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光伏产业革命性智能化解决方案 PV Industry Revolution Of Smart Solutions,Stone Wu 吴协祥,Chairman President 董事长兼总裁 Shanghai GGSOLAR 上海正硅新能源科技有限公司 MOBILE 13817712808, 18861588007 EMAIL,Speaker Resume Stone Wu,吴协祥,正硅董事长兼总裁 1974年出生广东惠来,上海交通大学动力机械工学学士,复旦大学管理学院MBA SEMI中国标准委员会核心委员 光伏电站标准工作小组组长 上海市太阳能行业协会光伏技术委员会委员 18 年的半导体集成电路和 光伏产业生产管理经验,长期任职海内外知名上市公司质量、技术生产管理岗位;致力于光伏产业的智能技术整体解决方案,从事智能芯片、智能组件、智能电站的开发与投资到传统光伏电站的智能化升级与运维。 历任 国电光伏有限公司 副总经理、总工程师 晶澳太阳能 扬州公司副总经理、总部资深总监 中芯国际集成电路制造(上海)有限公司 质量经理,吴协祥 Stone Wu 董事长兼总裁 Chairman President,环境问题日益严重,Environment problem is getting worse and worse ,发展和应用新能源产业迫在眉睫,CONTENTS,目录,,,序幕第三次工业革命,光伏电站的发电量问题,光伏电站的运维问题,,光伏电站的安全性问题,必然出路光伏智能化,总体解决对策,,,,,,Final solution Smart module and PV system,General solution,Monitor and maintenance problem,Safety and reliability problem,Power output problem,Prologue The third industrial revolution,预告智能光伏联盟,,Announce in advance Smart PV Alliance,第一次工业革命The first industrial revolution,第一次工业革命,The first industrial revolution,以机器代替手工工具的时代。 The era of the machine instead of hand tools. 时间18世纪60年代19世纪中期; Period 1760s to mid-19th century 地域西欧、北美。 Region Western Europe, North America. 技术特征 Technical characteristics 以工作机的诞生开始,以蒸汽机作为动力机被广泛使用为标志的,工业革命使工厂制代替了手工工场,用机器代替了手工劳动。Beginning with the birth of working machines, marked by widespread use of the steam engine , The Industrial Revolution made The industrial revolution made the factory instead of manual workshop, machines instead of manual labor. 社会关系特征Social characteristics 工业革命使依附于落后生产方式的自耕农阶级消失了,工业资产阶级和工业无产阶级形成和壮大起来。The Industrial Revolution made the yeoman class attached to the backward mode of production disappeared, and brought about the growth and consolidation of the industrial-bourgeoisie and the industrial-proletariat . 工业革命的影响The influence of the industrial revolution 经济领域-生产力极大的提高。Economic Area greatly improvement of productivity. 资本主义经济迅速发展。 Rapid development of the capitalist economy. 工业结构发生了变化。The change of industrial structure. 政治领域是东方开始从属于西方。The political field the East began to subordinate to the West.,第二次工业革命The second industrial revolution,第二次工业革命,The second industrial revolution,化石能源与电信电话技术的时代。The era of fossil energy and telecommunication technology. 时间19世纪70年代20世纪中期; Period 1870s to mid-20th century 地域西欧、北美。 Region Western Europe, North America. 技术特征 Technical characteristics 电力的广泛应用、内燃机和新交通工具的创制、新通讯手段的发明,基于化石能源与电信电话技术,人类跨入了电气时代。With the wide application of electricity, the creation of engine power and new traffic tools and the invention of new communication method, based on fossil energy and telecommunication technology , human entered the age of electricity. 社会关系特征 Social characteristics 资产阶级壮大起来。The growth of the bourgeoisie. 工业革命的影响 The influence of the industrial revolution 首先,化石能源的大规模应用,如电力,煤炭等,这些新能源直接促进了重工业的大踏步前进,使大型的工厂能够方便廉价的获得持续有效的动力供应,进而使大规模的工业生产成为可能,并为之后的经济垄断奠定了基础。First, large-scale applications of fossil energy, such as electricity, coal, etc These new energy directly promoted the development of heavy industry rapidly. Large factories can obtain convenient and cheap power supply continuously and effectively and large-scale industrial production became possible, which laid the foundation for later economic monopoly.,第二次工业革命The second industrial revolution,第二次工业革命,The second industrial revolution,工业革命的影响 The influence of the industrial revolution 其次,内燃机的发明解决了长期困扰人类的动力不足的问题。内燃机的发明又促进了发动机的出现,发动机的发明又解决了交通工具的问题,推动了汽车,远洋轮船,飞机的迅速发展,使人类的足迹遍布了全世界,也让各个地区的文化,贸易交流更加便利。Second, the invention of the internal combustion engine solved the problem of lack of power. Promoted by internal combustion engine, the emergence of engine solved the transport problem, pushed the rapid development of cars, ocean-going ships and aircrafts, so that human footprints all over the world, but also the communication of culture and trade more convenient. 