Peter Duffy Beijing Presentation_20 May 2019_Final
Title of Presentation Energy Storage in Ireland and What We Have learned Peter Duffy, Irish Energy Storage Association 2019-01-05 Version 0.1 Overview of Presentation Today 1. Description of Irish electricity market and issues arising - Will cover overall size, trends, and planning/connections applications distribution 2. Irish energy storage to date and what has been learned that would have international application - Will address energy storage policy and energy storage drivers 3. Energy storage procurement process, tariffs, investment and opportunities going forward - Will describe the energy storage market, contracts, risk and return 4. What other System Operators can learn from Irish experience - Will examine what other System Operators small/large incl China could learn from Ireland 1 1. Irish electricity market and issues arising All-island electricity market, termed the iSEM N Regulator regulates licences/tariffs Generation mix of fossil fuel plant, plus wind, solar system-wide or individual 5. Could decide to face this problem at an early stage by considering their own grids, building expertise, differentiating between frequency/voltage support and system recovery AND developing Government expected to adopt With instantaneous penetration rising from 75 in 2020 to 90 in 2030 Huge challenges for System Operators for grid stability and security This clearly points to a key role for storage in the future; rapid-response storage for grid security/stability and medium-response storage for balancing supply/demand Climate Action demands a concerted drive in Europe globally for renewables EU funding agencies need to up their game on RD projects 1 THANK YOU Peter Duffy President, Irish Energy Storage Association IESA