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28 1 2 0 10 M1 nullnull nullnull Snull Water Resources and Power Vol.28 No.1 Jan.2 0 1 0 cI| 1000-77092010 01-0148-04  ;™Kv qW6 E 陈进美1 null 陈 null 峦1, 2 1.v , Z 830008; 2.0 S/v1, 610054 K1 针对太阳能光伏发电最大功率传统跟踪算法的跟踪对象为光伏阵列的输出功率,通过改变跟踪对象, 提出了MPPT参数null跟踪与双电压跟踪法,分析了间接跟踪算法的原理特点和实现方案b在分析太阳能电 池等效电路模型的基础上,建立了太阳能电池阵列的数学模型,通过M PPT 仿真实验验证了此二种间接跟踪 算法可行有效,供借鉴b 1oM 光伏发电; 最大功率跟踪; 跟踪对象; 间接跟踪算法; 仿真 ms | TM 615DS ’ A l 2009-08-26, 2009-09-15 [ “v21 W[ “ XJU2008JGY21 T€e 1987-, 3, V 3,Z_ “d ,E-mailchenjinmei053 cn null null  TB– s ,[  | ‚a‚a b ™a uK  ]71Š, ;š eE sT†1a*ž HWa  f ƒM•Y v;9 E —q  .  1 p , O“ dY‹ yŒ   e1 p,M‹ —qgbkN,Œ.dMPPT E ‚,YVM6,4 MPPT• ”null 6E 6E,s  E , iYV_‡ L  E[3]b 1null;™r ˜ ;™ ;™r‹,’;™ “†  H,  T/  3 ,r ˜ m1 Ubm,;™ rB Iphš Bž_ 5i ; Rs1 E; Rsh • s Eb m1 null  ;™r ˜ Fig.1 null Equivalent circuit model of solar cells m1 V p;™ {ŸZ[4] I Iph- I0 e q V IRs AkT - 1 - V IRsR sh 1 T, I { ; Iph;v 3 ; I0 Q „ ; q0€ ; V { ; A;™8 qP-N“ ”A 1.11 ; kj  ”; T, K; RsaRshrE, |Rsh 2 000 nullb  ;™” † ” ” ˜ I Isc 1- C1 e VC2Voc - 1 - 1 2  C1 1- Im / Isc e Vm C2 Voc C2 Vm / Voc - 1 ln1- Im/ Isc - 1 T, Isc  ; Voc 7 ; ImaVmsY Kv q ab 2null• ”null6E 9 E V,’  “dTK v q dP dV IdV dV I V dI dV 0 3 Rsh  kv, T1 V I Iph- I0 e qV IRs AkT - 1 4 yRs  ,, I / V |1 – ” V ln IV- qVAkT ln qI0AkT null 5 Hq/Kv qMPPnull V1 U[ 8]bV V A,’ vS M H, nullMS“l, V9  f ƒ/nullb  wL›,6null V pKv  qbŒNE V  p‚ž ’Kv q ,N|• ”null6E E9 E ›† VžrT XKv q,‹ E  m2 Ubm, c q/ A kT , nullg “ S; k] b1Dnull}“ ”bW E  { qP,null 9 eLb V1null f ƒ/MPPnull Tab.1 null nullof MPP Department under different cases v“ ”PNnull v“ ”PNnull 0. 3 30 - 17.0 0. 6 55 - 14. 7 0. 3 40 - 16.1 0. 9 30 - 16. 2 0. 3 55 - 14.9 0. 9 40 - 15. 7 0. 6 30 - 16.4 0. 9 55 - 14. 5 0. 6 40 - 15.8 3null 6E .dKv q6“| HB m2null• ”null6E E  Fig.2 null Process of parameter null tracing algorithmic B, ž TdB /,7 6 E „  { ,  E;™ {Ÿ wL, m3 U[9]b m3null 6E Uim Fig.3 null Schemat ic diagram of dual voltage-tracking B| qk,œ  v   {Ÿ V 2 k V1 I1 kI2 6 ž  {  { B k, v {‚hl, l‚ 9v,B„„/Kv q,V7 V p ’ Kv qb E  m4 Ub  6E B“zW6Kv q E,‚  “d *_ b null149null28 1 null null null null null null null   ;™Kv qW6 E m4 null 6E E  Fig.4 null Process of dual voltage tracking method 4null;™”  ˜ ;™ {Ÿ ;v ,, /r,. 16“d  9[ J] .   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Based on the analysis of thee- quivalent circuit model of the solar battery, themathematical model of the solar battery array is established and the effec- tiveness of these two algorithms are verified by the MPPT simulation experiment. Key words photovoltaic power; MPPT; tracking object; indirect tracing algorithm; simulation null56null nullnull nullnull Snullnull null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null null 2010 M


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