ MST 22 – Hot spot endurance test Impp applied while finding the hot spot sensitive cells and the shading rate ImppGE applied while finding the hot spot sensitive cells and the shading rate Isc applied → IscGref MQT 18/ MST 25 – Bypass diode test Applied current of - 1st hr Isc - 2nd hr Isc1.25 Applied current of - 1st hr IscGE - 2nd hr IscGE 1.25 Relevant test MST 26 – Reverse current overload test - Declared IR by manufacturer x 1.35 To Consider n-1 IscGE x 1.35 if this value is higher where n is the maximum allowable number of strings in parallel Example Results – Bypass Diode Test (二极管测试) 24.10.201824 MQT 18/ MST 25 – Bypass diode test 二极管测试 D1 [℃ ] D2 [℃ ] D3 [℃ ] Tcase Isc 88.8 96.2 92.2 IscGE 98.5 105.0 101.2 ΔΤ 9.67 8.83 9.09 Tjunction Isc 95.8 104.8 105.9 IscGE 129.6 135.8 137.6 ΔΤ 33.8 31.0 31.7 where GE 1000W/m2 φ300W/m2 1h at Iscx1.25 1h at IscGEx1.25 Tcase135.0CTcase118.4C Bypass diode test was performed in accordance with MQT 18/ MST 25 for two module types. Tests were performed at current levels of Isc and IscGE sequentially. Significantly higher temperatures were seen for higher current injection 20-30C. Point of attention for manufacturers, as degradation will be accelerated in the field. Example Results – Hot Spot Endurance Test (热斑测试) 24.10.201825 1h at Impp 1h at ImppGE Tests were performed at current levels of Isc and IscGE sequentially. Higher temperatures in the range of 15-25C occurred at higher current injection. Higher mounting risk ( Mechanical Load test, Module breakage test) 24.10.201826 Conclusions 24.10.201827 Power labelling of bifacial PV modules is an urgent matter. Sufficient knowledge is available to define bifacial reference conditions. Bifacial Standard Test Condition BSTC has been proposed based on IEC 60904-1-2 CD and IEC 60904-3, which intends to provide supplementary information on the label 2 PfG 2645/11.17, Supplementary Power Rating of Bifacial Photovoltaic PV Modules. Additional requirements for testing and qualification of bifacial modules in accordance with IEC 61215 and IEC 61730 aim to address the higher currents seen in the field by bifacial modules. 2 PfG 2665/06.18, Additional Testing Requirements of Bifacial Photovoltaic PV Modules. Front irradiance 1000 W/m Rear irradiance 135 W/m Equivalent irradiance 1000 φ135 W/m Bifacial Standard Test Condition BSTC Module temperature 25 C Spectral irradiance AM1.5G Rear Face 24.10.201828 Acknowledgements for Participators 鸣谢 Thank you for your attention