HIT太阳能电池的发展概况作者 史少飞 , 吴爱民 , 张学宇 , 姜辛 , SHI Shaofe , WU Aimin, ZHANG Xueyu, JIANGXin作者单位 史少飞 ,张学宇 ,SHI Shaofe,ZHANG Xueyu大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院 ,大连,116024;大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室 ,大连 ,116024 , 吴爱民 ,WUAimin大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院 ,大连 ,116024;大连理工大学三束材料改性教育部重点实验室 ,大连 ,116024;辽宁省太阳能光伏系统重点实验室 ,大连 ,116024 , 姜辛 ,JIANGXin大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院 ,大连 ,116024;德国锡根大学材料工程学院 ,德国锡根,57056刊名 材料导报英文刊名 MATERIALS REVIEW年,卷 期 2011,2513参考文献 29条1. 中岛武 ;丸山英治 ;田中诚 高性能 HIT太阳电池的特性及其应用前景 [期刊论文] -上海电力 20062. Tanaka Makoto;Okamoto Shingo;Tsuge Sadaji Development of HIT solar cells with more than 21conversion efficiency and commercialization of highest performance HIT modules 20033. SANYO Electric Co.Ltd SANYO develops HIT solar cells with worlds highest energy conversionefficiency of 23.0 20094. 张群芳 ;朱美芳 ;刘丰珍 高效薄膜硅 /品体硅异质结电池的研究 [期刊论文] -太阳能 2006045. Taguchi M;Tanaka M;Matsuyama T Improvement of the conversion efficiency of polycrystalline siliconthin film solar cell 19906. Takahama T;Taguchi M;Kuroda S High efficiency single-and poly-crystalline silicon solar cellsusing ACJ-HIT structure 19927. Schmidt M;Korte L;Laades A Physical aspects of a-SiH/c-Si hetero-junction solar cells [外文期刊]2007198. Angermann H;Korte L;Rappich J Optimisation of electronic interface properties of a-SiH/e-Sihetero-junction solar cells by wet-chemical surface pre-treatment [外文期刊 ] 20089. Wang Q;Page M R;Iwaniczko E Crystal silicon heterojunction solar cells by hot-wire CVD 200810. Taguchi M;Terakawa A;Maruyama E Obtaining a higher V , oc in HIT cells [外文期刊 ] 2005611. Ulyashin A G;Job R;Scherff M The influence of the amorphous silicon deposition temperature on theefficiency of the ITO/a-SiH/C-Si heterojunction HJ solar cells and properties of interfaces [外文期刊 ] 2002012. 张心强 ;张维佳 ;武美伶 纳米硅薄膜制备及 HIT太阳能电池 [期刊论文] -功能材料 20071013. 张群芳 ;朱美芳 ;刘丰珍 热丝化学气相沉积 n型 nc-SiH薄膜及 nc-SiH/c-Si 异质结太阳电池 [期刊论文] -太阳能学报 20060714. 张群芳 ;朱美芳 ;刘丰珍 高效率 n-ne-SiH/p-c-Si 异质结太阳能电池 [期刊论文] -半导体学报 20070115. Wang T H;lwaniczko E;Page M R Effect of emitter deposition temperature on surface passivation inhot-wire chemical vapor deposited silicon heterojunction solar cells [外文期刊 ] 20061-216. Jagannathan B;Anderson W A;Coleman J Amorphous silicon/p-type crystalline silicon heterojunctionsolar cells [外文期刊 ] 19970417. Sawada T;Terada N;Tsuge S High efficiency a-Si/ c-Si heterojunction solar cell 199418. Veschetti Y;Muller J;Damon-lacoste J Optimisation of amorphous and polymorphous thin siliconlayers for the formation of the front-side of heterojunction solar cells on ptype crystallinesilicon substrates [外文期刊 ] 2006019. Goldbach H D;Bink A;Sehropp R E l Thin pt 1 μ cSi layers for use as back surface field in p-type silicon heterojunction solar cells [外文期刊 ] 200692020. Ren Bingyan;Zhang Yan;Guo Bei Computer simulation of p-a-SiH/n-c-Si heterojunction solar cells200721. Tucci M;Noce M Della;Bobeico E Comparison of amorphous/crystalline hetero-junction solar cellsbased on nand p-type crystalline silicon [外文期刊 ] 2004322. Matthew Edwards;Stuart Bowden;Ujjwal Das Effect of texturing and surface preparation on lifetimeand cell performance in heterojunction silicon solar cells [外文期刊 ] 20081123. Summonte C;Rizzoti R;lencinella D Silicon heterojunction solar cells with microcrystallineemitter [外文期刊 ] 2004024. Xu Y;Hu Z;Diao H Heterojunction solar cells with n-type nanocrystalline silicon emitters on p-type c-Si wafers [外文期刊 ] 20069-2025. 朱美芳 ;张群芳 ;刘丰珍 纳米晶硅 /单晶硅异质结太阳能电池及其制备方法 200626. Damon-lacoste J;Cabarrocas P R I;Chatterjee P About the efficiency limits of hetero-junctionsolar cells [外文期刊 ] 20069-2027. Taguchi M;Kawamoto K;Tsuge S HIT cells-higheffciency crystalline Si cells with novel structure20000828. Tsunomura Yasufumi;Yoshimine Yukihiro;Taguchi Mikio Twenty-two percent efficiency HIT solar cell[外文期刊 ] 20086-729. Maruyama Eiji;Terakawa Akira;aguchi Mikio Sanyo s challenges to the development of high-efficiency HIT solar cells and the expansion of HIT business 2006本文读者也读过 7条1. 刘艳红 . 刘爱民 . Liu Yanhong . Liu Aimin 带有本征薄层的异质结太阳能电池 [期刊论文 ]- 半导体技术 2010,3512. 刘绍欢 高效能的 HIT太阳能电池研究 [会议论文 ]-20103. 张心强 . 张维佳 . 武美伶 . 贾士亮 . 刘浩 . 李国华 . ZHANG Xin-qiang. ZHANG Wei-jia. Wu Mei-ling . JIA Shi-liang .LIU Hao. LI Guo-hua 纳米硅薄膜制备及 HIT太阳能电池 [期刊论文 ]- 功能材料 2007,38104. 陈肖静 . 王淑珍 . 王永谦 . 张光春 . 施正荣 HIT电池表面钝化技术的研究 [会议论文 ]-20105. 贾旭平 三洋量产高效 HIT太阳电池 [期刊论文 ]- 电源技术 2011,3526. 中岛武 . 丸山英治 . 田中诚 高性能 HIT太阳电池的开发及业务开展 [会议论文 ]-20067. 陈肖静 HIT电池表面钝化技术及 ZnO透明导电膜的研究 [学位论文 ]2009本文链接 http//d.g.wanfangdata.com.cn/Periodical_cldb201113029.aspx