第三,通讯工具的发明。自从19世纪70年代美国人贝尔发明了电话之后,人与人之间的交流就不在局限与面对面的谈话。Third, the invention of communication tools. Since the American Bell invented the telephone in 1870s, communication between people is not limited to talking face to face. 最后,化工业的迅猛发展。炸药的发明,大大促进了军工业的进步,并最终导致第一次世界大战的爆发。从煤炭中提取各种化合物,塑料,人造纤维先后被投入实际生活。 Finally, rapid development of the chemical industry. The invention of dynamite contributed greatly to the progress of the military industry, and ultimately led to the outbreak of the First World War. Extracted from coal, plastics and synthetic fibers have been put into practical life.,第三次工业革命The third industrial revolution,第三次工业革命,The third industrial revolution,可再生能源与互联网(能源互联网)的时代。The era of renewable energy and energy internet. 时间20世纪中期; Period Mid twentieth Century; 地域北美、中国、全球化。 Region North America, China, globalization. 技术特征 Technical characteristics 以集成电路、可再生能源与互联网为基础,从传统集中式的人类经营活动逐步变换为智能化分散经营方式; based on the developing of IC industry, renewable energy and the Internet technology, our life is gradually transformed from the traditional centralized human activity mode to intelligent decentralized one. 五个支柱可再生能源、分散式智能化生产、分散式智能化储存、互联网智能化分配、零排放。Five pillars renewable energy, production of distributed intelligent, storage of distributed intelligent, allocation of internet intelligence, zero emissions. 社会关系特征 Social characteristics 传统的、等级化金字塔式的经济和政治权力将让位于以社会节点组织的扁平化权力。Flattening power organized by social node instead of the traditional, hierarchical economic and political power with pyramid structure.,光伏投资 About investment,光伏电站应关注的核心问题 25年安全性、 25年发电量、 25年监控与运维 25年并网 Core issues 25 years of security, power output, monitoring and maintenance, get on grid,光伏电站,真的值得投资吗,非智能,不投资,光伏产业全过程质量管理风险汇总Total quality control of PV industry–Risk Summary,风险汇总,Risk Summary,电 站 全 过 程 质 量 风 险 环 节,逆变器质量问题、汇流箱质量问题 quality of the inverter and the header box 使用未经过认证和测试的零部件 Parts without certification and test,无法有效的运维 Ineffective maintenance,抢工期,施工存在质量问题 Construction quality problems 未按要求安装 not meet the requirements,组件可靠性风险 Module reliability 组件制造过程中风险 Manufacturing process 使用未经过认证和测试的零部件Parts without certification and test,包装质量问题 Packaging quality 运输过程导致损失 Transport process,设计不合理 Unreasonable design 发电量预计考虑因素不足 Insufficient considerations of power output 结构计算考虑不足,支架承 受载荷偏低 Insufficient consideration of structural calculations,Risk Links In whole process of power plant,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,产生原因,Reasons,1.串联失配引起木桶效应Series circuitsCask effect caused by mismatch 2. PID问题电势差诱发衰减Potential Induced Degradation 3.设计不良Design problem 4.材料不良Material problem 5.施工不良Construction problem 6.运维不良Maintenance problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,1.串联失配引起木桶效应,Series circuitsCask effect caused by mismatch,因为串联电路,各种无论组件内部或外部原因 带来的局部发电量损失将引发木桶效应而带来 超量的功率损失 Due to mismatch in series, the power drop or degradation caused by internal factors or external factors may bring much more power loss, which is a cask effect,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,木桶效应 Cask effect 系统因串并联固有的特性,由设计、材料、遮荫遮挡等因素引起的电流电压失配问题、热斑问题时刻存在,带来光伏电站使用寿命25年中平均10以上的巨大发电量损失。 Due to the inherent characteristic of series-parallel , current and voltage mismatching and hot spots, caused by design, materials or shadow, always bring more than 10 losses of power output during 25years lifetime.,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,2. PID问题电势差诱发衰减,Potential Induced Degradation,电势差诱发衰减(简称“PID”Potential Induced Degradation)问题普遍存在,带来光伏电站随着使用寿命增加越来越严重、且因木桶效应而在系统中放大的巨大发电量损失。 