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20190315 新南威尔士大学叠片研究历史回顾及技术展望 UNSW's research on shingling photovoltaic module (updated)

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20190315 新南威尔士大学叠片研究历史回顾及技术展望 UNSW's research on shingling photovoltaic module (updated)

Schol of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Enginering UNSW’sresearchonshingledsolarcell interconectionthepast,currentandfuture     ZiOuyang   ,AlisonLennon,Pei-ChiehHsiao  , OliverKunz BramHoex,ZivHameiri, JianhuaZhao  , AihuaWang   ,MartinGreen 15 March 2019,  Suzhou Maximum shear stress Glass EVA Back sheet History of UNSWsolarresearch 1974 Martin Green starts PV research UNSW 1983 18 efficient silicon cell 1983 PERC cell invented 1985 20 silicon cell 1989 22 efficient PERC cell 1993 20 standard module 199623recordshingledmodule 2000 World’s first UG Photovoltaic Engineering 2008 25 world-record silicon cel 2012 Tyree Energy Technology Building 2014 Solar Industrial Research Facility 2014 40.4 solar conversion world record 2017 11.0 CZTS solar cell 2017 19.6 perovskite cell 1.1cm 2 History of UNSWsolarresearch shingled module 1974 Martin Green starts PV research UNSW 1983 18 efficient silicon cell 1983 PERC cell invented 1985 20 silicon cell 1989 22 efficient PERC cell 1993 20 standard module 199623recordshingledmodule 2000 World’s first UG Photovoltaic Engineering 2008 25 world-record silicon cel 2012 Tyree Energy Technology Building 2014 Solar Industrial Research Facility 2014 40.4 solar conversion world record 2017 11.0 CZTS solar cell 2017 19.6 perovskite cell 1.1cm 2 Honda Dream, 196 “World Solar Chalenge” Solar Car Race winer, used UNSW shingled PERC cel modules. Commercialised technologies Buried Contact Solar Cels BP Solar Pluto Solar Cel Suntech Semiconductor Finger Technology Laser Doping Technology Suntech Passivation Advanced hydrogenation consortium Improved H mobility reactivity LIDandLeTID ALDandPECVDthin-filmpassivation PERC Carier-selectivecontact Characterisation PL/ELimagingBTi Metalisationandmodule technologies Shingledmodule Coper plating Laser processes Advanced optical,electrical,thermaland mechanicaldesigns Module temperature reduction Reduce module Tto increase output and operational life 0 5 10 15 20 25 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Effi c i e n c y , UNSW PERC UNSW silicon PV research portfolio Itisnot a new idea. Dickson’s singling patent in 1960,just 6 years after Chapin’s first silicon cel. Proposed mainly for powering satelites at early stage. Which means, itisan obvious idea. Reduced curent and associated series resistant power loss. P loss I 2 R Module fuly covered by cels. No shaded busbars. IA Flexibility in module design. CTM losses Not a valid parameter any more, or more important But why hasnotit taken of Shingled module early history and advantages Dickson, US patent, 1960 shingling, soldered Leinkram, US patent, 1973 foreign substrate, soldered Wyat, US patent, 1964 satelite, soldered Flodl, US patent, 1989 series paralel, soldered Reliability Interconectfailureduetomismatchofcoeficients of thermal expansion CTE. In1960to70s,limitedimprovementbybending solderedwiring. Electricaly conductive adhesive ECAseems toabetterjointoption. UNSW’sstressmodelingprovidesguidelines. Cleavingdamage. Laserormechanicalcleavingcreatesdamage. AlternativeThermallaserseparationTLS Isedgepassivationneeded UNSW’spassivationandcharacterisation. Shingled module challenges1 Man, US patent, 1967 bendingwiring Baron, US patent, 1969 bending“floating”wiring Kaule, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018 Manufacturability Inearlydayscelswerehand-picked. Highyield,reliableprocessesareneeded. Smartwaysofcutingpreviouspage, cleaving, andplacement.Accurateplacementor mould In-linecharacterisationUNSWresearch Moduleconfiguration/layout Configurationsforribbon-based interconectiondonotwork. Maximumpoweroutputatlowcosts. Minimumshadingimpactandhotspot. Selectionofby-passdiodes. UNSWcircuitdesign. Shingled module challenges2 Morad, US patent, 2017 curvedcleaving “Slimline”structuredEVAfoil,FISE BestPVmodulesforsolarcars. 20,000celsshingledfor4solarrace carsin1996WorldSolarChallenge. Record-breaking23shingledPERC modulesresultedinrecord-breaking winnersolarcar,HondaDream. UNSW’sshingledPERCcellmodulesforWSC1 Professor MartinGreen holding the record-breaking23 module WSCwinnerHondaDreamwith averagespedof90km/h Designremarksfortherecord performance. BestPERCcelswith23eficiency. LowCTMlossof0.6 abs .Shingling advantages. AveragedcelV oc 700mVinthemodule.LowR s . RecombinationmanagementDielectricspacer betweenbusbarandthesilicon,lowresistance wafer,difusionisolationattheedge. To be learned by today’s designs 0.4 abs eficiency gain with light-traping glass. Brickwork layout reduces shading loss up to 30 abs . FISE’s report20yearsafterthedesign. Pioneersproduced1500celsawek. UNSW’sshingledPERCcellmodulesforWSC2 ZhaoPIP1997,ZhaoIEETED1999 Mondo EuPVSEC2018 Stresslocationidentification FirstFEMmodellingforshingled modules Solar cel is under high compressive andshearstress at the iner edge of front busbar. Maximumshear stress in ECA occurs at the same edge as in the solar cel. Bondingiscriticalforstresses Shearstresssolder ECA great Young’s modulus.Bondingfailure. Tensile and compressive stress in Si higherforsoldering.Waferfailure. Increasedstresses withincreased numberofcels. Oncemodelisbuilt,geometryand materialparameterscanbefedinfor variousdesignoptimisations. UNSW’sstressresearchforshingledmodules Glass EVA Back sheet Compressive stressMaximum shear stress Glass EVA Back sheet 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 50 60 70 80 90 135 150 165 180 195 210 Solder-bonded module Si Solder ECA-bonded module Si ECA M axi mu m s h ear str es s M Pa Number of cells 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 -420 -385 -350 -315 105 120 135 150 Solder-bonded module Max tensile Min compressive ECA-bonded module Max tensile Min compressive Si p r i n c i p al str ess M Pa Number of cells SPICEmodelingremarks Reversebreakdown voltage strongly determines the power loss. Shingled modules stilare vulnerable to shading. Recomendable to use at least 2 BPDs in shingled modules to minimise power loss and hot spot risk. Thermal modellingtobeincluded Newdesignsimulationfedback modifieddesign. UNSW’ssingledmoduleconfigurationresearch Submittedforpublication Edgepasivationseemstobecritical IdentifiedinUNSWshingledmodule designforsolarcarsdielectricisolation, lowresistancewafer,isolateddifusion isolation,etc. Aproblemnotwidelyrecogonisednow industryishappywithsignificant improvementvs.ribbon Butwillreveallaterwithpursueforhigher andhighereficiencyifthesingled interconectionhasafuture. Acallforin-linecharacterisationafter cleaving UNSW’sstrategiesforadvancedpasivation Thanksforyourattention  “  


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