ESIE Ion Enel X Storage on Wheels Lucian Ion
Storage on Wheels New Energy Vehicles Aggregation Lucian Ion, VP Asia, Enel X 2019-05-20 1 Enel ENEL Italy Europe second-by-second balancing of demand and supply Demand Charge Management Demand Limitation Scheduling charging processes in order to reduce recurrent system costs linked to power absorption Load Balancing connection fee reduction Limit total coincident consumption of EVSEs during specific time intervals based on power constraints at site level Demand Response Capacity Market participation Commitment to reduce/increase capacity available for periods of system stress in order to guarantee Power System Adequacy DAM vs RTM optimization and hedging Dispatch instruction to EVSEs from wholesale market for curtailment when market clearing prices are greater than bid prices Frequency Regulation / Response Provide fast reserve to maintain system frequency at operational levels DSO managed congestion relief programs Curtail a group of EVSEs as a result of a utility instruction Energy2grid Energy Arbitrage with V2G Energy Services Vehicle Grid Integration Enel X Core Energy Services Residential EVSEs / Aggregation / DR programs Day-Ahead Real-Time Market trading Energy Wholesale Market – California CAISO First large-scale commercial participation of NEV in electricity markets eMotorWerks/ENEL is a full stack technology provider or an aggregation technology provider EVs EVSE’s Asset Management Platform Aggregation Platform JuiceBox AC R C OEM back-end Energy Front Office Markets Interaction Customers 1 2 3 4 JuiceNet Enterprise JuiceConnect 2.0 API Partner EVSE’s RC Monitor, control, optimize and monetize large amounts of BTM and FTM resources in real time Energy Services APIs DC Fast Charger Juice2Grid Enel X e-Mobility ecosystem An open system ensuring interoperability Reserve Market Demand Response Capacity Market Local Energy Optimization – PV Self Consumption – Grid Connection minimization – Real Time Market Pricing optimization Our core services Eliminating peak charges Increase Grid Reliability Manage Peak Demand Renewables EVs the best type of grid resource to be monetized through JuiceNet Aggregation Platform ● Ultra-flexible ● Respond in seconds ● Zero capital cost ● Zero dispatch cost Aggregation Platform A global Vehicle Grid Integration Aggregation platform Honda FITs Clarity / Aggregation / DR Programs Wholesale markets Charging schedule Dispatchable EV load Charging schedule Dispatchable EV loadEV Driver SmartCharge ISO/Generator/Utility JuiceNet for Honda Smart Charging Direct to EV – Generating Revenue Streams EVs are probably the customer’s first real experience with a smart grid, and EnelX/eMotorWerks’ JuiceNet provides the industry’s first and only platform to address the need to flexibly manage grid demand and realize the value. JuiceNet for Honda Smart Charging Direct to EV – Generating Revenue Streams Session Chart Main Dashboard Heatmap Schedule Updates JuiceNet for Honda Honda FITs Clarity / Aggregation / DR Programs Wholesale markets That behind-the-meter functionality enables the CPO-as-a-Service Business model in Italy Car2Go in Spain It is part of the core set of BTM functionalities required for competitiveness of our CI offerings The Cap Charging functionality guarantees that charging loads use only the building’s residual power → Evs are dynamically managed, CI customer stays below the agreed-upon Cap. Multiple EVSEs other loads in a building / Local Optimization / Savings on Energy bill Peace of mind Demand Limitation at Commercial Facilities Behind-the-meter functionality for the Public Private Charging domain Revenues from Increase in hardware sales Premium Software licenses Software Development NREs Enrollment Program Management Service fees Energy services revenue share Aggregation Optimization Platform Middleware Asset Management Software Adapt to different electricity markets contexts Quickly prototype new algorithms UIs Combine different services Integrate different energy resources Software architecture designed to Partnerships Enel X Energy Services How does JuiceNet Energy Services work 谢谢 Thanks for Your Time