The common PID problem brings enormous loss of output. The loss will increase on aging and be enlarged by cast effect.,25年使用寿命中,LID(Light induced degradation) \PID(Potential induced degradation) 等光伏技术与材料等固有特性造成的衰减不容忽视。 The module’s degradation of LID or PID will cause huge loss to module output during 25years life time。,PID,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,3.设计不良,Design problem,光伏阵列设计在高压电缆附近,电缆受太阳辐照角度影响产生阴影遮挡现场,从而使组件产生热斑,影响发电效率。 The array is too close to high-voltage cables, which can lead to shape on modules and cause hot spot。,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,4.材料不良,Material problem,电池片、EVA等原材料不良可能会导致组件功率不足。 Poor materials quality like solar cells, EVA and etc may cause low module output。,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,5.施工不良,Construction problem,施工过程中现场组件随意叠放、搬运过程不注意减震、不按档位规划安装等,将增大组件隐裂与造成功率损失的风险。 Modules storage, delivery installation NOT in a proper way to cause micro crack and low output problem。,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,6.运维不良,Maintenance problem,运维管理杂草遮挡、鸟粪、灰尘等易造成热斑,而清洗不当、撞击等容易引起组件爆裂。 Shelter against the sun, like weeds, birds droppings, dust may cause hot spot problem; NOT proper cleaning struck may cause modules broken。,第一类问题光伏电站的发电量问题Power output problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,产生原因,Reasons,1.热斑问题Hot spot problem risk 2.设计问题Design problem risk 3.材料问题Material problem risk 4.工艺问题Process problem risk 5.施工问题Construction problem risk 6.运维问题Maintenance problem risk,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,1.热斑问题,Hot spot,热斑问题不仅会造成组件失效,处理不当可能会引发火灾。 Hot spot may lead to module breakage, and even lead to fire if not handled properly。,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,2.设计问题,Design problem,某电站在设计时忽略当地气候情况,导致电站组件无法抵御当地时常发生的沙尘灾害、连续闪电等,造成电站损毁等经济损失。 A plant ignore climate factors during design process. And the plant got damaged by local sand storm or lightning, which cause PV power station damage big lost。,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,3.材料问题,Material problem,电缆规格与电站设计使用不匹配,导致在实际使用中烧毁,易造成火灾。 The selected cables‘electrical capability don’t meet the power output current, which cause the cable burned。,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,4.制造工艺不良,Manufacturing Process problem,a电池片暗电流Cell reverse current b电池片焊接工艺(虚焊、过焊)Cell soldering process c层压交联度及其均匀性Gel-content uniformity test d边框打胶均匀性影响密封长期可靠性Frame sealing long-term reliability performance.,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,5.施工问题,Construction problem,施工过程中支架底部接地网焊接处 ,施工后未作防腐处理,易造成基 部腐蚀。 The bottom of support frame didn’t have corrosion preventing treatment and led to corrosion.,接地线的松动给电站造成安全隐患。 The loose of earth connection may lead to other danger.,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,6.运维问题,Maintenance problem,清洗不当、运维中撞击等容易引起组件爆裂。 NOT proper cleaning struck may cause modules broken。,第二类问题光伏电站的安全性问题security problem,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,第三类问题光伏电站的运维问题maintenance problem,监控与运维问题,Monitor and maintenance problem,光伏电站组件数量庞大占地面积巨大,难以实现有效的电站监控与运维(100MW光伏电站须占地3500亩、须安装组件40万个)。 PV power station usually has huge numbers of modules, occupy big area, which hard to take effective monitoring maintenance. 100MW PV power station needs 400,000pcs of modules,1 million square meters land area.,如何对光伏电站 实施有效的 监控与运维 How to implement effective monitoring and maintenance for PV power station,对策,Solution,光伏电站智能化,实现光伏产业跨界发展之路 Smart PV solution to ensure the industry crossover development,总体解决对策total solution,智能化技术发展趋势 What’s the Future,我们的出路和机会能源移动互联网 OUR solution OPPORTUNITY Energy Movable Internet,,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,能源互联网 Energy Internet,每个发电单元的智能化 Smart power generation unit,能源移动互联 Energy Movable Internet,电站数字化管理 Digital Management,智能化技术发展趋势,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,,提升发电量,5,10,2,--,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,太阳能技术与半导体技术、通讯技术、储能技术和互联网技术的结合,将是实现“第三次工业革命”的必然发展道路,降低遮挡、失配、老化 等对发电量的影响,智能灭弧、关断提高系统安全性,减少运维成本,即时精确监控 数据下载分析,提高可靠性 提高系统效率,解决方案一已建电站智能化外挂优化器 Solution for the established PV systemPlug-in optimizer,使用外挂式功率优化器升级电站,可实现功率优化和故障诊断,通过 实时监控实现便捷运维。 The established PV system can optimize the power output and diagnose the fault via updated by plug-in optimizer. It also can make the real time monitor and maintenance comes true.,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,功率提升原理统一电流 How the optimizer work Uniform current,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,外挂优化器的优势,Advantages of plug-in optimizer,相比普通电站,外挂优化器年发电量平均可提高6以上 Compare to regular PV plant, the plug-in optimizer can promote the output up to 6,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,经对比,智能芯片组件各项性能均优于分立器件智能组件。 The intelligent chip module is superior to intelligent discrete device one.,解决方案二新建电站智能化智能芯片组件 Solution for the new PV systemIntelligent chip modules,组件的智能化目前有两种技术方向,一种是基于分立器件的智能化,第二种是基于半导体智能管理芯片的智能组件,那么这两者各自的优缺点在哪呢 Currently there are mainly two methods for intelligent module research. One is the intellectualization based on discrete device, the other one is based on semiconductor chip.,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,提高地面覆盖利用率 Improve the utilization of ground 将站点开发成本降至最低,压缩 OM 费用 Minimize development costs 将整个太阳能板寿命周期内的功率损耗降至最小 Minimize the power loss within module service life 消除热斑主要的组件故障原因 Solve main problem , hot spot,VT8012 每 12 块电池 1 个优化器 12 cells, 1 chip,传统方式 Traditional 每 20 块电池 1 个旁路二极管 20 cells, 1 bypass diode,VT8020 每 20 至 24 块电池 1 片优化器芯片 20-24 cells, 1 chip,旁路二极管,,,优化器IC,,必然出路 芯片级电池功率优化器 Final solution Chip-level Cell optimizer,将MPPT功能深度嵌入到PV系统 Deeply embed MPPT into PV systems,智能组件工作原理,How the intelligent chip work,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,左图表示三个芯片控制三串电池,组件总功率240W,每串电池80W。Left shows three chips control three strings of cells, module’s total power is 240W, each string of cells 80W.,第一串一个电池被遮挡,芯片会调节该串的输出电流电压,确保该串的输出电流与另外两串保持一致,对应串的输出电压则降低了,使得该组件的输出功率为25.5*8204W When one cell of the first string is shadowed, the chip will regulate the output current and voltage of the string to ensure the output current consistent with the other two strings. The output voltage will be reduced. The output power of the module 25.5 * 8 204W. 同理,若是普通组件,那么在一电池片被遮挡时,二极管导通,组件功率输出只有160W,那么智能组件输出功率相对提升的程度为 (204-160)/16027.5 Compared to the general module, when one cell shadowed, the diode will conduct. Module power output is only 160W. So the improved range of output is 204-160 /16027.5,方案对比--智能组件,Comparison of different modules Discrete Device,Traditional,Discrete Device,IC,成本 0.6元/瓦 Cost 0.6RMB/W 发电量 5 Output 5 监控组件级 Monitor Module level,成本 0.5元/瓦 Cost 0.5RMB/W 发电量 10 Output 10 监控组件级 Monitor Module level,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,VT8024EQD-C01,芯片智能接线盒,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,Comparison of Intelligent junction box,No Smart,No Investment 非智能,不投资,必然出路智能组件与智能电站 Final solution Smart module Smart PV system,智能芯片组件的优势,Advantage of Intelligent chip module,相比普通组件,智能组件年发电量平均可提高10以上 Compare to regular PV plant the intelligent chip module can promote the output up to 10,智能电站--智能电网,Smart PV system to smart grid,太阳能技术结合半导体技术、互联网技术和储能技术,将是实现“第三次工业革命”的必然发展道路 PV technology integrated with semiconductor, internet and energy storage technology will be the way to realize “the third industrial revolution”,


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